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Show off your childhood Megos!

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  • Earth 2 Chris
    Verbose Member
    • Mar 7, 2004
    • 32562

    The remnants of my childhood Megos that survived into adulthood were modified with Doc Mego parts for my son. They are stored away in his stuff somewhere. I think it was basically a Spidey, a Batman and a Robin.

    Those Spideys do look great, Werewolf! I can't believe I never thought of that as a kid!



    • drquest
      • Apr 17, 2012
      • 3763

      Here's my childhood Iron Man. I lost his belt and the sticker for his chest button. I replaced both of those with a boxed Iron Man I bought 20 years ago and then kept the box for my childhood friend.

      I have a Star Trek McCoy and Spock around here, as well a partial Robin and Superman. Unfortunately Kirk and Batman didn't make it....

      Captain Action HQ
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      • MIB41
        Eloquent Member
        • Sep 25, 2005
        • 15631

        Nice Iron man! I'm going to post several of mine tomorrow. I have a few that still survived with their boxes (including my original Spider-man) plus I want to share some I got directly from Heroes World. Some fun photos and stories there.


        • J.B.
          Guild Navigator
          • Jun 23, 2010
          • 2895

          I was a wild child; nothing survived 'cept this pic of the Batcave.

          You are transparent; I see many things... I see plans within plans.


          • MIB41
            Eloquent Member
            • Sep 25, 2005
            • 15631

            ^^^ Very cool!


            • MIB41
              Eloquent Member
              • Sep 25, 2005
              • 15631

              I pulled out some of my favorites that are childhood originals right down to the packaging which did not weather as well as the figures. First on deck is my Mego Spider-man. This was the first and ONLY Mego my dad ever bought me. My mother usually did all the dirty work. But because this was Spider-man and I had suffered through the late 60's into the early 70's playing with nothing but paper cut outs of Spider-man drawings (lovingly rendered by my mom), it was absolute HEAVEN to hold a real Spider-man figure in my hands. I treated it like gold then and never let it get relegated to second tier merchandise in my care. The box is a little beat up but Spidey still stands proud.

              Next up is my Mego Thing. I absolutely loved this figure. Now how this one survived so well is a bit puzzling because he was the subject of MANY a battle with the Hulk at countless slumber parties. Oddly my Mego Hulk did not fair as well. Guess you can tell who won the most. Somewhere along the way I lost my insert so I fashioned a new one for the box.

              After that is my RC Batman. The box, figure, and outfit are all from my childhood. But somewhere along the way I lost the cowl and cape and had to replace those. I also had to fashion a new insert for this box as well.

              Here's my Mego Thor. Everything still intact, but the peg inside his helmet did break off.

              Have always loved my original Goblin. Ordered him from Heroes World but he only came in a mailer box, so I was bummed never to have an original box for him. Have a nice repro so he's housed nicely.

              My Mego Penguin was not played with much, but his box was tortured.

              Here's the fun one though. My Mego KISS figures. I ordered these from Heroes World. As much as we speak fondly of them (and justifiably so), my experience with them, service-wise, was always dicey when it came to how they sent things. NOTHING will ever illustrated my experience better than this. I ordered all four figures, and here were how Ace and Peter came. Note both boxes have seen better days, but in essence they both came intact and stacked into one another as one might expect.

              Here's my Mego Gene and Paul.

              You might ask, "Tom, where are their boxes?" GREAT QUESTION! Well you see Heroes World LOVED the notion of 'economy packaging' and I doubt there will EVER be anyone who ever exemplified it better than these people. Well, all four of these figures were shipped in a large shipping envelop... ONE shipping envelop. That facilitated Ace and Peter fine... Gene and Paul? Well... A little customizing was needed on the boxes. This is EXACTLY how they came...

              That's right! Cut up and taped together just enough to hold the figures! Where you see Peter's body is where the box ENDS. Can you IMAGINE anyone doing that today? They would be crucified. But that's how they came. So while I received all four KISS figures new, I only got two good boxes and the others utterly ravaged for the convenience of a mailing envelope. I was so impossibly p*ssed back then, I thought to myself, " I'm going to keep this ridiculous crap. Some day I'm going to have to tell them about this." They went out of business, so I can tell all my Mego family instead (40 years later).


              • cjefferys
                Duke of Gloat
                • Apr 23, 2006
                • 10180

                Wow, childhood Megos with their boxes, that's impressive! And that's wild what they did to those KISS boxes!

                I took a group shot of my Megos that I've owned since I was a kid (other than a few other assorted body parts). I think I've had the Batcopter and Joker the longest, since I was around six years old. The Paul Stanley is the "newest", I got him at Zellers on clearance for five bucks when I was 12 or 13 years old. I still have Gene's box too, but I forgot to include that in my pic. I had a bunch more superheroes but sadly those are long gone.


                • tllgn
                  Persistent Member
                  • Feb 6, 2010
                  • 1690

                  ^^^Extermely nice ,I have a lot of my old orignal Megos -superheros trek,apes etc .if i ever get around to learning to post pics ,ill have to do it,i have
                  pictures of my old megos that i took so long ago ,i would post pics of the pics also ,sometime .


                  • Werewolf
                    • Jul 14, 2003
                    • 14623

                    Wow! Childhood boxes. That's super cool.
                    You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


                    • generic
                      Persistent Member
                      • Jun 25, 2009
                      • 1237

                      These are the only four of my 8" childhood Megos to survive. Notice Robin has two left feet. He came that way. His condition would be much better, but I left him unattended one day and my dog chewed on him. That Batman belt that Robin is wearing is all that's left from my childhood Batman. Uhura is in surprisingly good shape! Cheron and Captain America aren't too bad. I remember also having Batman, Shazam, Spiderman, Captain Kirk and possibly Hulk (I know I had Hulk, but I don't remember if I had him as a kid or as a teenager). I also had the Empire Spiderman Crime Lab (I don't know what happened to that) and the Batmobile which actually survived my childhood in near mint condition, but as a teenager, I stupidly traded it for a few Black Hole movie trading cards. Worst. Trade. Ever.
                      Megos Original 4b.jpg
                      Last edited by generic; Jan 24, '17, 4:50 PM.
                      Nostalgia just ain’t what it used to be.


                      • cjefferys
                        Duke of Gloat
                        • Apr 23, 2006
                        • 10180

                        I'm afraid your attachment isn't working for me.

                        Originally posted by generic
                        Notice Robin has two left feet. He came that way.
                        Heh, I remember buying a Falcon and he had two right arms. Mego quality control at it's best!

                        I'm trying to think of other Megos I had when I was young but are now gone (either broken, lost, sold or traded away to friends/cousins). The ones I can remember are:

                        -RC Batman
                        -Captain America
                        -Mxy (I only have his head left, see pic above)
                        -Mr. Fantastic
                        -The Thing
                        -Human Torch
                        -Capt. Kirk
                        -Robin Hood
                        -Little John
                        -Long John Silver
                        -Mummy (only have his head now)
                        -General Urko
                        -Alan Verdon


                        • Marvelmania
                          A Ray of Sunshine
                          • Jun 17, 2001
                          • 10392

                          So jealous of those childhood megos surviving. Extremely cool! When I outgrew my toys I remember we had a garage sale around 1983 and some guy bought all of them for next to nothing.


                          • Dark Shadow
                            Creature Of The Night
                            • May 14, 2011
                            • 1030

                            Originally posted by J.B.
                            I was a wild child; nothing survived 'cept this pic of the Batcave.

                            HA! I had that same shirt, but with a blue field on the shoulder patches instead.


                            • Marvelmania
                              A Ray of Sunshine
                              • Jun 17, 2001
                              • 10392

                              My parents would have killed me if I wore skates in the house LOL!!!! Awesome pic J.B.


                              • MegoMark71
                                Permanent Member
                                • Dec 18, 2008
                                • 3383

                                My first mego was Iron Man. He is the only one i still have from my childhood. He has survived a fire that took 95% of my stuff. He even survived the time a few years back where i had to sell off all my megos. He is actually the only toy i still have from childhood. Some awesome pictures. I need to go see if my parents have any old pictures of me and my brother with our megos. He had received Batman that Christmas i got Iron Man. We also got Ponch and Jon that year.

