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Help with cleaning up McCoy and Scotty

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  • greensavage2000
    Veteran Member
    • Aug 9, 2013
    • 415

    Help with cleaning up McCoy and Scotty

    I got them cheap but they have some stains.

    Here's some of McCoy's spots

    I used rubbing alcohol and toothbrush on it. I put a small piece of a cloth inside the shirt to soak up the dirty alcohol instead of leaking thru. It worked pretty good.

    I have tried the same thing on Scotty's with little to no effect. Do I remember right reading somewhere that their belts can stain their shirts? If so does this look like that's what's happened here? Is there a method for that kinda stain?

    The other thing I'm wondering is there a way to wash these and not screw up the insignias? I usually put warm water and woolite in a small jar and shake. I'm afraid they'll come loose if I do that with these.

    Thanks in advance for any help or answers. It's much appreciated.
  • josephcardone
    Persistent Member
    • Jun 10, 2010
    • 1047

    I think that may be dye from the pants on Scott's shirt. You did pretty well with McCoy. Since the silver is already off the logo - the grey adheres pretty firm - so you can wash them but I think (besides cleaning them) the stains may not come out.


    • greensavage2000
      Veteran Member
      • Aug 9, 2013
      • 415

      Thanks for your reply. I didn't know the pants could stain the shirt but that may be it. I'm going to put some Dawn dish soap on Scotty's stains and soak overnight. I might attempt to wash McCoy and hope that insignia stays on. Wish me luck and if anyone else has a tip please feel free. I'd appreciate the help and feedback. No matter I'll update this with any progress.


      • EMCE Hammer
        Moderation Engineer
        • Aug 14, 2003
        • 25680

        Make sure that you wash everything separately. Scott's shirt is probably beyond repair as that is most likely either bleed from the pants or bleed from the plastic on the belt. You can reattach the insignias a variety of ways if they come loose in the cleaning process.


        • greensavage2000
          Veteran Member
          • Aug 9, 2013
          • 415

          Originally posted by EMCE Hammer
          Make sure that you wash everything separately. Scott's shirt is probably beyond repair as that is most likely either bleed from the pants or bleed from the plastic on the belt. You can reattach the insignias a variety of ways if they come loose in the cleaning process.
          That's bad news about Scotty. You're probably right but I'm still going to try some stuff. I might as well. Maybe with luck I'll develop a new method for this kinda stain. I'll give McCoy a wash too. Thanks for your input I do appreciate it. I hope to post the results soon.


          • TrekStar
            Trek or Treat
            • Jan 20, 2011
            • 8382

            Scotty might be an issue, I don't think you will be able to completely clean that.

            You might have to grab one off ebay, I have seen a nice clean one for under $20.00 buy it now.
            I believe the auction is still going on.

            I can double check my trek stuff for an original Scotty shirt and let you know, but it's 50/50


            • greensavage2000
              Veteran Member
              • Aug 9, 2013
              • 415

              Thanks for the offer but I'm good with Scotty's shirt for right now. It might be a while before I get a chance to try to clean them up again. I was hit by a car Wednesday night walking to a bus stop. I'm in some pain and got some road rash from hitting the ground. I chipped my L3 vertebrae and have a lot of soft tissue damage in my right hip joint which is making it difficult and painful to walk. I'm trying to keep in mind this could have been a lot worse when starts to get to me. All in all I'm lucky to be alive and have injuries I can recover from.


              • TrekStar
                Trek or Treat
                • Jan 20, 2011
                • 8382

                Originally posted by greensavage2000
                Thanks for the offer but I'm good with Scotty's shirt for right now. It might be a while before I get a chance to try to clean them up again. I was hit by a car Wednesday night walking to a bus stop. I'm in some pain and got some road rash from hitting the ground. I chipped my L3 vertebrae and have a lot of soft tissue damage in my right hip joint which is making it difficult and painful to walk. I'm trying to keep in mind this could have been a lot worse when starts to get to me. All in all I'm lucky to be alive and have injuries I can recover from.
                That's horrible news, so glad your okay or at least not worse, if you feel like telling how it happened please feel free, I hope the person responsible is being completely cooperative
                and paying (all) hospital bills, if not then sue there stupid A** off! either way I would definitely get an attorney, by the sounds of your injuries, this person was driving over the speed limit or just
                not paying attention, probably gabbing on cell phone or texting. Hope you get better soon, and sorry this happened to you.


                • greensavage2000
                  Veteran Member
                  • Aug 9, 2013
                  • 415

                  Originally posted by tjacwave50
                  That's horrible news, so glad your okay or at least not worse, if you feel like telling how it happened please feel free, I hope the person responsible is being completely cooperative
                  and paying (all) hospital bills, if not then sue there stupid A** off! either way I would definitely get an attorney, by the sounds of your injuries, this person was driving over the speed limit or just
                  not paying attention, probably gabbing on cell phone or texting. Hope you get better soon, and sorry this happened to you.
                  Thanks tjacwave50. I got hit from behind. I never saw it coming. I only remember a few things after the impact and getting to the emergency room. I was knocked out. I don't know how long I was laying there.
                  I was on my feet somehow and the ambulance was just getting there is the first thing I remember. I can't remember when the cop got there. I don't remember getting into the ambulance. In the ambulance one of them asked an other who called it in and they said it was anymous. Whoever hit me took off, hit and run.
                  After my CTscan the guy in the ER they said I had a hairline crack in my L3 vertebrae. Later when after I got moved to the tramua unit I was told my L3 had a piece chipped off. I also had a concussion, road rash from hitting the ground, and a lot of swelling and soft tissue damage.
                  I've been doing the therapy and pushing as hard as I could. I went from every movement was agony to being able to stand, walk up one step, walk on my own with a walker, and get in and out of a tub shower. You have to meet a certain criteria before they send you home. If you can't they'll send you to a long term care facility or nursing home. I passed the therapy test so I got to go home.
                  They cut me loose yesterday evening. I wanted to go but was a little worried how it would go. I'm still in a lot of pain and getting out of a chair takes about all I have. I have to use a walker also. I hadn't seen myself and after I got home I looked in a mirror to find out I've got to two black eyes. I had no idea.
                  So far I've been able to do everything I've needed to even took a shower which was the thing I was most worried about being able to do.
                  My recovery is really going great. It frankly seems to be by leaps and bounds. From sheer egony and incapable of movement on my own to sitting in my home with much less pain, moving on my own is still pretty painful but still much better than before.
                  My follow up is the first of the month and I'm not supposed to go back to work before that. My fiftieth birthday is the twenty second and it looks like to really make me feel old I'll be hobbling around with my walker. Of course I'm hoping to not need it by then but we'll see. Overall I'm just very thankful I'm getting better and I will get to see that birthday. Here's some photos I took this morning.


                  Black eyes


                  • SKotK
                    Career Member
                    • Mar 11, 2014
                    • 574

                    Wow...hit and run, that just makes one's blood boil. Is it just me, or are we seeing an increase in these? Seems like more and more people refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions.

                    I've got mega problems with people not owning up to their mistakes and doing things like hit and run, just to save their own selfish skin from any possible atonement for what they did. Drinking is very often involved as well; and that's further incentive for them not to come forward, knowing the penalties are even more serious.

                    I hope they find the person and nail them to the wall, seriously throw the book at them. At least they had the decency (assuming it was them) to call the accident in before running like a coward.

                    Look what happens when you aren't allowed to play with "dolls"...

                    WANTED: partly-unsealed or bubble-damaged carded Romulan + unbroken plant trap from Mission to Gamma VI


                    • SKotK
                      Career Member
                      • Mar 11, 2014
                      • 574

                      On the subject of the figures: I had pretty good luck cleaning a Romulan's tunic (tricky one to clean at best!) using mild dish soap and warm water. Still, there was a little residue that just wouldn't budge. Anything left after a good but gentle hand cleaning like that is going to be very tricky to remove, if it's possible at all. Best of luck on your injury recovery, and on your cleaning project. It's always good to see previously well-played figures getting new life.

                      Look what happens when you aren't allowed to play with "dolls"...

                      WANTED: partly-unsealed or bubble-damaged carded Romulan + unbroken plant trap from Mission to Gamma VI


                      • EMCE Hammer
                        Moderation Engineer
                        • Aug 14, 2003
                        • 25680

                        Wow, I don't know what to say other than I'm glad it wasn't worse. It sounds like you're a trooper and you're going to be OK. At our age we don't heal as fast as we used to, so it's encouraging that you are up and around already even if it hurts like heck.


                        • greensavage2000
                          Veteran Member
                          • Aug 9, 2013
                          • 415

                          Thanks for the well wishes guys it means a lot. I'm getting better but still have a lot of pain at times. It gets to you just being in pain this long but I definitely try to keep in mind that I very easily could have been killed or paralyzed or brain damaged. I'm very thankful that it wasn't worse.
                          It's my birthday today and I wasn't really feeling it because I'm turning the big 5 oh and now I'm hobbling around with my walker as if I wasn't feeling old enough.
                          I'm honestly not as bummed as that makes it sound. Overall I'm in good spirits it's just sometimes I think this really sucks.
                          I'm honestly thinking about putting on some shorts and stepping outside. I haven't been outside since I got home Saturday.
                          My big problem is getting my shoes on. I have one of those long shoe horns but my feet are still swollen. When I got out of the hospital my shoes barely fit.
                          I'll probably take off my socks and wear my flip flops. Of course putting my socks back on is no easy task. I have a device that you put the sock on it has a strap to pull the sock on.
                          I'm just trying to illustrate how so many little things have become obstacles to overcome. Whether it's getting my food from the kitchen to the table or getting in the shower. Funny story there. This morning in the shower I dropped the soap, bad enough without my reacher but it took this bizarre bounce. It flew out of the tub and slid across the floor all the way into the master bedroom. I just stood there for a second and was like OK shower over. I had to laugh.
                          Sorry for rambling folks. Once again thanks for the feedback and well wishes.


                          • Vermillion-Windmere
                            • Oct 2, 2012
                            • 69

                            Happy Birthday! Glad you are on the mend.


                            • sprytel
                              Talkative Member
                              • Jun 26, 2009
                              • 6556

                              Wow, this thread is about so much more than cleaning up Trek figures! Sending positive thoughts and birthday wishes your way.

