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The Doctor's New Costume and TARDIS Exterior

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  • palitoy
    live. laugh. lisa needs braces
    • Jun 16, 2001
    • 59281

    Originally posted by Klosterheim
    It very much does match up, now that I see the pictures side by side.

    The scarf pattern is definitely the new costume theme. That is exactly it, I think.

    I'm thinking The Doctor may have a few outfits in the new season, there is probably a formal wear clothing set somewhere in the TARDIS.
    Yeah, OK I see it now. Sort of a pastiche of other Doctors thankfully missing the question marks...
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    • Mikey
      Verbose Member
      • Aug 9, 2001
      • 47244

      To get serious for a moment ...

      They are making the Doctor a girl (regardless of uniform)

      To me that's just not cricket.

      They could dress her as Rambo or the sweetest evening dress known to man ....

      It just doesn't matter --- Doctor Who is a dude


      • Werewolf
        • Jul 14, 2003
        • 14623

        The Doctor is a nearly immortal shape shifting alien.
        You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


        • sprytel
          Talkative Member
          • Jun 26, 2009
          • 6557

          Originally posted by Mikey
          To get serious for a moment ...

          They are making the Doctor a girl (regardless of uniform)

          To me that's just not cricket.

          They could dress her as Rambo or the sweetest evening dress known to man ....

          It just doesn't matter --- Doctor Who is a dude
          I sorta agree with your premise. If you hate the idea of the Doctor regenerating as female, there was no reveal that would have been acceptable. It was either going to be "too girlie", or "too androgynous", or "too normal", or "too crazy"... regardless what they came up with, the clothes were always going to be used as Exhibit A in those folks' hatred of this Doctor.

          That said... as someone who is willing to give this incarnation of Who the benefit of the doubt... blasting the new Doctor for dressing funny seems a lot like complaining the Doctor doesn't carry a weapon. I don't know if you've seen the show, but... that's kind of their thing.


          • Gorn Captain
            Invincible Ironing Man
            • Feb 28, 2008
            • 10549

            Well, the Tardis looks good, her outfit can and will change (probably) over the course of her run, so all is well. It's just a coat and boots, right?

            As for the "decline" of Doctor Who, I loved Capaldi's run, with some top-notch performances from him, and some fantastic episodes, the ones with the Ice Warrior on the sub and the recent Cybermen story come to mind. As a matter of fact, I thought the Cybermen story was Doctor Who at its finest.

            I've been with Who since 1975, and not one Doctor has disappointed me. Some take getting used to, yes, they need to find their stride, but in the end I even loved Colin Baker, especially because the concept of the sixth Doctor was quite an edgy one.

            I will miss Capaldi a great deal, but I'm hopefully for the next one.
            "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


            • Mikey
              Verbose Member
              • Aug 9, 2001
              • 47244

              Let's all stop dancing around the subject for just one minute .............

              It's all about a girl being Dr Who (no matter how she's dressed)

              Me, personally ... I can't accept it ---- yea, yea i'm a chauvinist whatever .. so kill me

              Would be happy to see people just say what they mean --- you don't want Dr Who to be a girl


              • Werewolf
                • Jul 14, 2003
                • 14623

                Originally posted by Mikey
                Would be happy to see people just say what they mean --- you don't want Dr Who to be a girl
                The angriest voices on the internet always seem the loudest but I really don't think most people care.
                You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


                • Earth 2 Chris
                  Verbose Member
                  • Mar 7, 2004
                  • 32567

                  I question the move, because I don't want Wonder Woman to be a man either, and I feel the female companions are often truly the main character driving the story and this will actually have the negative effect they are going for.

                  But I'm willing to give it a shot. If I don't like it... I won't watch it.



                  • Nostalgiabuff
                    Muddling through
                    • Oct 4, 2008
                    • 11320

                    I agree with Mike on this. In my opinion, this is no different than if they rebooted Star Trek again and made Kirk a woman. It just reeks of PC gimmick. I will give it a go to see where they are going with it but honestly I was barely hanging in there for the last season with Capaldi. I thought his last companion was really annoying and almost stopped watching altogether.
                    At least we have the prior 50 years we can watch and enjoy anytime. I am sure we all have our favorite Doctor(s) or period(s). For me it was always Pertwee and Baker because they were the doctors I grew up watching. I liked some of the others well enough but most I can take or leave after Baker, up until the modern series started. It took me a little to warm up to Tenant but I loved the guy by the time he left. Smith was great in the role. Capaldi was just, I don't know, so different. The sonic glasses and guitar playing just did not work, for me


                    • johnnystorm
                      Hot Child in the City
                      • Jul 3, 2008
                      • 4293

                      Been a fan since the 70s, and yeah, some Doctors take getting used to. But then they settle in and take hold. After all the years of Tom Baker, Davison was a shock. Did ok. Then Colin Baker... Good Lord he got a ton of criticism. McCoy? A comedian? Absurd! McGann? An American version- no way! Who is a British show! Eccleston - too rough, too punk! Tennant- weird choice! Smith- too young, he'll turn the show into a teen romance show! And Capaldi- too old, viewers want young vibrant Doctors!
                      Look, I'm for giving this version a chance. Nothing, NOTHING I've seen so far indicates there is a hidden agenda here. If anything, the Tardis look, the costume colors, the return of the 1st Doctor all signal a return to basics. Something I'm all for- a clean sweep, all new companions, maybe less complicated storylines.
                      I'm hoping we get a cleaner, brighter Tardis interior. I miss the plain old white background- while not as fancy, it was less distracting and forced you to pay attention to the actors. I'm hoping we get classic one & done stories, not season long plots. More classic villains, but let's save the Daleks, Cybermen, and Master for one big classic story that means something big. Not every Doctor has to encounter them all. No companion subplots, let them be there as help for the Doctor, not stars of the show.
                      I'm actually ready for this Doctor to begin. I'd like to see it get started, see where it goes. It's too long a wait until the premiere, they should start it in January and end all the deliberation.
                      Last edited by johnnystorm; Nov 10, '17, 4:37 PM.


                      • palitoy
                        live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                        • Jun 16, 2001
                        • 59281

                        Originally posted by Werewolf
                        The angriest voices on the internet always seem the loudest but I really don't think most people care.
                        It seems the loudest also want to pretend they're the majority. I personally think the large majority is either ok with this or is willing to at least judge the show when it comes out.

                        That's because a TV show isn't the most important thing in their lives, that's the norm.

                        I can't get upset about television, movies or heads on dolls because they don't ****ing matter. They're meant to be little treats, that's all.

                        If I don't like the new Doctor and it's a possibility that i dislike this, I'll wait it out. I adore the main underlying concept of the series, change.
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                        • Werewolf
                          • Jul 14, 2003
                          • 14623

                          Originally posted by Earth 2 Chris
                          I question the move, because I don't want Wonder Woman to be a man either
                          It's not really comparable. Diana or Clark can't regenerate into different people. The Doctor's name also doesn't have man or woman in it.
                          You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


                          • emeraldknight47
                            Talkative Member
                            • Jun 20, 2011
                            • 5212

                            Originally posted by Werewolf
                            It's not really comparable. Diana or Clark can't regenerate into different people. The Doctor's name also doesn't have man or woman in it.
                            Thank you, Werewolf, for that interjected bit of wisdom.

                            Humans don't regenerate and they don't change genders (well, not without a lot of painful and expensive surgery).

                            Kryptonians are aliens that don't regenerate, but derive superhuman powers from the rays of a yellow sun.

                            Amazons are humans(?) who don't regenerate, but certain ones obviously can spring to life from clay.

                            Gallifreyans ARE NOT HUMANS, henceforth their regenerations are not ruled or restricted by human standards.

                            I watched an interview with Patrick Troughton earlier who speculated that The Doctor could regenerate into any form it chose; male, female, white, black, yellow, red, blue, green, etc.

                            For me, The Doctor's gender isn't an issue; it's STILL The Doctor. All I'm looking for is good stories that can keep me involved, entertained and maybe even teach me a thing or two.
                            sigpic Oh then, what's this? Big flashy lighty thing, that's what brought me here! Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually. But give me time. And a crayon.


                            • Godzilla
                              Permanent Member
                              • Nov 3, 2002
                              • 3008

                              The essence of Who is change and I'm excited to see where this goes. Plus I just bought my wife a shirt which matches the one Jodie wears.
                              Mortui Vivos Docent
                              The Dead Teach the Living


                              • emeraldknight47
                                Talkative Member
                                • Jun 20, 2011
                                • 5212

                                Originally posted by Godzilla
                                The essence of Who is change and I'm excited to see where this goes. Plus I just bought my wife a shirt which matches the one Jodie wears.
                                Cool! Intentionally or accidentally?
                                sigpic Oh then, what's this? Big flashy lighty thing, that's what brought me here! Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually. But give me time. And a crayon.

