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Type 2 Hands in Type 1 Body?

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    Permanent Member
    • May 15, 2009
    • 3179

    Type 2 Hands in Type 1 Body?

    I don't have any bodies nearby, but I was thinking about a custom project and I have a Type 1 that needs some new hands. Will Type 2 hands fit into the Type 1 arm with no issue?

    Seems like it would, but I can't recall seeing any like this or if Type 1's hand plug was different.

    Any help would be appreciated!
  • hedrap
    Permanent Member
    • Feb 10, 2009
    • 4825

    You would have to remove the T2 wrist key and insert that into the T1, so it comes down to the length and width difference between the T1 rivet wrist plug and the T2 plastic key.


    • ODBJBG
      Permanent Member
      • May 15, 2009
      • 3179

      Yeah I guess that's my question, are the wrist pins on a Type 2 able to fit into a Type 1 body with no issue.


      • SeattleEd
        SynthoRes Transmigrator
        • Oct 24, 2007
        • 4351

        Type 2 pins might be too small for type 1 forearm sockets.


        • Neutron X
          Persistent Member
          • Dec 22, 2007
          • 1803

          Time to get out the hot glue and try it! if the gap isn't too big the hot glue should work. I have been enjoying type 1 Megos since I started restringing them like talker GIJOES. No more leg and arm spread. Has anyone tried painting the metal joints a flesh color? I love type "0" figures and was wondering if this would please me with the type 1s. The metal rivits have driven me nuts since childhood.


          • greensavage2000
            Veteran Member
            • Aug 9, 2013
            • 415

            You know when I was a kid and the type 2 body came out I was very happy. The metal rivets bugged me too. For some reason now I prefer the type 1 to be on my shelf. I guess now it's more than aesthetics. I think the memory of those first megos are so powerful and beloved is why.


            • darkbros
              Persistent Member
              • Jul 3, 2012
              • 1368

              For me its more about what Physique the character should have in being somewhat comic accurate. So Joker, Green Lantern, Silver Age Toyman, Riddler, to me all look better on Type 1 bodies.
              Batman, Superman, Captain America and Captain Marvel all look better on Type 2. Spider-man I'm on the fence about, as I like both skinny Ditko spider-man and muscular Romita Spider-Man.

              Of late though, if I can't find arms or need the hands to be certain color, I just frankenstein a pair of Type 2 arms onto a Type 1 body. Under clothes, it doesn't look that bad, and the arms fit well enough in
              the sockets when restrung with elastic cord.
              Customizing 1:9: My Videoblog journey of Customizing!
              "I don't do it for the haters, I do it for the players." --snoop dogg

