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  • Dave Mc
    • Oct 20, 2002
    • 17827

    Paul and Chris both hit it for me. The community thing is what Megomeet became. Chris is right, Megocon was a big spark. An awesome event, and major props to all involved. But it's the community that makes Megomeet. If it were not for the support and community envolvement, I wouldn't have anything to do with it. All I really do is organize what everyone else is contributing so there is some kind of plan to the chaos. It's a group event, and the close quarters Chris mentioned really adds to it for me. If you bump into someone you don't know, there is a 95% chance you already know them, just not in person. It's pretty cool. It's so much more than the toys when you go to a megomeet. The toys become secondary.


    • rchatlin
      Talkative Member
      • Jun 24, 2001
      • 5766

      Originally posted by palitoy
      There were two Megocons, unrelated save for the names. The first one was in Ohio, I wish I had attended. The second in New York which featured Marty Abrams and Neal Kublan, it was the first real time I got to meet a bunch of museum members in the flesh, I think about a 100 folks attended.
      Marty was a guest in Toledo, as was Mego sculptor Ken Sheller.

      This is where Ken first showed off the Lou Ferigno Hulk head.



      • hobub
        Ghost of a Dead Indian
        • Jun 18, 2001
        • 4778

        Originally posted by palitoy
        There were two Megocons, unrelated save for the names. The first one was in Ohio, I wish I had attended.
        I am proud to say that even though I traded on the RTM museum with the likes of Austin Hough and Sean Griffin (creator of the original MegoCentral website—another story in itself), I really didn't know too many folks in the community and was pretty much a newbie to online trading, just starting my collection two or so years prior, trading in Toyshop. It was Toyshop, I believe, where I remember reading about it. M.I.B Productions Mego-Con and Micro-Con with Marty Abrahms and one of his chief sculptors (forgive me, I cannot remember his name right now—Brian do you know?). Anyways, as for items for sale..I didn't see too much that fit within my budget but my budget was small. I did pass on a complete Silver Soldier Ape for $75. I'm still kicking myself all these years later because, he still eludes my shelf. I went with my friend Gary Klotz (who several of you met at the most recent MegoMeet, and Don Lewandowski, both from Pittsburgh, just a side note, Gary as seasoned a collector as he is, is still barely online and has probably stopped by here only once or twice—go figure..he's also into collecting/restoring muscle cars, maybe that's why—too busy). But getting back, I distinctly remember wow, way back to Labor Day Weekend, 1997, going into the room and first thing I saw was this guy standing there with a complete, with all the toughies, WGSH collection, loose and mint (Later to find that it was our very own Rob Chatlin) Wow, the feeling to first see all the Secret Identities and the RMR up close. I remember Gary joking like WaynesWorld, "We're not worthy..We're not worthy!". Rob told us he wasn't there to sell but just to display. That alone made the 4 hour trip well worth the time. I remember seeing a small seminar that Marty did featuring the rare Hulk prototype (I wish I had my camera) and he and his sculptor (forgive me again on his name??) unveiled a new Micronaut prototype that he was going to be putting on the market (unfortunately, I wasn't into the Micronauts so I don't have any more details on that) But I did get to shake Marty's hand along with his sculptor (I'm dying here not remembering his name). I do remember complimenting him on his fine work. Anyways as the show went on, I rummaged through some major parts boxes at a table, where we and several other eager collectors awaited the owner to return from a break and it was just some skinny blonde haired kid who seemed to have everything as far as parts and/ figures went. I remember completing my Thor by purchasing him a helmet from the guy for like $30 no chrome loss but no brain stick. (still have it, other than the brain stick, I've never found one with so much chrome). It wasn't until last years MegoMeet05 that I realized that the kid who you couldn't haggle prices with there (take it or leave it) was none other than our very own Mark Hucklebone.

        Well unfortunately, I was unable to attend the MegoCon of 2004. But I did make it to the first one and those are my memories of it. It helped me along the way to become the collector of Megos I am today. Nice sharing and reliving while it's still in my memory banks.

        Last edited by hobub; Jul 2, '07, 10:22 AM.


        • palitoy
          live. laugh. lisa needs braces
          • Jun 16, 2001
          • 59275

          Rob mentioned it above Len, Ken Sheller. Ken is one of the best known sculptors for Mego, he primarily did celebrity likenesses such as the Logan's Run and Superman the Movie line.
          Places to find PlaidStallions online:

          Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


          • Sowth
            Career Member
            • Mar 14, 2006
            • 889

            Sitting back and watching from Australia I had no idea of any of the politics surrounding MegoCon or its aftermath, but I can tell you that when I saw pictures of those table displays I was awestruck, and it definitely pushed Mego back to the forefront of my collecting wants, which ultimately led me here.

            Up to you guys to decide whether that's a good thing or not!

            Toltoys Kid Vintage Australian Toys and Ice Creams


            • Hector
              el Hombre de Acero
              • May 19, 2003
              • 31852

              Originally posted by Chris DVM
              Thanks for the kudos, guys. It was a big event, lots of work, very very expensive, but in the end, well worth it.
              It was the first time for me that I was able to meet a large group of Mego collectors and enthusiasts. I had talked to almost all of them over the years on the board, but never got to put a face to the type. MegoCon was the way that that happened, and of all the things out of it, that was the one that was the most important.
              What I am even more proud of, however, was that it was the spark that started MegoMeet. After MegoCon, I was burned out and emotionally and fiancially drained. I had nothing left in me to do anything at all. Luckily, DaveMC and others were able to take the fire that started and continue it. I am lucky that I am able to support and help out in my way with MegoMeet now.
              In addition, as far as the name, whatever the reason for it, I am glad it got changed to MegoMeet. MegoCon was just that - a huge venture that created a true Mego Convention, but one that did not lend itself very well to close quarter talking and small personal trades and interactions. MegoMeet has done that, and, although they are two different animals completely, I quite like the MegoMeet idea more than the MegoCon. Talking until 4 in the morning, the smaller venue that is ours completely for a couple of days, the ability to manuever easier and quicker at the Kruger Museum - I think that embodies (at least to me) much more of a sense of community and friendship than a huge Con. Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't trade my memories or trials of MegoCon for anything. However, between the two, I would much rather either plan or go to a MegoMeet every year than a MegoCon every year.
              Chris DVM
              I had no idea you were the main man there, that's the year I got really sick, so I was outta the loop on that information, didn't mean to step on your shoes.


              • Mikey
                Verbose Member
                • Aug 9, 2001
                • 47244

                Megocon 2004 was fun.

                First and only time I ever met 3/4's of Mego Museum in the flesh.

                It was worth it just for that


                Speaking of M-04

                Remember on Saturday something happened in the display room ?
                I think there was rumours some Apes got ripped off.
                Was that true ?
                and if so, did the culprit ever get nabbed ?

                Not sure if I remember a follow up to that.....


                • Chris DVM
                  Veterinarian Member
                  • Jun 18, 2001
                  • 2577

                  Hector - no harm, no foul. Didn't take any offense to anything you said.
                  Type1 - for a brief while, it was thought that a silver suit soldier ape went missing. Turns out it was left at home and never brought.
                  Trust me, I was sweating that one for a while.
                  Chris DVM
                  "The more I get to know people, the better I like my dog." - Mark Twain


                  • megozilla13
                    Persistent Member
                    • May 10, 2002
                    • 1701

                    It wasn't left home. It was there during set up, then it was gone ( I search for an hour) and then it reappeared. There are secrets that we still have left to find. There have been mysteries from the beginning of time. There are answers we're not wise enough to see.

                    WANTED: Removable Mask ROBIN on Kresge style card


                    • Hector
                      el Hombre de Acero
                      • May 19, 2003
                      • 31852

                      Cool Chris!

                      You were the second member here that I did business with (doll stands), so I'll always remember you my friend.



                      • The Sentry
                        Persistent Member
                        • Jun 3, 2007
                        • 1032

                        Hey Hector! You should try to come to this years Megomeet! That would be awesome! You will think you have died and gone to Heaven! I shure as hell thought I did! Just ask anyone who met me there! LOL!


                        • Hector
                          el Hombre de Acero
                          • May 19, 2003
                          • 31852

                          Originally posted by The Sentry
                          Hey Hector! You should try to come to this years Megomeet! That would be awesome! You will think you have died and gone to Heaven! I shure as hell thought I did! Just ask anyone who met me there! LOL!
                          I almost did but my kidneys were not that great around that time, I'm much better now, I can see me going next year for sure.


                          • Hulk
                            Mayor of Megoville
                            • May 10, 2003
                            • 16007

                            Originally posted by Hector
                            I almost did but my kidneys were not that great around that time, I'm much better now, I can see me going next year for sure.
                            Promises, promises. Actually it was ok because I didn't have to drink tequila, and could just nurse cans of semi-cold american beer.


                            • dumbldor
                              Talkative Member
                              • Jun 9, 2002
                              • 5418

                              I attended the Con in Toledo in 1997, and it was a big disappointment for me. I was used to seeing Huckabone at the Kane County show outside of Chicago, so his presence was nothing special to me. The dealer room was otherwise a disappointment, and the presentations did not capture my interest. I knew few other Mego collectors at the time, so I did not mingle.

                              MegoCon in NY in 2004 was great, and so were the Megomeets in 2006 and 2007. If you can get out of town for 2-3 days, I would highly recommend that you make it to Megomeet next year.


                              • LovetheLizard
                                Veteran Member
                                • Oct 15, 2005
                                • 346

                                Originally posted by dumbldor
                                I attended the Con in Toledo in 1997, and it was a big disappointment for me. I was used to seeing Huckabone at the Kane County show outside of Chicago, so his presence was nothing special to me. The dealer room was otherwise a disappointment, and the presentations did not capture my interest. I knew few other Mego collectors at the time, so I did not mingle.

                                MegoCon in NY in 2004 was great, and so were the Megomeets in 2006 and 2007. If you can get out of town for 2-3 days, I would highly recommend that you make it to Megomeet next year.
                                Megocon was the first and only Mego event I have attended to date. I was hoping to attend MegoMet this year, but the wife had made vacation plans which interfered with the date. I have so many great memories of Megocon. I recall going there with the only intent of coming back with a carded Lizard. I had no clue how rare some megos were and recall going into the showroom being the 2nd person in line and thinking "what the hell is this?" I was accustomed to comic conventions and soon learned that most mego stuff is quite rare. I recall nearly leaving when one gentleman said to me..."Mark Huckabone just pulled up, if anyone would have what you are looking for it would be him". So I stayed around and waited. I remember thinking man it takes this guy forever to set up, but thinking jeez he cannot stop to catch his breath with all the questions people ar asking. I also remember going up to a guy named Brian (Palitoy) and saying do you have a carded Lizard? He looked at me like I was crazy, LOL. Then I remember Huckabone placing a boxed Aquaman Great White Shark on the table and I believe it was you ole great dumbldor who said outloud.."How much for the Shark!" After conversing with Mark that day is what made me want to have a complete mego Lizard collection. I also paid a very close eye on all transactions since that day. I did walk out of the Megocon with a loose FF Lizzy which I later let go for a factory sealed C-9 example. The memories of that day will stay with me forever just like my very first comic book convention where i still recall staring for nearly an hour at complete sets of JLA and Amazing spider-Man, Fantastic Four hanging on dealers' walls. Not to mention holding 4 NM copies of Amazing Fantasy 15 at one time. The dealer was asking 8 grand a piece. Boy I wish I had that money at the time. Turning a profit from 8K to over 200K sure would have been nice. I need to take the drive to WV next year and meet some of the wonderful people I have met since really learning about Megos. Thank you to everyone who makes this hobby fun and exciting!

