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  • kattie
    New Member
    • May 19, 2013
    • 13

    Thank you for the welcome :-)


    • TK471
      New Member
      • Apr 10, 2013
      • 17

      Hello to all... I've been slow to say hello, but HELLO! My name's Pete, I'm 42, a member of the 501st Legion (in reserve status, actually, taking a break), a toy collector since age 25 (Star Wars... hey, I quit smoking for Star Wars!)... and only recently, after stumbling across things, was reminded that I do indeed love Star Trek too (always have), and when I was really young, I had a set of Mego Star Trek figures, Kirk, Spock, McCoy... and that was it. Seemed I was sooo young (might have been 4 or 5?), that after opening the packages, I ate the phasers, communicators, etc (well... they were blue... looked like candy!)... so, no more Star Trek (or any Mego at all)... I barely had any Star Wars later on, but regardless... in the last few months, after discovering EMCE had re-created the Star Trek Line (well, I actually picked up some EMCE Universal Monsters too, great!) I went bananas.. found some sets for good prices on ebay, was able to get ALL of the reproduced figures (got two Romulans, opened them both!... opened them ALL actually!).. well, they're great, I even made some custom Star Fleet members too, since that's easy (Dr. Mego!). I cannot say that I have the same fondness for the other toy lines, since I never had any of them, but I've got a quick appreciation for the fun that is the Mego, and will probably continue to pick up things I like (and customs made stuff)... like the Doctor Who line, I got the Fourth Doctor, the Sontoran Styre, Cyberleader, the Master (he scares my fiancee!)... and I'll pop in a bit now and then. I'd like to share pics of the custom Star Trek guys I made, so I'll put a post in the proper forum, thanks for having me aboard!
      Last edited by TK471; Jun 11, '13, 12:24 AM.


      • Starroid Raiders Dagon
        Persistent Member
        • Apr 28, 2013
        • 2162

        Brilliant intro! Welcome to the group, TK471! Great bunch of folks here. I lurked for a couple of years before finally signing up. I visit the site a couple of times a day. Lots of interesting stuff here.


        • ScottA
          Original Member
          • Jun 25, 2001
          • 12264

          Welcome one and all. Hope you stick around and enjoy the pie.
          sigpic WANTED: Boxed, Carded and Kresge Carded WGSH


          • megoapesnut
            The name says it all!
            • Dec 3, 2007
            • 3727

            Welcome to both of you. Yes, this forum is the best on the net. Megos are definitely the most addicting toy/collectible IMO!


            • Toyman_Chris
              70's Era Pimp
              • Sep 7, 2011
              • 3010

              Welcome to all!! Kick off your shoes and stay awhile....


              • Mego MkIV
                Veteran Member
                • Feb 9, 2013
                • 376

                Welcome to all.


                • David Lee
                  The Fix-it-up Chappie
                  • Jun 10, 2002
                  • 6984

                  Welcome to all the newbies... I had to post to make it 667... it was just a little too Damien for me


                  • hussapocalypse
                    New Member
                    • Jan 10, 2011
                    • 15

                    Hola Amigos!
                    I recently made some of my first purchases here in the Marketplace and I wanted to make sure I gave those guys credit in the good traders list, but I thought it would be polite to stop by in this thread and introduce myself first.
                    I feel fortunate to have been born in the early 70s. I have a lot of great memories of playing with my Megos, as well as all the other great toy-lines that came out in that decade...Pulsar, Gre-Gory, the Super Joe line, GI Joe Intruders, Shogun Warriors, Micronauts, Adventure People - man, I loved all that stuff. I have extremely vivid memories of my 12 inch Mego Hulk just smashing up pretty much everything around him! I spent so much time playing with my toys and got so into it that it would've made Ray Harryhausen jealous.
                    Then when you factor in the timing of the release of Star Wars, which was a mind blowing game changer for sure, and then Raiders Of The Lost Ark = WOW, what a great time to be a kid. I scored almost the whole wave of Star Wars figures in my Easter basket when they first came out; I looked behind my Grandpa's tv set and BAM! - there they were, in all their carded glory - if I close my eyes and think back on it, I can still feel a hint of that adrenaline rush wash over me. At the time I was so stoked I just about hit the roof. That was one of those moments that I will never forget. It was awesome.
                    I was still hanging in there as the post Star Wars era crept into the action figure scene with lines like Masters Of The Universe, Thundercats, 3 3/4" Joes, Sectaurs, Secret Wars, and Super Powers - not to mention the scores of killer knock off toys from those times. I look back on it now and it really seems like that decade - from the early 70s to the early 80s - was some kind of like golden age for toys. Of course I am not biased at all since that was "my time" or whatever haha.
                    Eventually I discovered things like skateboarding, Devo, and The Ramones, and started to become more interested in chasing girls and partying than playing with toys, so I gave away all of my toys to one of my buddies and moved on. I'm sure I'm probably not the only member here who is kicking himself now for getting rid of a virtual goldmine of vintage toys back in the day. Hindsight is 20/20 though, eh?
                    I got bit by the nostalgia bug hard in my late 20s and started not only rebuilding the collection of toys I cherished as a child, but also focused on acquiring every toy that I ever wanted! As well as catching up on all the stuff I missed in the wacky 90s, with the Toxic Crusaders, TMNT, Dick Tracy type stuff - which I loved because the sculpting on all those guys is so crazy!
                    Anyway, after about 10 years of hardcore collecting, I finally scratched the last name off of my list. That was a good feeling. The inside of my apartment looked like a Toys R Us exploded in there. It was wall to wall, floor to ceiling - every available surface was covered in toys. Guests would freak out. It was borderline insane. I would have been a good candidate for that tv show where the lady tries to strong arm toy nerds into culling their herds.
                    I started getting into customizing, and moved a couple of times across several states, so I sold off most of my collection and have it whittled down to about 80% customs now. Maybe I'll post some of them here someday.
                    Speaking of which, I want to thank all of the members here for sharing information on customizing, patterns, sewing tips, tutorials on how to make molds and cast heads, etc. It has been very helpful to me and I have really enjoyed getting into the hobby.
                    See you in the toy aisles (and the Mego Marketplace)!


                    • mikeMc6
                      Persistent Member
                      • Mar 24, 2012
                      • 1399

                      Welcome hussapocalypse!
                      INEPT VINTAGE WISENHEIMER
                      WANTS: Thrashed Riddler Box, RM mask (beater ok) ...and a pony


                      • Mego MkIV
                        Veteran Member
                        • Feb 9, 2013
                        • 376

                        Welcome hussapocalypse those were great times to be a kid.


                        • glimpy
                          Loco Chango
                          • Feb 5, 2012
                          • 682

                          My cousin who also had WGSHs since '72. He told me about this site in 2008. I didnt register until 2012. & now, i think im falling deeper than i ever have!! & spending alot more money too!!! Gee, THANKS Mego!!!


                          • Mego MkIV
                            Veteran Member
                            • Feb 9, 2013
                            • 376

                            I'm kind of late with my introduction but here goes,my name is John I'm a fan of Mego and DC comics.One of my favorite
                            memories as a kid is the Hills toy section in 1978 Six Million Dollar Man on one side and on the other Mego KISS dolls.
                            I'm a Superman/Shazam collector as they were my favorite superheroes as a kid and they still are today.
                            My Mego grails are Ace Frehley and Greatest American Hero Ralph prototype.(I Think Ralph would make an awesome Hot Toys
                            figure.)Outside of collecting I'm into collecting DVDs and Baseball.


                            • greensavage2000
                              Veteran Member
                              • Aug 9, 2013
                              • 415

                              Hello, I'm been lurking for a couple of weeks, joined and then lurked for a few more.Let me introduce
                              myself. My name's Dave. I'm 46 years old. I fell in love with mego when I was a kid. I still remember the first
                              time I saw the super-heroes. It was at a Gray's Pharmacy. They were in solid boxes. I remember taking Superman
                              and Batman to mom so she could buy them. She was like those are nice. Pick one and I'll get it. WHAT!! Pick
                              One! I must have stood there forever one in each hand. Looking to my left, then to my right, then to my
                              left,then to my, well you get the idea.I was eventually given the ultimatuim: Pick one now or we'll leave
                              without either. It's amazing how fast a decision I couldn't make I was now able to make in a split second.
                              Batman,because I loved the removable cowl.

                              That begin my love of action figures especially megos. Toy lines that I remember having off the top of my
                              head are; Johnny West,GI Joe,Micronauts,Big Jim,Evil Knievel,Lone Ranger,Action Jackson,Super Joe,Six Million
                              Dollar Man and along with the mego super-heroes I got some of the monsters by the other companies.

                              At some point I was convinced I was too old to be into toys and stopped buying them. Years later I would go
                              to a K-mart with a friend and they had a bunch of Super Powers where I could see from the main aisle.I hadn't
                              given up comics so I was interested.They were marked down.I remember they were not all priced the same but they
                              were all under $1.50. I didn't have enough money to buy them all. I was afraid they would sell out of
                              Supes,Batman,Robin you know the popular ones.I left Golden Pharoh,Plastic Man you know the ones people probably
                              wouldn't buy as quick. I had no idea about case ratio,short-packed or short lived third assortments or anything
                              like that. Sigh, But I still got most of them and in the weeks to come I got all the vechiles and playset.After
                              that I started collecting other toys I saw on shelves.Been collecting ever since.Though I have less disposible
                              income these days and collect far less now.

                              I have a friend that isn't really into collecting but sometimes he finds some old toy or game he thinks is
                              cool and gets it. He also was working with someone that has toys he wants to sell. He also finds stuff at flea
                              markets and garage sales.I'm the guy he calls to find out how rare or a good price or whatever else he wants to
                              know about this stuff. I came across the plaidstallions site megomuseum and the forum here looking for info to
                              answer some of his questions. I'm also going through my collection that is at my friend's house when I moved
                              into an apartment. All these things have worked to pique my interest again.

                              To be honest, I can look back now and see it was a given I would collect. I can remember when I first saw
                              some of my most loved toys. You can look at some of my old photos and I'm always with a toy. I have one photo
                              with my Mother where I remember begging her to hold Superman because I wanted him in the shot. I uploaded some
                              of my pics in "Photos of Members" gallery if anyone is interested.

                              I'm becoming excited about getting some of the mego-like stuff out there. Some websites have some of these
                              at a good price. I'm excited about starting to sculpt again and making some heads.I'm learning a lot from these
                              forums and the museum. I truly appreciate this place and I'm looking forward to joining the discussion.
                              Last edited by greensavage2000; Oct 4, '13, 12:24 PM. Reason: I wrote this in notepad and pasted here. It came out double-spaced, fixed that.


                              • ScottA
                                Original Member
                                • Jun 25, 2001
                                • 12264

                                Welcome Dave. Jump right in.
                                sigpic WANTED: Boxed, Carded and Kresge Carded WGSH

