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Star Trek: Picard

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  • Sideshow Spock
    valar morghulis
    • Mar 8, 2005
    • 2853

    Originally posted by Hector
    He was a semi-regular on Voyager for a couple of seasons. Different actor though,
    Hard to believe that the original actor didn't want to come back 20 years later for a two minute scene of screaming in a torture chamber


    • PNGwynne
      Master of Fowl Play
      • Jun 5, 2008
      • 19484

      I just rewatched classic trek "Court Martial." Some soapy moments in that slightly rushed episode. ""You killed my father!! You hated him!!! *sob*"

      Also, Jami's costume is hilarious.
      WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


      • Earth 2 Chris
        Verbose Member
        • Mar 7, 2004
        • 32564

        CBS All Access has a promo code allowing you to watch it free through 4/23. That code is GIFT.

        We just binged Picard over the last several days. Overall, we really enjoyed it. I didn't care for the cursing, smoking, the gore or the grimness, and I wish Star Trek's current creators would take a stand and say "we're not going to do that", but Star Trek can't survive on old fans alone, so they think they have to make these concessions to get a more mainstream audience.

        Other than that, I really did enjoy the series. Lots of allegory to what is currently going on in the world, which Star Trek has done for 50 plus years, so no surprise there. The ending restored a little bit of that optimistic veneer that seemed lost in the previous episodes. But to their credit, Picard himself voiced the loss of it. So the journey was worth it, for me.



        • Nostalgiabuff
          Muddling through
          • Oct 4, 2008
          • 11315

          I signed up for the free month today and binge watched the whole series. I think my brain is melting, LOL.

          I enjoyed the show though. the cursing was a little jarring at first as you don't expect it on ST but overall it did not bother me. it's funny how many admirals have gone rogue in the Next Gen universe.

          it was like catching up with old, dear, friends


          • Bruce Banner
            HULK SMASH!
            • Apr 3, 2010
            • 4335

            I found a fair amount in the show to enjoy overall.
            And yes, it was great seeing some of those old, fondly remembered characters again.
            PUNY HUMANS!


            • Sideshow Spock
              valar morghulis
              • Mar 8, 2005
              • 2853

              As a TNG fan I'd be very happy to be championing mediocrity right now, but unfortunately the show couldn't even reach that threshold most of the time. Most of it was a ridiculous mess. I enjoyed Stewart's performance for the most part, but all too often he seemed like a supporting character on his own show. The callbacks with other TNG cast were really the highlights of the show, excluding the finale which featured a scene so poorly written, it sounded like something you'd hear at a convention where fan-written scenes are acted out.

              I'd give the season a C-. Between this and Discovery, I think we know at what level Kurtzman Trek is operating at.


              • EMCE Hammer
                Moderation Engineer
                • Aug 14, 2003
                • 25680

                I got a chance to catch up. B- from me, and the conclusion of season one's arc just didn't work for me at all. So many holes, and I thought a certain android was way out of character.


                • Nostalgiabuff
                  Muddling through
                  • Oct 4, 2008
                  • 11315

                  ive been binge watching Discovery now. I really liked S1. about 6 episodes into S2. although I like seeing Pike in action, the season isn't working as well overall so far, but I am still enjoying it


                  • EMCE Hammer
                    Moderation Engineer
                    • Aug 14, 2003
                    • 25680

                    I really liked Discovery. Getting on board with the concept of Spock's secret sister was a hurdle, but I just try not to think about it too much


                    • Nostalgiabuff
                      Muddling through
                      • Oct 4, 2008
                      • 11315

                      Originally posted by EMCE Hammer
                      I really liked Discovery. Getting on board with the concept of Spock's secret sister was a hurdle, but I just try not to think about it too much
                      agreed. the biggest one for me was yet another Klingon redesign. but it seems they are slowly transitioning to the Klingons we all know and love and giving some explanation for the ones we saw in TOS

                      I am up to S2 episode 9 and I loved the fact that they did a previously on for the Talos episode and showed scenes from the Cage


                      • jwyblejr
                        galactic yo-yo
                        • Apr 6, 2006
                        • 11146

                        Just got done with this myself. I agree somewhat with the swearing. Did we really need that many F bombs? Not sure where the Vulcans or Kilngons are hiding in this series. And what is it with the Soongs looking alike? Are they secretly clones or something? Overall I liked Picard's Romulan "son"(yeah,I know they aren't really father and son but they sure act like it.). Although he's got too much of a Lord of the Rings vibe to him.

