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Ayyyyyy Mego Museum Christmas Contest

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  • palitoy
    live. laugh. lisa needs braces
    • Jun 16, 2001
    • 59278

    Ayyyyyy Mego Museum Christmas Contest

    OK so I'm going to run a contest here and another one on the Megomania FB group.

    I'm giving the bigger prize to the forum because I'm really grateful that it's still thriving and more and more I appreciate this place over FB.

    So, first prize is this Officially endorsed (no numbers) Fonzie doll signed by Marty Abrams himself.

    To enter, all you need do is post a Mego memory of any kind below. One entry per person. This is open to any forum member in any part of the world.

    I will announce the winner on boxing day. Best of luck.
    Attached Files
    Places to find PlaidStallions online:

    Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:
  • PNGwynne
    Master of Fowl Play
    • Jun 5, 2008
    • 19485

    In winter 1974, near the birth of my youngest sister, my mother got me and my other sister gifts to buffer the arrival. I received my first Mego foe--a boxed Penguin.

    Later, its knee was broken and my grandfather replaced the rivet with a brad.
    WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


    • Hedji
      Citizen of Gotham
      • Nov 17, 2012
      • 7246

      I remember going to Niagara Falls, Canada and seeing Fist Fighter Megos for the first time in a tourist toy store. My mind exploded. I had never seen them in the states. You'd think I'd have talked my parents into one as a souvenir, but as one of 4 kids, that wasn't happening.

      To this day I've never seen a Fist Fighter in action!


      • Mego Usagi
        New Member
        • Apr 4, 2019
        • 2

        I had alot of the Mego superheroes as a kid, Captain America, Spiderman, Hulk, Iron Man, Aquaman, Superman, Batman, Robin, and Wonder Woman; but I didn't have one that I really wanted. For some reason I never found Falcon. I had a friend that did have Falcon and when I played with him I always wanted to use his Falcon. I think he would want to use my Hulk so we temporarily switched figures while we played.


        • cooperdraw
          New Member
          • Nov 26, 2019
          • 11

          I remember getting dragged to the mall with my cousin sometime around 1978. Afterward, on the way home there was a free standing Children's Palace that we begged and begged to go to until my aunt relented. The first isle I went down seemed to my eyes to have a wall of boxed Mego figures. It was probably just a couple of display boxes thinking back, but it was like they filled my whole vision and I couldn't see anything else. That pink Mr. Fantastic box will forever be burned into my brain. I was so happy to take him home and complete the Four.


          • CorpseSChris
            New Member
            • Jul 28, 2019
            • 1

            I remember being upset when my Superman Mego broke and my mom threw it away. She replaced it, but every time we passed the dump, I pictured my broken Supes in the piles of all the other garbage.


            • Brown Bear
              Still Old School
              • Feb 14, 2008
              • 7058

              I was in grade ten when I saw a Muhammad Ali and Ken Norton mego at the comic store. My two older brothers had an Ali but I never did and wanted this so bad! The owner said they weren’t for sale and belonged to him.
              I convinced my Dad to come with me and get them for Christmas but no dice. Despite my Dad’s emploring he wouldn’t budge.

              So every day after school I stopped in on my way home and tried to convince him to sell them. Every time the answer was the same.

              Come Christmas morning just like Ralphie getting his BB gun, inside a shoe box there they were! To this day those megos remain my most sentimental Christmas gift and to this day my father refuses to tell me what he paid for them.

              Merry Christmas everyone!
              Check out my website: Megozine Covers - Home


              • MBaldwin
                New Member
                • Dec 21, 2019
                • 1

                The great missing caper!

                My first Mego was a 74 removable cowl Batman. I took him to a friends house (Chris) to play and somehow lost the cowl. FOREVER!
                I still have the unmasked Batman and cherish it even if he can only be a caped Bruce Wayne now.


                • David Jackson
                  New Member
                  • Oct 17, 2013
                  • 12

                  Never had many megos as a kid, but do remember holding POTA Kornelius and Zira in my hands and how much I loved those films, TV series and cartoons.


                  • drquest
                    • Apr 17, 2012
                    • 3763

                    It's nearing Christmas 1975 and my parents and I are going home after a day of shopping. They stop by the local Sears which is on the way home and I'm invited to wait in our Ford Torino with my mom while my dad goes in to get something he ordered. I'm curious, as most nearly 6 year old's are, and produce with many questions. I watch from the backseat as he brings out a brown box and puts in it the trunk. More questions came out of my mouth, but little answers are provided. The drive home is a little over 10 minutes and I really wanted to know what was in that box. I was really close to it as it was in the trunk, but again, my parents kept me in the dark.

                    We get home, I'm ushered in in the house. Dinner is being prepared, but my mind still is wondering what was in the box, and why were they being quiet about it. I finally see my opportunity, my mom is fixing dinner and distracted, my dad, is not in his usual spot in the recliner. I don't know where he is, but he isn't on this side of the house. I sneak into their bedroom and decide I shouldn't turn on the lights. I find the brown box that has been vexing me the past 30 minutes(You know time to a kid is different than everyone else) and lay my hands on it. It's all brown, nothing to give away what's inside of it, at least nothing to my eyes. I pry open the box and I'm still puzzled. I end up pulling out using a white handle on the top something that looks amazing. It's kind of shiny, and dark blue colored with what looks like stars on it. I pull it out to start to really get a good look at it, when suddenly the light turns on. Oh no, I've been caught!

                    The item is quickly returned to the brown box, and I'm escorted out of their bedroom and was given quite the talking to as I remember. It's funny I can remember stuff before this and after the snooping incident while playing with my Mego Star Trek Enterprise Bridge set, but the actual getting it I have no memory. I also got, Kirk, Spock and McCoy and I played with the Enterprise Bridge so much it finally fell apart year later. I do still have Spock and McCoy, but alas Kirk.. I assume the Gorn came for him and I don't have him any longer.
                    Captain Action HQ
                    Retro shirts and stuff
                    More retro shirts
                    Stuff For Sale


                    • enyawd72
                      Maker of Monsters!
                      • Oct 1, 2009
                      • 7904

                      When I was little, and a huge fan of The Incredible Hulk TV series, I got the 12" Hulk for Christmas. I remember my mother thinking he didn't really look like the TV version, so she actually sewed him a new outfit. Jeans, and a plaid shirt, and glued some frizzy pea green craft fur to his head. She was a customizer before there even was such a thing. Oh how I loved that Hulk. I wish I still had him, but at least I have the memories. Thanks Mom.


                      • johnnystorm
                        Hot Child in the City
                        • Jul 3, 2008
                        • 4293

                        I never had any Megos when they first came out in the 70s. When I started collecting them, I found the Mego was here I learned so much about these wonderful toys!


                        • ODBJBG
                          Permanent Member
                          • May 15, 2009
                          • 3145

                          Getting my hands on that first Mego Hulk. Putting him in a wacky Action Jackson shirt and cowboy hat. He's still probably my favorite groovy dude.


                          • toyman
                            Just Another Collector
                            • Sep 1, 2008
                            • 937

                            The first time I ever saw Mego was at a store called A-Mart and it was a counter top box just put out full of Superman, Batman, Robin and Aquaman. I didn't leave with any of them.


                            • sprytel
                              Talkative Member
                              • Jun 26, 2009
                              • 6556

                              It was almost Christmas. My mom and I were driving from Pittsburgh to Toledo, where my grandmother lived. I was riding in the wayback of our Chrysler Town & Country station wagon with the wood paneling on the sides... as we did in those days before safety was invented.

                              I had brought my Mego Flash Gordon playset and had loaded it with an assortment of Megos: my Star Trek figures and Superman and Captain America (and probably a Super Joe or a SWAT figure mixed in). Undoubtedly, the crew of the Enterprise had beamed down to a strange new world and gotten themselves into some sort of predicament... that could only be resolved by lots of punching.

                              Unfortunately, the station wagon broke down before we made it to grandma's house. My mom glided the wagon off the highway and onto the shoulder, and we waited there until a tow truck eventually stopped to help us. The tow truck operator was really nice and I was fascinated by how the truck worked. I'm not sure if there wasn't room in the cab or if I asked if I could stay... but I got to ride in the station wagon as it was being towed.

                              To this day, I still remember riding in the wayback of that station wagon... while being towed by a real tow truck! I remember lying on my stomach and playing with my Megos, being careful not to let the figures slide down the incline and slam into the tailgate. It was like heaven for a kid.

