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  • hedrap
    Permanent Member
    • Feb 10, 2009
    • 4825

    Hi Canine. Welcome!


    • Mego Batman
      New Member
      • Dec 10, 2021
      • 13

      I discovered Mego figures by accident. BigBadToyStore had announced that the new 8 inch Mego Batman was in stock, and the figure looked charming to me. I did some research, and discovered the 14 inch Mego Batman figures that were released starting from 2018 onward.

      The 2 that caught my eye were the New 52 Batman and the Dark Knight Detective SDCC version. I ultimately decided on the New 52 version due to the armor panel lines making the figure look more interesting, but if the SDCC version had the armor lines I would've chosen that one since I like dark colors.

      There are 2 reviews on YouTube that I found so far regarding the latest 14 inch Batman, and a reviewer showed off the tighter hip joints and new biceps swivels that the newer body has. Needless to say, I am excited to purchase one.

      I think the 14 inch Megos are a decent "big sized" action figure for the price. The smaller 8 inch ones have a certain charm to them that makes them fun.

      I currently own the following Mego figures:

      New 52 Batman (only available as 14 inch)

      Latest 8 inch Batman (circa 2020? I don't remember when it was initially released)

      Looking to acquire the following in the near future:

      14 inch Batman circa 2021, with the newer body that has the tighter hip joints, biceps swivels (at the elbow, not the deltoid/biceps junction), and the alternate hands.

      Captain Picard 8 inch Mego figure

      Rocky Balboa 8 inch Mego figure, sweatsuit version

      And with the reveal of the Henry Cavill and Gal Gadot Megos, I expect a Ben Affleck as Batman Mego eventually. Though I would want a Christian Bale as Batman Mego figure, too.

      I am also interested in the Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman 8 inch Mego, as well as the New 52 Wonder Woman Mego, just so my Batmen have someone to pose next to. The other WW Mego designs didn't look too good to me. Yes, I am willing to drop cash on the Gal Gadot WW Mego. No Mego is perfect, but the other WW 8 inch Megos didn't have a costume that looked "modern" to me.

      Figures Toy Company's "New Adventures of Batman" Batman figure looks interesting, but I'm on the fence about it due to the brighter colors and smiling face.

      I like action figures from other companies as well, but the wall of text above is "me" in a nutshell regarding Mego figures and their derivatives.

      TLDR: I am a new fan of Mego figures. The 8 inch ones have a certain charm to them, while the 14 inch ones are decent "big sized" action figures for the price point.


      • PNGwynne
        Master of Fowl Play
        • Jun 5, 2008
        • 19810

        Welcome! It's an exciting time to be a Mego collector, lots of options and variety which it seems you're exploring. And sometimes, you cam mix and match figure parts to get just the version you want.

        I like the new 14" body, too. I have Capt. Marvel (Shazam!).
        WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


        • ODBJBG
          Permanent Member
          • May 15, 2009
          • 3179

          Welcome aboard. Definitely sounds like you're a new fan and a fan of newer DC stuff. Don't let these lovable old codgers run you away! Haha.

          But seriously, it's nice to see some new blood around here.


          • Mego Batman
            New Member
            • Dec 10, 2021
            • 13

            Originally posted by PNGwynne
            Welcome! It's an exciting time to be a Mego collector, lots of options and variety which it seems you're exploring. And sometimes, you cam mix and match figure parts to get just the version you want.

            I like the new 14" body, too. I have Capt. Marvel (Shazam!).
            Originally posted by ODBJBG
            Welcome aboard. Definitely sounds like you're a new fan and a fan of newer DC stuff. Don't let these lovable old codgers run you away! Haha.

            But seriously, it's nice to see some new blood around here.
            Thanks for the welcome, everyone.

            I acquired the 2021 14 inch Mego Batman recently.

            It's hip and waist joints are tighter than the New 52 Mego Batman, so it won't fall over if a gentle breeze blows by. It can hold poses without falling over as easily, too. Also has biceps swivels at the elbow as shown on YouTube.

            The cape is all one piece instead of multiple pieces sewn together when compared to the New 52 Batman. The cape is also not stitched to the suit's chest, so it drapes differently compared to the New 52 Batman. New 52 cape is also longer than the 2021 cape. But both capes are large enough that they can fan out into an appropriate bat wing shape.

            The 2021 Batman's suit is more stretchy, allowing the figure to kick all the way forward. The New 52 Batman's suit is not as stretchy, and limits hip articulation. While I probably won't pose the 2021 Batman with one leg all the way out forward, the option is available. Sitting pose is available, but I couldn't get it into a decent crouching pose, not that I expected to, but I wanted to try.

            The belts are different. I prefer the New 52 belt over the capsule belt of the 2021 Batman.

            The grey is lighter on the 2021 suit compared to the New 52 suit. But this makes the bat symbol more visible, so I'm okay with this. I guess that's why the yellow oval bat symbol design in comics and cartoons generally has a darker grey suit, since the yellow oval highlights the bat design and prevents it from blending in with the darker grey suit. See BTAS and TNBA costumes for examples of the darker vs lighter grey.

            2021 suit has black trunks. New 52 is without trunks. I'm okay either way. The trunks are not separate from the suit, it's stitched as the crotch/hips of the suit with grey legs and grey top sewn to it to make one continuous suit. Think Medicom's Real Action Heroes Batmen suit design.

            New 52 Batman is taller than the 2021 Batman.

            I have a photo comparing the two side by side, but I see no option to upload a photo to the board. Do I need to be on the desktop version of the board for this feature? I am posting from my phone. Thanks in advance.


            • Xavion2004
              • Dec 15, 2022
              • 73

              Hi Everyone,

              I turned 56 this year and like many of you, I was around for the beginning of Mego’s World’s Greatest Heroes. I saw them for the first time in 1973 at a Sears in St. Petersburg, FL. They were in the classic shipper/display box sitting on a counter in the toy department. I believe they were still in the solid boxes, and this was definitely before Spider-Man, Captain America, Tarzan, and Shazam! had joined the line. Although I had very little, if any, prior exposure to superheroes at the time, I was enthralled. Unfortunately, my Dad was a little behind the times and struggled with the idea of buying his son a “doll”. So, I lived vicariously through the Sunday morning newspaper and the full color department store adds that featured Mego’s WGSH week in and week out.

              Fast forward a year later to 1974, and we had just moved to Houston, TX. We were once again in Sears, and my Dad told me I could have any toy I wanted. “ANY Toy?!?” “Yes, ANY toy!” So I frantically scanned the shelves, and of course there wasn’t a Mego to be found. My Dad put me up on his shoulders so that I could get a better view of the toys that were higher up on the shelves, and lo and behold, there was a lonely Mego Batman (with removable cowl) lying flat on the top of the shelf. How he got up there, I’ll never know, because there weren’t any toys stocked up there, but there he was. “Batman! I want Batman!” Well, I guess my Dad had made his peace with “dolls” at that point. I’m sure the fact that we had just begun watching episodes of the 1966 Batman TV series together in syndication helped my cause considerably.

              …and so it began. I played with that Batman every day, day in and day out, until he literally fell apart. Then my grandmother repaired him with elastic bands used for sewing, and although he was as floppy as a fish, we were back in business. My parents and grandmother took note of how much I loved that Mego Batman, and others soon followed.

              The time eventually came to put away childish things, and that was pretty much it until nearly 20 years later when my son got his first two action figures: TheToy Biz 10” Marvel Universe Spider-Man and Wolverine. That was the beginning of my life as an “adult collector”. Although it was great to see those old Megos again in toy magazines and online when the “World Wide Web” was still in it’s infancy, I had little interest in jumping back in. It seemed like there were two groups of Megos available: Those that had been ravaged by time, and those that were prohibitively expensive. They didn’t remind me of being seven years old again. They reminded me that I was pushing forty.

              Figures Toy Company eventually came along, and while the character selection would have been a dream come true in the 70s, and a lot of love had obviously gone into the line, I had no desire to own any of them. I thought Megos and I had parted ways for good. I mean, if those faithful reproductions from FTC didn’t grab me, what would?

              Enter the Mego Company’s WGSH 50th Anniversary line which I stumbled over a few weeks ago while surfing You Tube action figure review videos. NOW I was seven years old again and patrolling those Sears aisles for Megos. I don’t know how they cracked the code when so many other well done attempts had failed, but they did. Now I’m where I never would have imagined I’d be a month ago. I have seven WGSH 50th Anniversary MIB Mego figures on my nightstand, a second Batman I bought to open, and a FTC boxed Mary Marvel just for good measure since I had always wanted one back in the day…and I’m posting on a Mego forum.

              Bring on Green Arrow, the Super Foes, and the Super Gals! I’m all in!
              Last edited by Xavion2004; Dec 16, '22, 6:10 PM.


              • LonnieFisher
                Eloquent Member
                • Jan 19, 2008
                • 10917

                Welcome to the museum!


                • TrekStar
                  Trek or Treat
                  • Jan 20, 2011
                  • 8575

                  Welcome to the museum, the story you gave is almost an exact description of how I got started, same age 56 this year too.
                  Of course Dad raised an eyebrow or two because his son wanted a “doll” but dad it’s an action figure.

                  Well just like you, Mom and my Grandmother saved the day, but with me it was Mego Star Trek.
                  Mom was a big William Shatner fan and we would watch the reruns together and of course Saturday morning watching TAS and a bowl of fruit loops.

                  Child World was in the next town over, so once a month on Saturday we would go to lunch, drag me around clothing and shoe stores, then it was a visit to Child World and I even remember which aisle the mego’s were in, second aisle from the far left wall and the floor always made a squeaky noise when you walked down it, the Star Trek figures hanging on the pegs towards the end of the aisle, with both Mom and my Grandmother with me, you know I got two each time.

                  Before that on Saturdays we would go to downtown Boston and once again hit the clothing and shoe stores, Jordan Marsh was one of the stores, so of course if I behaved we would visit the toy department. Star Trek figures weren’t around yet, it was mostly WGSH in window boxes, I remember getting Tarzan and Batman first, (your not playing with them until we get home) I loved watching those Johnny Weissmuller Saturday afternoon movies and of course reruns of Batman weekdays after school.

                  We had a Kresge’s at the local town mall, I remember POTA and the ahi monsters, got the ahi Wolfman to fight Tarzan and Dracula to battle Batman, of course later Aquaman tangled with the CFTBL and Superman took on Frankenstein, and I would “wrap” things up with the Mummy vs. Shazam, I left Robin on the sideline as a cheerleader because he was a light weight, of course the heroes always won but the monsters always came back for more or until they broke.

                  Yeah I know, I need a nice soft couch and a psychiatrist, the imagination boggles the mind even at that age.


                  • palitoy
                    live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                    • Jun 16, 2001
                    • 59648

                    Hey, welcome aboard, happy to have you!
                    Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                    Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                    • LonnieFisher
                      Eloquent Member
                      • Jan 19, 2008
                      • 10917

                      I never got any from the store, only for my birthday and Christmas. I didn't even know there were Mego figures before I got the solid box removable mask Robin. That was my introduction to Mego. You guys both have great memories to share!


                      • PNGwynne
                        Master of Fowl Play
                        • Jun 5, 2008
                        • 19810


                        I never tire of reading these stories about childhood Megos, obtaining and playing with them. Even after 15 years, it's still one of my favorite things about the forum and reminds me of how much we Mego fans/collectors have in common.

                        My first Mego was an RC Batman bought with birthday money my aunt gifted me--solid box, I think. After that, they were my favorite toy format. I received some every birthday, Christmas, and Easter--not to mention leg-surgery convalescence and begging at the grocery and discount/dept. stores. Star Wars derailed that, but by the early '80s I was rebuying basic ones at Children's
                        Palace and recollecting them.

                        I collected multiple lines as a child--still do, and love them just as much now as in the '70s.
                        WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


                        • TRDouble
                          Permanent Member
                          • Jul 10, 2012
                          • 2662

                          Welcome! That's a great story. My Father too was against his son playing with dolls. From what my older sister told me, my parents went to battle over it and my Mother won, thank goodness! I had no clue until not too recently. All I remember is getting many Mego WGSH figures for Christmas, some new, some to replace my broken ones (always Batman and Robin, LOL). Heck, I remember my Father taking me to Sears to get a Riddler, and then taking me back when I discovered that he was broken in the package.

                          Great memories!


                          • Xavion2004
                            • Dec 15, 2022
                            • 73

                            Thank you for the warm welcome, everyone!

                            TrekStar, we have so many parallels, as I’m sure many of us do. Aside from getting that first Batman, my most vivid Mego memories are of the Kresge’s at the Sharpstown Mall in Houston (which has apparently become infamous over the last twenty years). My mom and grandmother used to get their hair done at a salon adjacent to the Kresge’s, so I would go over there and look at the Megos while they were under the hairdryers. (Ah, Megos, those oversized hairdryers, and it being perfectly safe for a seven year old to go to a nearby store in the mall unsupervised…I miss the 70s!)

                            There are two of those days that I remember very clearly. The day I walked into Kresge’s and saw the World’s Greatest Super-Gals on the pegs, and the day I walked in and saw the Star Trek figures on the pegs.

                            I had wanted a Batgirl for my heroes to rescue in the worst way. (Hey, that’s what heroes did back then. They saved damsels in distress. My sincere apologies to Yvonne Craig and women everywhere. ). I was a little perplexed as to why the Mego Batgirl looked nothing like the TV Batgirl, as I wouldn’t begin reading comics until a few months later, but I was so excited to add her to my Mego adventures. Wonder Woman and Supergirl soon followed. (No, Mr. McFarlane, I did not grow up to be a serial killer. I decided there was more money to be made in accounting. )

                            With Star Trek, it had become a family staple every night at 6:00 pm on Channel 26. Seeing Mego Star Trek figures on the pegs was an even bigger surprise than seeing the Super-Gals. After all, the Super-Gals were just an extension of the World’s Greatest Superheroes. The Star Trek Megos seemingly came out of nowhere. I went home with Captain Kirk that day. I eventually ended up with Spock, McCoy, and Uhura as well, but never did get Scotty or the Klingon for some reason. I do clearly remember seeing the first wave of the aliens at Foley’s department store (which was also in the Sharpstown mall), but I never got any of them.

                            I hope we do get 50th Anniversary Star Trek figures. That’s where Mego seems to be headed, and with these 50th Anniversary WGSH figures selling so well, I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t happen.
                            Last edited by Xavion2004; Dec 17, '22, 11:09 AM.


                            • Xavion2004
                              • Dec 15, 2022
                              • 73

                              Originally posted by TRDouble
                              Welcome! That's a great story. My Father too was against his son playing with dolls. From what my older sister told me, my parents went to battle over it and my Mother won, thank goodness! I had no clue until not too recently. All I remember is getting many Mego WGSH figures for Christmas, some new, some to replace my broken ones (always Batman and Robin, LOL). Heck, I remember my Father taking me to Sears to get a Riddler, and then taking me back when I discovered that he was broken in the package.

                              Great memories!
                              I had a similar Christmas in 1975. I must have gotten 10 to 15 Megos, all replacements for my originals. I took good care of them, but they had simply worn our from being played with so much. It was glorious. By contrast, Christmas 1976 was the Christmas of “No More Megos!” I don’t know what triggered that edict. I had just turned 10 a few months prior, and it was my last year in elementary school, so apparently I had crossed some sort of threshold. I think the last Mego I got was a second Iron Man that my friend (well, his parents) bought me for my birthday earlier that year. I was still playing with my Megos into 1977, but the party was obviously just about over. Even my friends had pretty much bailed on Megos at that point.

