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  • JDeRouen
    Author of Small Things
    • Jun 14, 2001
    • 16568

    Welcome to the Mego Museum forums!

    Welcome to the Mego Museum forums! Why not take this time to introduce yourself? Either respond to this thread or start a new thread below, and tell us what brought you here.
    Order Small Things, my contemporary fantasy novel featuring Megos, at
  • Action Martin
    • Dec 30, 2007
    • 1902

    My name is Scott. I've visited the museum quite a number of times over the past 2 years. I stumbled upon the site while researching the World's Greatest Super-Heroes. I finally joined the forums a couple of weeks back, hoping to meet some fellow fans and make connections to purchase my favorite childhood toys. And that's exactly what happened. My favorite Mego line is the Planet of the Apes. But I am branching out to Action Jackson and some of the WGSH. Since joining I have re-acquired 18 Mego action figures. And I even purchased a Jet Jungle replica figure.


    • MegoGeekJr
      Youngest Mego Lover
      • Dec 6, 2005
      • 387

      My names Angel,
      how I got here is a funny story. I was rumaging into some boxes and found a penquin.
      I asked my brother what it was, btu he did not know. So , I played with him and FC daredevil.Until one day, my brother took me to a comic shop.I asked my brother if I could take penguin with me, and he said yes! So thats when I met Charlie(MegoGeek),a nd he noticed the mego. so then we started talk mego, then we arranged a date to come by. And the rest is history.

      I've been a member for at least four years, btu in a year and couple of months, I had lost my Mego spirit.But rumaging through another box, I fell in love with em' again
      My heighten mutant sense never lies..........................................This ain't lemonade.


      • Hotfoot
        Dazed and Confused
        • Dec 30, 2007
        • 2564

        My name is Erik and I'm 48!

        Picked up Spock and Kirk a few years back at an antique store and added them to my collection of 70's stuff. Found a CHiPs Action Van a few years ago started looking for info. Found the Museum when searching for Star Trek and was just in time to get the release of Star Trek cards. Kids came along as well as a move and everything has been boxed up in the garage.

        Started digging through the garage and am rediscovering my stash of stuff.

        Currently on the lookout for affordable Jon and Ponch figures to add to the van.

        Looking to start trading cards and am awaiting my starter set.

        Trying to let the wife cut me loose on the new Trek figures!

        May try my hand at a Custom figure of Vampirella. I used to read the comics before I "Grew-Up" and got more involved in Cars, Girls and College than toys. Now that I am "Grown-Up" I'm looking for stuff I passed on in the late 70's early 80's!
        Too many toys. Not enough space!


        • txteach
          • Jun 17, 2005
          • 3769

          Hello my name is John and I'm a megoholic. I used to be a lurker here for years and finally joing a few years ago. I'm 40 years old and was a kid during mego's hayday. I remember all of the good times my figures brought me. I also remember one christmas morning getting the ST communicators and being very excited. To me, megos bring out the kid in me. Great thread Joe.


          • batmanmc
            mego batman collector
            • Jun 22, 2004
            • 6227

            hi my name is mike. i grew up with megos and always loved them. my brother ric aka jemboy on this board, told me about the mego museum. finally about four years ago i got the mego urge gain. i bought a couple figures at a local comic shop thenwent to megoconn and joined this site. i have been a member for about 4 years and have gained lots of mego knowledge also still have lots to learn. this site is the best on the web period. the members are friendly and i have been given lots of free stuff without asking. thats what makes this place and megos so gret they bring ut the best in everybody here. mike


            • Bo8a_Fett
              Pat Troughton in disguise
              • Nov 21, 2007
              • 3738

              Hi all name is Roger and i've been collecting toys since Mainly Star Wars but comic/cult/movie figures too. Over the last few years i've been trying to get my perfect toybox that I woulod have loved as a kid...and those include megos. I love comics, movies,cult tv(especially Dr Who), model making, drawing and my kids(ok I suppose the missus as well). I was introduced to the boards by Monkey Tennis and have never had as much fun with a keyboard before....I love you guys...Hopefully soon (when I have enough parts ) I will put my model making skills into doing some customising....please be gentle when I eventually do it (especially you ABMAC lol). Also hoping to build a collection of POTA and Star Trek megos.
              Thanks megomuseum.
              ENGLISH AND DAMN PROUD OF IT British by birth....English by the grace of God. Yes is big isn't it....


              • dumbldor
                Talkative Member
                • Jun 9, 2002
                • 5418

                Hi everyone. My name is Dan. I had an action figure and bubble gum card childhood. I have been an adult collector since 1991, Mego heavy since 1994. I have been a member here for over 5 years after lurking for about 5 years. I have been very focused on carded World's Greatest Super Heroes variations for several years. Welcome to our many new members!
                Last edited by dumbldor; Jan 14, '08, 11:26 AM.


                • Ivaniski
                  Persistent Member
                  • Jun 24, 2007
                  • 1428

                  Hi everyone....I'm in..I'm in..

                  Hi everybody my Name is Frank Verdejo. I've been following these boards along with my three kids...(2)boys and (1 girl); for the last couple of years. We find this site to be both educational and informative on many facets of action figure toys, especially Megos. I've been a collector of the Star Trek, POTA and WGSH line since 1974. I customize a little myself; Awhile back i customized a Lone Ranger that Dave McCormick Posted on the Museum for me...which was received kindly by everyone (thanks). I'm looking foward to posting pics of some other Mego stuff i've been working on soon. Ti'll then God Bless.....and Happy New Year everybody!!!


                  • Meule
                    Verbose Member
                    • Nov 14, 2004
                    • 28720

                    Originally posted by Ivaniski

                    Hi everybody my Name is Frank Verdejo. I've been following these boards along with my three kids...(2)boys and (1 girl); for the last couple of years. We find this site to be both educational and informative on many facets of action figure toys, especially Megos. I've been a collector of the Star Trek, POTA and WGSH line since 1974. I customize a little myself; Awhile back i customized a Lone Ranger that Dave McCormick Posted on the Museum for me...which was received kindly by everyone (thanks). I'm looking foward to posting pics of some other Mego stuff i've been working on soon. Ti'll then God Bless.....and Happy New Year everybody!!!
                    Welcome aboard, looking forward to seeing more of your customs
                    "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe


                    • The Sentry
                      Persistent Member
                      • Jun 3, 2007
                      • 1032

                      WELCOME TO THE BEST FORUM ON THE INTERNET! Nice to meet you!


                      • VintageMike
                        Permanent Member
                        • Dec 16, 2004
                        • 3383

                        Hi all, I'm Mike. My love of Mego ties into the "Vintage" part of my moniker. Mego is part of what I call the "vintage" era I love so much from 70's
                        to mid-eighties. Comics, toys, video games all the fun stuff from that time is like gold to me now. I lurked for many years before coming out of the shadows. While other committments have caught up with me and I can't spend the time here I'd like I will be another to say this is indeed the best forum on the 'net. Great bunch of people that really make you feel at home.
                        If you are able I highly recommend attending MegoMeet. You'll not only see more Mego in person that you've seen in a long time, but meet many of the great people here as well.


                        • Shanester
                          • Jun 22, 2001
                          • 6874

                          My name is Shane and I live in New Orleans. I've been a member of the Mego Museum for a long time and have watched it morph into what it is today. I'm a kid of the 70's & 80's, so I am lucky enough to remember picking out Mego action figures at different stores and playing with them in my yard. I have lots of Mego figures in my collection which mostly focuses on WGSH & POTA.

                          I think the very first friend I made on the internet was through the Mego Museum and I still consider him a friend today. That guy would be the long time "spirit" of the Mego Museum, Type1Kirk.


                          • mars396
                            Museum Super Collector
                            • Sep 14, 2007
                            • 178

                            I’ve been a Mego Collector since the type 1 Star Trek figures hit the pegs.

                            My next door neighbor had the Planet of the Apes Megos, I had Star Trek. Every Saturday (after their respective animated series) we would play Star Trek Had A Transporter Accident and Ended Up on the Planet of the Apes. Good Times. We beat the hell out of those figures. I got a second set to keep in good condition (type 2 by this time) along with some Aliens. We ended up beating these to Hell as well. All that remains from my youth is the cardboard Enterprise playset with the Captain’s Chair, and my original naked beat-to-hell Gorn (oh, and a very beat up Spider-Man and Hulk with a scotch-taped together leg.)

                            Now to 1986. Inside the Star Trek IV the Voyage Home Souvenir magazine was an add for the classic six (type 2) Star Trek figures from Mego. $125 later, I had my Megos again ! ! ! ! (This is from the now (in)famous Canadian Warehouse “find”)

                            When we entered the new century, we entered the Renaissance Period (i.e. eBay and Reproductions). It was a great time to be a MegoHead™
                            In 2002, I was desperately trying to get the 1966 version of the Bat-logo printed onto sticker paper for the Reproduction RC Batman I was making, so I found this Forum, registered, posted a request for help, and in under three hours had several jpegs in my inbox to choose from.

                            Time passed, and I guess I got deregistered.

                            The EMCE Star Trek and Planet of the Apes announcements brought me back; I re-registered and now I come here everyday.

                            Between CTVT, EMCE/Doc Mego, and eBay, I will be spending tons of money in 2008.
                            I suppose I am going to need some DIDAs to put them all in…..


                            • sauce
                              • Jun 24, 2007
                              • 3491

                              Hey there. My name is Bryan and I've been obsessed with toys for my entire life! I'm 33 years old and I have a 4 year old boy who gives me a good excuse to spend lots of time playing with my toys again. I remember Megos, Big Jim and 6 Million Dollar Man the most from my childhood, along with Star Wars and GI Joe of course. I have now rediscovered my passion for toys and am now trying to collect all the things that I didn't get to own as a kid, and also re-collect the ones that didn't survive the test of time and those wild pretend games. I was an obsessive comic book/baseball card kid after I grew up a bit, and now I thank the MegoMuseum for unleashing my mad obsessive collecting funbrain onto Megos.

