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Jodie Whittaker IS the Thirteenth Doctor

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  • Bruce Banner
    • Apr 3, 2010
    • 4335

    Another Chibnall episode tonight to finish the season. Not terrible, not great.
    All in all, I've pretty much enjoyed Jodie's portrayal of The Doctor throughout these ten episodes.
    The New Year's Special looks interesting.


    • Gorn Captain
      Invincible Ironing Man
      • Feb 28, 2008
      • 10549

      I agree, she deserves better scripts, and I never had a problem with the gender switch in the first place. So far, she hasn't convinced me, but what can you do if all you get is mediocre writing? Indeed, Capaldi also had some poor stories to begin with, and he ended up being my favorite "new era" Doctor. So it is possible, if the producer is willing to step up.

      In another interview, Chibnall said he considers this to be a reboot. So he doesn't want any classic villians, he feels "man is the greatest enemy", with all-new stories that don't refer to anything in the past. I am not saying you should re-do old stories, but hey, throw us a bone now and then...
      "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


      • Bruce Banner
        HULK SMASH!
        • Apr 3, 2010
        • 4335

        I disagree with Chibnall's stance on that. I think he's approaching the show from entirely the wrong angle in that regard.

        And the fact that the next season won't air until 2020 certainly won't do the show any favours.
        PUNY HUMANS!


        • palitoy
          live. laugh. lisa needs braces
          • Jun 16, 2001
          • 59303

          Originally posted by Gorn Captain
          In another interview, Chibnall said he considers this to be a reboot. So he doesn't want any classic villians, he feels "man is the greatest enemy", with all-new stories that don't refer to anything in the past. I am not saying you should re-do old stories, but hey, throw us a bone now and then...
          Yeah, i'm not on board with completely shutting the door, i don't believe you need Daleks every season but if you have a good Dalek story, the option should be there. Also, "Man is the greatest enemy" theme is starting to wear out it's welcome, it loses power each time it's done.

          The season finale is indicative of the show's flaws this season, the story held an interesting concept but there was no sense of urgency, it sort of just plodded along until the resolution. AND THE ONLY CHARACTER THAT EXPERIENCES ANYTHING MEANINGFUL IS GRAHAM (OK Ryan too, that was the highlight). Tim Shaw doesn't really deserve closure like this, he was half baked as a concept. Sure the Doctor saves the universe but it feels like she didn't have much real trouble doing it. The Doctor again feels like the "B" story while a companion (usually Graham) experiences conflict and grows as a person.

          Also, not to repeat myself but the musical score is actually working against it, it's like it's from another show, about a funeral.

          It ended with the Doctor calling her team "Fam", I did like that a lot. I wish Whittaker would get an episode to showcase her Doctor better, at times you see this interesting, empathetic old soul but then it's back to the "Matt Tennant" routine.

          What a mixed bag this all was, there is a marathon on New Years day here and I'll be honest, I may watch "Ghost Monument" again maybe?
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          • Wee67
            Museum Correspondent
            • Apr 2, 2002
            • 10596

            I think the fact that I have the last three episodes sitting on my DVR says a lot about my relationship this season- I still like it enough to record each episode, but I feel no urgency is getting to them.

            The ones I have watched feel like the characters are never really fleshed out, including this Doctor. The same is really true for the plots. They've been decent ideas that start out well. I wouldn't even say they end badly. Its more like they just end. They do not come to dramatic finish or tie everything together in a clever knot. They just finish.

            What upsets me most about the upcoming hiatus is it still feels like they are close to breaking through to something fun. I think they need to keep doing it every week if they are going to make that breakthrough, not take a year to make new episodes. You can practice all you want, but there's nothing like actual game play to make you better.
            WANTED - Solid-Boxed WGSH's, C.8 or better.


            • Godzilla
              Permanent Member
              • Nov 3, 2002
              • 3008

              There's some interesting perspectives in this article. While I have a few complaints, I think the one guy who really dislikes this season is off base.

              Mortui Vivos Docent
              The Dead Teach the Living


              • LonnieFisher
                Eloquent Member
                • Jan 19, 2008
                • 10877

                I'm done until the current Who is all gone. Everybody and everything. It just sucks so fricken bad. Bad stories and bad acting and an ugly tardis. I wish Capaldi would wake up, and it was all a nightmare! I'd actually like to see it cancelled. Chibnalls "reboot" sucks Dalek plunger.


                • Gorn Captain
                  Invincible Ironing Man
                  • Feb 28, 2008
                  • 10549

                  I think the worst you can do, when a series is struggling a bit, is take a break before resolving some of the problems. One good episode, one return to form, will keep the fans patient enough to accept a shorter season or a hiatus.
                  As it stands now, we will be left feeling disappointed (for a very long time). Let's hope the one on New Year's day will be good. I am glad they ditched the Christmas theme, wouldn't have worked in this season anyway, I feel...
                  "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


                  • johnnystorm
                    Hot Child in the City
                    • Jul 3, 2008
                    • 4293

                    The finale did not impress me. A poor villain who did not deserve a return. And sorry, I couldn't get over seeing Mrs. Hughes from Downton Abbey in alien makeup. And I realize Phyllis Logan is a good actress (not that you could tell from the crappy part she was given). Just took me right out of the show.

                    The last few shows have focused on Graham, who is most assuredly the strongest character on the show. Stronger and better characterized than The Doctor. Which is sad. And also sad is I get the feeling he'll be the first companion to exit, leaving three cyphers in the Tardis. I think they've just gone overboard trying to make the new Doctor a "fun upbeat" character, from the trendy Gap outfit to the cool fun Tardis with cookie dispenser...she would be so much better swrved as a stronger, more authoriative figure. More of a professorial or teacher image than a cool buddy.


                    • LonnieFisher
                      Eloquent Member
                      • Jan 19, 2008
                      • 10877

                      Originally posted by johnnystorm
                      The finale did not impress me. A poor villain who did not deserve a return. And sorry, I couldn't get over seeing Mrs. Hughes from Downton Abbey in alien makeup. And I realize Phyllis Logan is a good actress (not that you could tell from the crappy part she was given). Just took me right out of the show.

                      The last few shows have focused on Graham, who is most assuredly the strongest character on the show. Stronger and better characterized than The Doctor. Which is sad. And also sad is I get the feeling he'll be the first companion to exit, leaving three cyphers in the Tardis. I think they've just gone overboard trying to make the new Doctor a "fun upbeat" character, from the trendy Gap outfit to the cool fun Tardis with cookie dispenser...she would be so much better swrved as a stronger, more authoriative figure. More of a professorial or teacher image than a cool buddy.
                      Maybe Graham should have been the Doctor.


                      • palitoy
                        live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                        • Jun 16, 2001
                        • 59303

                        Originally posted by johnnystorm
                        I think they've just gone overboard trying to make the new Doctor a "fun upbeat" character, from the trendy Gap outfit to the cool fun Tardis with cookie dispenser...she would be so much better swrved as a stronger, more authoriative figure. More of a professorial or teacher image than a cool buddy.
                        Well, I think she could have been both, it's just feel she never got the proper time to develop.

                        That's why we all seem to like Graham so much, we developed empathy for him in the pilot, watched him mourn, saw him become a better man. He's had the "Joeseph Campbell Heroes Journey" this season, not the Doctor.

                        That's a strange choice for a series named after it's main character.
                        Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                        Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                        • johnnystorm
                          Hot Child in the City
                          • Jul 3, 2008
                          • 4293

                          Oh, for sure, Graham has been the most complete of the main cast. It would seem that all the writers were comfortable with him and thus he became an everyman focal point, to the detriment of all others. There really only needs to be two companions here. Either of the others at this point could go, I don't care they're both so similar it doesn't matter.


                          • Gorn Captain
                            Invincible Ironing Man
                            • Feb 28, 2008
                            • 10549

                            My first choice for a female Doctor would have been Zoe Wanamaker.
                            I know, she's older, but she has a quirky personality, can switch from sweet to grumpy in a heartbeat, and she has that "spark" that the Doctor needs.
                            I'm really missing that in Whittaker. All we got so far is a "frowny face", as if her heart isn't in it...
                            "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


                            • rche
                              channeling Bob Wills
                              • Mar 26, 2008
                              • 7388

                              Originally posted by Gorn Captain
                              My first choice for a female Doctor would have been Zoe Wanamaker.
                              I know, she's older, but she has a quirky personality, can switch from sweet to grumpy in a heartbeat, and she has that "spark" that the Doctor needs.
                              I'm really missing that in Whittaker. All we got so far is a "frowny face", as if her heart isn't in it...
                              would that be as if her hearts aren't into it?


                              • Gorn Captain
                                Invincible Ironing Man
                                • Feb 28, 2008
                                • 10549

                                Originally posted by rche
                                would that be as if her hearts aren't into it?
                                Well, at least one of them isn't!
                                "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."

