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Colecovision Help

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  • Den82
    Career Member
    • Jan 17, 2011
    • 969

    Colecovision Help

    I got a Colecovision recently. I currently have only Atari games, but I have the expansion thing. However, nothing is happening. The screen is blank and there is no sound. I DO get the screen telling me I have to insert a game or something, but that's it.
  • Werewolf
    • Jul 14, 2003
    • 14881

    Do you have access to an Atari to test the games on? They could be fried or they could just need cleaning. Also the oversized Superchanger and Tigervision carts don't work.
    You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


    • bizzaro megomauler
      WANTED for card bending
      • Apr 26, 2008
      • 1052

      Coloecovision is THE WORST culprit of dirty connectors. you should disassemble the entire system, and clean the contacts with contact cleaner. i had the same problem and mine works like a charm now!


      • Bruce Banner
        HULK SMASH!
        • Apr 3, 2010
        • 4335

        Yeah, definitely clean the cart slot, the contacts and all the connectors. Make sure everything's free of dust and debris.
        PUNY HUMANS!


        • Den82
          Career Member
          • Jan 17, 2011
          • 969

          I haven't hooked up the Atari in ages (I had that gold connector for hooking it up to newer TVs, but it's gone...think I sold the TV at my last yard sale and forgot it).

          But all the Atari games worked last time I played them and I did clean them too. I guess I'll just take it apart and clean it up.


          • Den82
            Career Member
            • Jan 17, 2011
            • 969

            As it turns out, the game I had was an Atari one, lol. I got Mouse Trap and it works great.

            However, when I use the expansion thing for Atari 2006, the screen is black and nothing happens. Not sure what could be the problem, anybody have an idea?


            • Figuremod73
              That 80's guy
              • Jul 27, 2011
              • 3017

              they all had good ideas to what the problem could be. my guess is the connector for the 2600 games is dirty. its also quite possible that time hasnt been good to it and the insides are no longer any good. its always hard to tell with something like that when theres not another one around to compare it with.


              • Captain_Dan
                Museum Super Collector
                • Dec 19, 2010
                • 175

                I was going to hook mine up and tinker around with it. I dont have the expansion for the Atari, wish I did though.


                • Figuremod73
                  That 80's guy
                  • Jul 27, 2011
                  • 3017

                  i havent seen an colecovision in ages. im always wonder what the span of systems like that are. does playing them on occasion keep them working compared to never playing them at all?
                  i know tv's usually last twenty years or so then they just "fizzle out".


                  • captact
                    King of Super Queens!
                    • Aug 19, 2007
                    • 1997

                    What is best used to clean these old contacts? Is there a home product or does it require a more industrial product??? Have one of those to with same problem,,,and needing a switch thingy to convert from TV to Game mode.....anyone has a spare for sale?


                    • ctc
                      Fear the monkeybat!
                      • Aug 16, 2001
                      • 11183

                      >What is best used to clean these old contacts?

                      I use q-tips and some isopropyl.

                      Don C.


                      • Werewolf
                        • Jul 14, 2003
                        • 14881

                        Originally posted by Figuremod73
                        im always wonder what the span of systems like that are.
                        That's a good question. I have no idea. My Intelevision, 2600 and 7800 are still going strong. On the other hand, my 3DO died a few years ago. I think the disc drive burned out.

                        I think what goes bad on a lot of older TVs are the picture tubes. They probably can be fixed if you can find the parts.
                        You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


                        • Figuremod73
                          That 80's guy
                          • Jul 27, 2011
                          • 3017

                          I had a dreamcast laser go out like that. Biggest problem with disc based systems.


                          • noelani72
                            • Jun 25, 2002
                            • 4609

                            Originally posted by Den82
                            I got a Colecovision recently. I currently have only Atari games, but I have the expansion thing. However, nothing is happening. The screen is blank and there is no sound. I DO get the screen telling me I have to insert a game or something, but that's it.

                            either the contacts are dirty, or the Atari Expansion module just doesn't work anymore perhaps. I have units still and if you send it to me; I could test it for you.
                            I modded my Colecovision to eliminate the Game/TV switch box. I can now use RCA jacks and connect to any newer tv.
                            I still have a few Colecovision systems around..gotta keep more than one on hand 'just in case".
                            I have my Atari 7800 and 5200 systems still in the house by the tv.
                            I have a couple 2600s prolly in the garage in a box.
                            I really miss the days of these systems...gotta keep em alive.


                            • jwyblejr
                              galactic yo-yo
                              • Apr 6, 2006
                              • 11147

                              I thought I had seen it that Radio Shack has some kind of device that let's you play older game systems without the switch box. Been awhile since I've been to one,so not entirely sure on it.

