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ST Mego Artwork On Paperbacks

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  • number 6
    Village Idiot
    • Jul 10, 2003
    • 629

    ST Mego Artwork On Paperbacks

    This may be old news for most of you, particularly the U.K. members, but I just discovered this the other day and thought I'd post just in case.

    These weekend I was going through a comic shop and discoved a 1st U.K. printing of one of the Bantam Star Trek books from the late 70's. What caught my eye was the use of the artwork from the Mego cards.

    I wonder if they just snagged the artwork without premision or they commisioned it from the same artist and it's just very, very simular.
  • Wee67
    Museum Correspondent
    • Apr 2, 2002
    • 10603

    Interesting. It looks like the same artwork. I'm assuming that any artwork done back in the 70's would become the property of Mego and not the artist, so...

    I wonder how this happened.
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