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Need scans of GESTERN WAR'S battle stories / -pictures

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  • Agent4125
    Museum Super Collector
    • Aug 23, 2007
    • 182

    Need scans of GESTERN WAR'S battle stories / -pictures

    Does anyone here have any of the GESTERN WAR'S battle stories and -pictures,
    those three column texts and small pictures that came with the figures?
    (I attach the story and picture for the US Pilot, so that you can see what I mean.)

    If you have any of those, could you please contact me?
    I need scans or photos of some of them, because I am currently working on
    restoring / completing my old GESTERN WAR'S "collectors album".

    Back in 1977 / 78 my favourite action figures were the Mego / Lion Rock 7 inch WWII soldiers.
    Here in Germany they were distributed by toy manufacturer Schildkroet and were
    called GESTERN WAR'S (which I think can be translated "it had been yesterday").

    There were 32 figures available and each came with a small booklet that had promotional pictures
    of all the figures in it, as well as a "battle story" and a "battle picture" for that particular soldier.
    The story and picture could be put into a collectors album (german: "Sammelalbum").
    The album provided some additional information about the war, with pictures of planes, tanks, insignia, flags etc.
    See the attached picture of page 3 (US Tail Gunner) for an example of an empty album page.

    I still have my old collectors album. It has 12 of the stories and pictures in it.
    I also have an additional 10 stories in handwritten form, from some of the figures that my friends had,
    but don't know what the original text layout was. I am also thinking about recreating some of the
    small battle pictures for my album using the artwork that is on the boxes of the french or italian figures
    that I got in recent years. But I would need information on where the text was placed and what color it was.

    Pictures of the booklets from the french or the "Johnny Action" line would be helpful for this, too.

    So, if you have any of the stories or small pictures could you please contact me or post them here?
    Thank you!
  • Agent4125
    Museum Super Collector
    • Aug 23, 2007
    • 182

    I attached a picture of the 12 "battle pictures" that I already have. I also have the stories of those figures.

    But I need pictures and stories of the remaining 20 GESTERN WAR'S figures.
    Any help is appreciated!


    • Agent4125
      Museum Super Collector
      • Aug 23, 2007
      • 182

      Some progress report on my "GESTERN WAR'S album restoration project":

      The first step was to restore the album pages. The artwork on the pages originally was in black and white.
      But back in 1977/78 I colored most of it, using crayons and markers.

      A few weeks ago I scanned all the pages and used some graphics software to restore the original artwork
      and also removed any stains, scratches etc.

      The following picture shows the upper part of page 3 before and after restoration:

      The next step was restoring/ retouching the 12 stories that I have.
      Here is a picture showing the story from page 16 before and after restoration:

      The third step was retouching the "battle pictures".
      Some had scratches or other imperfections. I tried to improve them as good as I could.
      Here is the picture from page 10 as an example:

      So what's next? I have 10 additional stories in handwritten form.
      I will try to recreate the original layout for those texts (original font, column sizes etc.).
      I also plan to recreate some of the missing "battle pictures" from the artwork that is
      on the back of the french and italian boxes (I have some of those).


      • Agent4125
        Museum Super Collector
        • Aug 23, 2007
        • 182

        Another progress report.

        I've been working on reproducing the battle stories that I had only in handwritten form.
        I managed to create a three column text layout that looks very similar to
        the original GESTERN WAR'S text layout and reproduced the 10 handwritten stories.
        The following picture shows album page 5 with the reproduction text for the U.S. Infantryman
        (and a preliminary version of the small "battle picture", made from the back of a french release box):

        I then tried to reproduce the small pictures, using the artwork on the back of the boxes.
        I removed the logo and text and added the text that was on the small pictures.
        For 9 of the 10 figures I had appropriate box artwork that I retouched to create the pictures
        (still working on the texts in that stencil font, it's not perfect yet ):

        While comparing the boxarts from different releases I noticed that the italian versions
        are in some cases quite different. Here is a comparison of the German Mountain Trooper artwork:

        The picture shows (left to right): Artwork from the italian, german and french boxes.
        You can see that the "italian artwork" is much darker and completely in shades of blue
        while the other two are in grey / green and much lighter.
        Below the artworks is shown the insignia on the cap of the soldier.
        It seems to have been completely redrawn for the italian version.
        The insignia for the french and german artwork are also different,
        because on the german box artwork the swastika is missing
        (most likely because it wasn't allowed to be shown on a toy released in Germany).

        The 10th figure that I have the story of (in handwritten form) is the German Infantryman.
        I am still looking for a suitable picture of the artwork and also for information
        on the small pictures text (color and position of the text).

        And I am still looking for the stories and pictures for the remaining 10 figures
        (I have some of the french boxarts and could reproduce some of the small pictures,
        but I would still need the text of the stories...). So, any help is appreciated!


        • Agent4125
          Museum Super Collector
          • Aug 23, 2007
          • 182

          I got a suitable picture of the french boxart for the German Infantry
          (the 10th figure I have a handwritten story of) and recreated the album picture from it.

          I'm not sure what color the text had on the original picture.
          I think it was yellow, but it's been 35 years since I saw it, so I might be mistaken.

          So now that I have reproduction stories and pictures for 10 of the figures
          as well as my original 12 stories / pictures, I now can compile the list of 10 stories
          (and pictures) that I still need for my GESTERN WAR'S album:

          Deutscher Fallschirmjäger (German Paratrooper)
          Französischer Widerstandskämpfer (French Resistance Fighter)
          Französischer Soldat 2. Panz.div. (French Tank Commander)
          Japanischer Jagdflieger (Japanese Fighter Pilot)
          Japanischer Offizier (Japanese Officer)
          Japanischer Scharfschütze (Japanese Sharpshooter)
          Chinesischer Guerilla-Kämpfer (Chinese Guerrilla)
          Britischer Fallschirmjäger (British Paratrooper)
          Anzac Buschkämpfer (Anzac Bush Fighter)
          Italienischer Partisan (Italian Partisan)

