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The Wheel of Time Trailer

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  • drquest
    • Apr 17, 2012
    • 3763

    I'm about half way through book 3 now, so I'll be watching this. Curious how this series will play out.
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    • LonnieFisher
      Eloquent Member
      • Jan 19, 2008
      • 10856

      If you don't get seasick, the first three episodes are available.


      • Nostalgiabuff
        Muddling through
        • Oct 4, 2008
        • 11315

        watched the first 2 last night. doesn't follow the first book all that tightly, but still a good overall show. effects are decent. not sold on some of the cast yet. seems most of the actors were really only cast for diversity. i like the actor they cast as Perrin. Padan Fain too, he really comes across as sleezy, lol i will keep with it and see how the rest of the season plays out


        • drquest
          • Apr 17, 2012
          • 3763

          I watched all three episodes and as stated it's not following the book too much. The Two Rivers crew are a little older than in the books. It's also going very quickly.

          Having knowledge of the books does helps understand what's going on but I'm curious what the take is from people new to the universe. A lot is being tossed at the screen very quickly without explanation I think.
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          • Nostalgiabuff
            Muddling through
            • Oct 4, 2008
            • 11315

            agreed. i had to explain a lot to my wife and daughter as we were watching as they had no idea what was happening


            • Dark Shadow
              Creature Of The Night
              • May 14, 2011
              • 1030

              Watched all three of the first episodes last night. While, yes it strays from the source material, the heart of the story seems pretty well intact to far.

              I'm going into this with a few things in mind: A) This is a TV adaptation of a series of novels that consisted of fifteen (lengthy) installments. B) If successful, this production will be limited to about 8 seasons (with 8-10 episodes each). C) Many things are going to have to be cut. D) Some things are going to have to be modified. E) Some things will need to be added. F) I'm not going to be happy with all of it. G) It is a retelling of the story I love and has been branded/sold as a different spinning of The Wheel from that of the original novels.

              I like the casting. I think all five of the Emond's Field characters seem very well represented and are, at their core, the characters that I grew to enjoy throughout the series. While they may not all appear as I imagined them, they do seem to think, feel, act and react in the same manner. Perrin was my favorite character from the onset in the novels, and I think Marcus Rutherford has nailed this character brilliantly. If there is a weak link for me, I would say Mat's character is the least faithfully represented here. He's a bit too serious, but given the change in his familial background, it makes sense for the series.

              The background changes are what they are, and I am open to seeing why they were made and what purpose they serve to the overall arc of the story. Mat's was disheartening, Perrin's was heartbreaking, Nynaeve's seems odd to me, while Rand & Egwene's were pretty much straight forward. My understanding is that the bump up of the character's ages was done to dodge being perceived as a "teen drama" right out of the gate (see The CW).

              The pacing of the first episode is manic, but it seems to reach a better pace in the second and third. I think once the groundwork has been laid out, this series will find an even pace and the story will flow more evenly. Robert Jordan did so much character building and foreshadowing in The Eye of The World, much of it took place within the dialogue of the characters while they were camping out, and much of the rest was internal dialogue within each character. It's difficult to bring that to screen without bogging down the story.

              I think they did a great job with the Shadow Spawn, the scenery is fitting, the ruins in the background are very well done, and the main sets are great (especially considering the little amount of time that will be spent at each location).

              When I was on my first read through, I didn't think anyone would ever adapt this for visual media. I thought it was much too rich & complex to even attempt it.

              It's actually quite thrilling for me to see this world come to life.

              Overall, I'm happy with what I'm experiencing.


              Curious about the seasick reference, the only time I really noticed any instability was in the first episode during Winternight. I will pay closer attention when I rewatch.


              • drquest
                • Apr 17, 2012
                • 3763

                Originally posted by Dark Shadow
                If there is a weak link for me, I would say Mat's character is the least faithfully represented here. He's a bit too serious, but given the change in his familial background, it makes sense for the series.
                I agree with all you said... Plus the Mat actor will is going to be replaced for the second season, so maybe that character will turn a little. He seems oddly motivated in the three episodes we've seen so far.
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                • Nostalgiabuff
                  Muddling through
                  • Oct 4, 2008
                  • 11315

                  Originally posted by drquest
                  I agree with all you said... Plus the Mat actor will is going to be replaced for the second season, so maybe that character will turn a little. He seems oddly motivated in the three episodes we've seen so far.
                  was him being replaced announced? i had not heard that

                  we watched E3 last night. the actors are definitely growing into their characters. i liked how they brought in dark friends, though i had to explain once again to my wife. Thom has been well cast too from what I have seen so far. Love the character of Thom Merrilan


                  • drquest
                    • Apr 17, 2012
                    • 3763

                    Originally posted by Nostalgiabuff
                    was him being replaced announced? i had not heard that

                    we watched E3 last night. the actors are definitely growing into their characters. i liked how they brought in dark friends, though i had to explain once again to my wife. Thom has been well cast too from what I have seen so far. Love the character of Thom Merrilan
                    Yes it was announced prior the the season starting.

                    Here's an article.
                    Captain Action HQ
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                    • Dark Shadow
                      Creature Of The Night
                      • May 14, 2011
                      • 1030

                      Yeah, that news initially discouraged me a bit. However, given what we know happens with Mat down the road, they could tweak that angle a bit and make the transition seamless. I don't think we have any insight yet on why Harris has been replaced, but I have the impression that it was due to personal issues and nothing from a creative standpoint.

                      I don't think my perception of Mat in the series is due to the actor himself, just how the character is written and how it's unfolding. Early on in EoTW, he's a bit more care free, adventurous, mischievous, snarky and generally grinning, smirking, smiling, if not outright laughing. Here, not so much. I think that is in large part due to the changes they made to his home life, but also, there isn't much character development time allotted in between Emond's Field and Shadar Logoth. In this representation, he's given some really great one liners and jokes, but the delivery seems off to me. Rand's joke about Mat being chilly was much more Mat-like to me than what we've seen from Mat himself.

                      I did a second viewing last night, and caught some dialogue & visuals that had slipped past me the first time through. There's a lot scrambled in those episodes, and many things that are slipped in without explanation which would benefit new viewers if a little more time were spent on them. I hope that those are just Easter Eggs for the fans and that in the next few episodes they will be prominently featured/explained. (Ta'varen, for one example).

                      Not a perfect start, but I really am enjoying what I've seen so far!
                      Last edited by Dark Shadow; Nov 21, '21, 12:38 PM.


                      • Nostalgiabuff
                        Muddling through
                        • Oct 4, 2008
                        • 11315

                        anyone still watching? i have continued watching because i love the books and hope for the show to get better, but i have to admit that all of the blatant PC character changes are really starting to irritate me. also, minor gripe, but Aes Sedai are supposed to appear ageless, which means younger women should have been cast in those roles, but they chose middle aged woman for the most part, many of whom, look like middle aged women.


                        • drquest
                          • Apr 17, 2012
                          • 3763

                          I am still watching it, but some of the choices in the show is bugging me. The Aes Sedai is one of them, they are just kind of odd and yes the ageless isn't working for them I feel.

                          Mostly it's just too rushed, and character development is being denied.
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                          • MRP
                            Persistent Member
                            • Jul 19, 2016
                            • 2083

                            I am still watching it and enjoying it for what it is. It is not a great adaptation of the books, but it works as a fantasy show on its own. I consider it inspired by the mythology and stories of the Wheel of Time, but its doing its own thing. On that level it works, and is entertaining enough to keep watching. There are lots of adaptations in Hollywood that butcher the source material but work as their own thing if you separate it from that. I read a lot of crime/detective fiction, and I just started reading Walter Mosely's Easy Rawlins series starting with Devil in a Blue Dress. After reading that first book, I watched the 90s movie featuring Denzel Washington as Easy. It's a very good movie, but it needlessly butches the book. I was able to separate the movie from the source material and enjoy it for what it is. I do that all the time with things like Sherlock Holmes movies, Arthurian movies, Robin Hood movies, etc. all of which are rarely faithful to the source material bit many of which still work as good movies or TV shows. I even do it with things like the Marvel and DC movies, so I should be able to do it with things like Wheel of Time as well. It's a poor adaptation, but I am still enjoying the show and the story they are telling. I am not sold on some of the characters, not because they don't match the books but because their actualization and execution in the show hasn't worked for me, but there are also characters I do like in the show and its enough to keep me watching.

                            As for the agelessness of the Aes Sedai, if they had casted them as younger woman, the same fans complaining about them not looking ageless would be complaining about them not having the gravitas and look of wisdom and experience the Aes Sedai need. No matter what people doing adaptations do, there will be fans looking to find fault and seeking reasons not to like the things they say they like. Finding reasons not to like the things they claim to be fans of seems to be the primary activity of any fanbase these days as negativity gets them more attention, clicks, and validation from the masses, and once someone starts the negative train the mob mentality sets in and there's a lot of bandwagon hopping by folks, who likely didn't have an issue with it until some "fan" made a lot of noise about it getting the masses riled about something that wouldn't have bothered them otherwise.

                            "Opinion is the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding." -Plato


                            • Dark Shadow
                              Creature Of The Night
                              • May 14, 2011
                              • 1030

                              I'm still watching, and continuing to enjoying it. I'm also nearing the end of another re-read of The Great Hunt, as well as listening to the audio version of Eye of The World to & from work. So I am simultaneously enjoying both the source material and this adaptation. I've never actually listened to audio books before (I think the last time I had someone read a book to me was in grade school, in class), but I'm really getting into's a completely different experience from reading.

                              I like most of the characterizations in the show (even though I may not be quite so thrilled with a few of them) and the visuals overall meet my expectations for a TV experience. I think they may have overdone the "mystery" a bit of who the Dragon Reborn is, but once that is revealed (my understanding is next week's episode) I think the show has the opportunity to take flight and dive into the best aspects of the story.

                              I think some (if not many) of the faults in this first season stem from the Herculean task of adapting the massive amount of character development, world building & foreshadowing (that were mostly covered in Jordan's first two installments) into an 8 hour visual format, plus the production issues that were generated from the shut down that occurred during mid-shoot. I think Seasons 2 & 3 will benefit tremendously not only from the lack of disruption in production this year, but also from the fact that they will be shot back-to-back, as well as having the opportunity to address some of the criticisms of S1.

                              The mention of the "missing ships" in the latest episode has me excited for what we may see early on next season.


                              • LonnieFisher
                                Eloquent Member
                                • Jan 19, 2008
                                • 10856

                                I'm watching it because I thought it was sci-fi. I'm not really into fantasy that much. Had I known, I wouldn't have started watching it. I save the episodes for my mom to watch. If I wasn't doing that, I would have stopped watching a long time ago.

