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Star Trek Picard Season 3 TRAILER

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  • PB
    • Jul 2, 2021
    • 92

    Five in now.... and like Bon Jovi says “we’re halfway there!”

    Too bad they kill another beloved character, instead of ending the Rafi character ‘storyline’ that has been crushing the pace of the storytelling.

    I want to like it. But even with improved dialogue that does align with the original TNG cast, this show is still plagued with the same old tropes that have brought down the franchise for over a decade now.

    At least starfleet has proper ships again. This feels like a continuation of the TNG films and not the series. But it has yet to show us anything new really. In fact sometimes I feel like I can’t see it at all because it’s still so darn dark.


    • Sideshow Spock
      valar morghulis
      • Mar 8, 2005
      • 2855

      DS9 very firmly established that when a changeling takes the form of an object, person, or animal, it scans AS THAT THING. So I was startled when this episode invented the notion that changelings couldn't actually mimic internal organs until now? Or something?

      I'll wait a couple days before talking about the ep's big spoiler.


      • Nostalgiabuff
        Muddling through
        • Oct 4, 2008
        • 11402

        well in fairness, all of the Trek shows have played loosely with details like that. Alien species were often different from show to show


        • Hector
          el Hombre de Acero
          • May 19, 2003
          • 31852

          Was sooooooooooooo happy too see this beloved character back…

          ***maybe a spoiler?***

          …but also…


          • sprytel
            Talkative Member
            • Jun 26, 2009
            • 6615

            In my opinion, best episode of Picard (any season) yet.


            • Earth 2 Chris
              Verbose Member
              • Mar 7, 2004
              • 32783

              My wife and I are enjoying the hell out of this season. Certainly a surprise this time, and a bittersweet one in many ways.


              • Nostalgiabuff
                Muddling through
                • Oct 4, 2008
                • 11402

                great episode today. one of the best this season

                that stuff they found at the Daystom station, though, oh wow


                so was that just Kirk's remains you think? similar to Picard's having been there? it kind of seemed like it might be more than that


                • Hector
                  el Hombre de Acero
                  • May 19, 2003
                  • 31852

                  Yes, agreed that it was a great episode.


                  • Earth 2 Chris
                    Verbose Member
                    • Mar 7, 2004
                    • 32783


                    so was that just Kirk's remains you think? similar to Picard's having been there? it kind of seemed like it might be more than that
                    My wife and I both sat up and said "WHAT?" when we saw that! I went back and watched that scene again. It looks like Section 31 went and dug up Kirk's remains from the rock pile Picard made at the end of Generations. According to a Screen Crush recap video, Terry Matalas confirmed this. But WHY?

                    Plus, "Genesis II Device". But Genesis is forbidden!!!


                    • Nostalgiabuff
                      Muddling through
                      • Oct 4, 2008
                      • 11402

                      why would they have kept Picards remains there as well? maybe for cloning purposes of great starship captains? Section 31 is shady as hell


                      • Nostalgiabuff
                        Muddling through
                        • Oct 4, 2008
                        • 11402

                        they are still talking about doing a section 31 show, with Michelle Yeo, reprising her role from Discovery. now i really want to see that show happen, lol


                        • Nostalgiabuff
                          Muddling through
                          • Oct 4, 2008
                          • 11402

                          Originally posted by Earth 2 Chris
                          My wife and I both sat up and said "WHAT?" when we saw that! I went back and watched that scene again. It looks like Section 31 went and dug up Kirk's remains from the rock pile Picard made at the end of Generations. According to a Screen Crush recap video, Terry Matalas confirmed this. But WHY?

                          Plus, "Genesis II Device". But Genesis is forbidden!!!
                          i would think with transporter technology all they really had to do was beam the remains out


                          • sprytel
                            Talkative Member
                            • Jun 26, 2009
                            • 6615

                            The nostalgia of seeing all the classic starships was surprisingly emotional. Hats off to Jerry Ryan and Picard's son for making that scene work so well.


                            • Nostalgiabuff
                              Muddling through
                              • Oct 4, 2008
                              • 11402

                              another great episode this week. it is sooo cool seeing characters from the 3 80s-90's series coming together in one show. even it not all of them are there at any one scene.


                              • PB
                                • Jul 2, 2021
                                • 92

                                Don’t get me wrong, I like it well enough and look forward to what will happen next but a lot of episode 7 didn’t make sense. So they’re running out of places to hide but never even mention the cloaking device they just stole. The foot soldiers and our cast both miss kill shots from only feet away. The phasers inflict inconsistent damage and no longer vaporize the villains. The only answers we get concern Vadics backstory, more Section 31 nonsense. I spotted a taser from Batman Returns, and Dr Crusher doesn’t know basic dna stuff.

