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Star Wars The Last Jedi Discussion

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  • Nostalgiabuff
    Muddling through
    • Oct 4, 2008
    • 11318

    Originally posted by Klosterheim
    I think it would have been better to detail and set up the background of the major things that happened in the Galaxy after the fall of The Emperor.
    that will likely come in a fill in movie down the road, ala Rogue one.

    I went and saw it a third time on Saturday. I enjoy it more each time I see it and I really do not get all the hate for this movie. as others have already said, Luke's portrayal here fits in with his established character. the Canto Blite(spelling?) scenes while seemingly having no real purpose worked for me. it helped develop Finn's character from someone always looking to run away to someone who is ready to sacrifice himself for the good of the many. plus it introduced Benicia Del Toro who may or may not have a part to play in the next one. People need to get a grip and just enjoy the movie for what it is, not what they wished it was


    • Bravestarr
      Museum Super Collector
      • Mar 26, 2017
      • 185

      Rian Johnson raped my chikdhood


      • LonnieFisher
        Eloquent Member
        • Jan 19, 2008
        • 10860

        I thought the movie was pretty good. Way better than the last one.
        Last edited by LonnieFisher; Jan 17, '18, 3:46 PM.


        • spockoda
          Museum Super Collector
          • Jan 14, 2018
          • 198

          I would give this movie a slight edge over TFA. I felt like for TFA ol' JJ blended the ingredients of the OT together and what came out of it was TFA. That was my main criticism of the movie. This one had a few familiar elements but I didn't feel like Johnson did that with this movie. I felt JJ played it a little too safe and this movie wasn't made on that premise of playing it safe. Some people complained about that after TFA came out and now some are complaining that TLJ is too different. I don't see any way possible somebody could make a Star Wars movie that would please everyone from the casual fan to the fanatic.


          • Moxen
            Museum Patron
            • Nov 6, 2016
            • 128

            Originally posted by Klosterheim
            Right. The new movie had to be based on events and plot facts in The Force Awakens.

            In The Force Awakens, they really should have had Han, Leia, Luke, Chewbacca and Lando, (with the droids), all living in the same neighborhood on whatever the new Capitol Planet would be after the victory they had at Endor.

            Even leaving that planet on various space missions, they all should have had some kind of good life together.

            Luke could have set up the Jedi Temple there, or travelled back and forth from a new Jedi Planet. "Planet of the Jedi", that sounds like a movie title that George Lucas would come up with.

            I think it would have been better to detail and set up the background of the major things that happened in the Galaxy after the fall of The Emperor.
            I agree here. I didn't enjoy that there was no explanation of the events that lead to the creation of the First Order and its conquest of most of the galaxy or the rise of Snoke. If the Empire had continued with a new leader, fine. The way events in this new trilogy play out, it seems that the defeat of the Empire just didn't matter. Things were mostly the same, so it felt like the events of the original trilogy didn't matter. Heck, Last Jedi made a lot of the interesting parts from TFA just not matter either. I'm still hoping for a "from a certain point of view" moment about Rey's family in the last one though.

            I might be misremembering, but I thought Abrams originally wanted to reboot Star Wars, rather than continue the story, and was denied. So he pretty much did it anyway, but instead of the Empire, we got the First Order and much of A New Hope, with enough changed that it was sort of a new story. I thought that would continue with Last Jedi taking pieces of ESB and it did, but took chunks from Return of the Jedi at the same time.

            While there was lots to criticize, I did enjoy Last Jedi more than TFA. Unlike many people, I loved the scene between Poe and Hux and much of the humor. It's a good thing Chewbacca had those porgs to eat, because he might have been left out of the movie entirely if not for them!


            • Klosterheim
              Persistent Member
              • Mar 23, 2013
              • 1121

              I was also thinking that the Special Edition of Return of the Jedi seemed to show that, without an Emperor, the entire Empire failed and broke apart on every single planet in the Galaxy, that the war was completed and ended. TFA tried to show that battles continued when there were no more battles to be fought. There is no reasonable explanation how the First Order was allowed to be such a large and deadly organization after The Rebels have been trying to bring back The Republic during all those years since Palpatine ended The Clone Wars and took over the Senate. I realize history repeats itself, but to allow a new Empire to take hold in the veteran Rebels' lifetime is unthinkable. It had to be more than error or mistakes in policy and judgement. Perhaps it was an inside job, where some top Rebels turned to the Darkside and used what power they had to gain more power. They would have had to begun to conquer, then destroy and capture other Rebel ships, then build more ships and weapons of warfare.


              • YoungOnce
                Career Member
                • Aug 29, 2007
                • 966

                It's cool that a lot of people enjoyed it. I surely don't begrudge anyone that did. Different strokes for different folks and all that...

                But TLJ was a major disappointment to me. I went in giving it an automatic five stars just for being Star Wars and the longer it played, the lower the score dropped. And I'm not so hard to please... I like John Carter, Krull, and The Black Hole.


                • spockoda
                  Museum Super Collector
                  • Jan 14, 2018
                  • 198

                  I would like to see an explanation as to how the First Order rose up from the Empire and all that. And with Han and Luke killed off and the real life passing of Carrie Fisher, the only characters left that I'm emotionally invested in are Chewbacca, C3P0, and R2-D2. And those characters have been all but briefly tossed in these past two movies seemingly for nostalgia purposes only so although I would like to see how it all ends, of course, I'm a little lost as far as motivation goes to see Episode IX although I will more than likely anyhow.


                  • spockoda
                    Museum Super Collector
                    • Jan 14, 2018
                    • 198

                    Originally posted by YoungOnce
                    It's cool that a lot of people enjoyed it. I surely don't begrudge anyone that did. Different strokes for different folks and all that...

                    But TLJ was a major disappointment to me. I went in giving it an automatic five stars just for being Star Wars and the longer it played, the lower the score dropped. And I'm not so hard to please... I like John Carter, Krull, and The Black Hole.
                    Oh man, TLJ is better than The Black Hole! Watching a moth climb up a drape is better than The Black Hole!


                    • jwyblejr
                      galactic yo-yo
                      • Apr 6, 2006
                      • 11146

                      Most of what happened after Jedi was explained in different novels and comic books.


                      • Nostalgiabuff
                        Muddling through
                        • Oct 4, 2008
                        • 11318

                        Originally posted by jwyblejr
                        Most of what happened after Jedi was explained in different novels and comic books.
                        that may be, but most people don't read the novels or comics. I used to but when they tossed aside over 20 years of the novels storyline in the EU, I lost all interest in reading anything new. although I will admit I was bored with the EU novels, other than those that dealt with the holy trilogy of Luke, Leia and Han, LOL


                        • YoungOnce
                          Career Member
                          • Aug 29, 2007
                          • 966

                          Originally posted by spockoda
                          Oh man, TLJ is better than The Black Hole! Watching a moth climb up a drape is better than The Black Hole!
                          Yeah... A guilty pleasure. Loved the opening theme song. Crushed on Yvette Mimieux... Had a model of the Cygnus hanging in my bedroom as a kid... No accounting for tastes I guess...


                          • Bruce Banner
                            HULK SMASH!
                            • Apr 3, 2010
                            • 4335

                            I stopped reading the old EU stuff years ago... probably around the time they killed Chewie.
                            IMO, most of it was poorly conceived material anyway.
                            I was very optimistic when they essentially wiped the slate clean and started again with a new expanded universe continuity, but in all honesty most of the new stuff hasn't all that great, either.
                            PUNY HUMANS!


                            • Nostalgiabuff
                              Muddling through
                              • Oct 4, 2008
                              • 11318

                              actually, the series where they killed off Chewie was very well done, it did bog down here and there but I mean it was like 20 books long, the 2 follow up story arcs were also well done but after that I quickly lost interest in what was being put out

