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It's Here!!!

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  • rchatlin
    Talkative Member
    • Jun 24, 2001
    • 5768

    It's Here!!!

    My Friends,
    here we have one happy author with the first bound copy of Mego 8" SuperHeroes: World's Greatest Toys! direct from the printer in Hong Kong.

    If I ask nicely, maybe he'll let me sneak a peek.

  • toys2cool
    Ultimate Mego Warrior
    • Nov 27, 2006
    • 28605

    sweeeet!!! looks awesome
    "Time to nut up or shut up" -Tallahassee
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    • Earth 2 Chris
      Verbose Member
      • Mar 7, 2004
      • 32606

      Congrats Benjamin. I know today must feel like a real milestone for you. You've done it my friend!!!

      And now we all get to benefit!!!

      Chris, camping out at my mailbox.


      • Hulk
        Mayor of Megoville
        • May 10, 2003
        • 16007

        That is stunning! It looks even better than I imagined. Hard to believe it is finally on US soil (even if it is just a single copy). Congratulations Benjamin!

        And Rob, I'm totally jealous that you've seen it already. It makes me want to drive to LA and hunt Benjamin down until he let's me read through it (although I'd recommend against allowing me to do that since I'd probably try to steal it!)


        • Man of Action
          Persistent Member
          • Oct 26, 2006
          • 1075

          mmhmmhmm I can smell that ink from here!!! congrats.!!


          • Dave Mc
            • Oct 20, 2002
            • 17827

            AWESOME! I ordered one of the special signed editions, so Benjamin better get busy with that pen.

            Congrats on a dream made real Benjamin, and even without actually seeing the finished book in person, I have to say thanks for the hard work.


            • imp
              Mego Book Author
              • Apr 20, 2003
              • 1579

              It was a great day for Rob and me. A little Dim Sum for brunch and finally an opportunity to share the finished book with Rob, an amazing pal and confidant who put unimaginable time and effort into this project.

              Heck, even our beloved Michigan Wolverines managed to beat Sparty this afternoon. A perfect day all around.

              I can't wait for the shipments to start, so everyone can join the geek celebration.

              (who needs to eat a salad. Or go to the gym. Or at least lay off the Haagen-Dazs.)


              • ScottA
                Original Member
                • Jun 25, 2001
                • 12264

                This is very cool news. Congrats my friends.
                sigpic WANTED: Boxed, Carded and Kresge Carded WGSH


                • starsky
                  veteran member
                  • Aug 26, 2007
                  • 6200

                  very nice!!


                  • bagmonster
                    Registered Lurker
                    • Apr 13, 2002
                    • 801

                    Congratulations!!! I can't wait for my turn!


                    • megowgsh
                      Customego HoF Curator
                      • Nov 19, 2003
                      • 7420

                      What an incredible, personal triumph for you!

                      And what an absolutely delectable treat for us!

                      Thanks Benjamin!
                      Check out ALL my customs at


                      • Meule
                        Verbose Member
                        • Nov 14, 2004
                        • 28720

                        Congrats Ben, I can't imagine how proud you must be now.
                        Looking forward to getting my copy of this Mego sweetness
                        "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe


                        • VintageMike
                          Permanent Member
                          • Dec 16, 2004
                          • 3380

                          Congrats, I know there was time it seemed like this would never happen, so I can only imagine how gratifying this is. Can't wait we start getting them and can get in on the3 fun!


                          • SlipperyLilSuckers
                            • May 14, 2003
                            • 9031

                   looks fantastic and will look even better in my toy room!


                            • Wee67
                              Museum Correspondent
                              • Apr 2, 2002
                              • 10599

                              Wow! You must be so deservedly filled with pride and accomplishment. I can't wait to benefit from all your efforts and get my copies!
                              WANTED - Solid-Boxed WGSH's, C.8 or better.

