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Rogue One SPOILERS thread!!!

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  • Hector
    el Hombre de Acero
    • May 19, 2003
    • 31852

    Rogue One SPOILERS thread!!!


    No, I have not seen it yet, but it was obvious why the filmmakers said there would be no sequel, impossible, as it was basically a suicide mission, and Rogue ends just before the opening scene of Star Wars A New Hope.

    So go ahead guys, I wanna read your posts...

  • Brown Bear
    Still Old School
    • Feb 14, 2008
    • 7058

    I just wanna know whether Darth is in it for more than 10 seconds.
    Check out my website: Megozine Covers - Home


    • Goblin19
      Talkative Member
      • May 2, 2002
      • 6110

      Yes, but not too much. Probably 5 minutes.


      • huedell
        Museum Ball Eater
        • Dec 31, 2003
        • 11069

        Originally posted by Goblin19
        Yes, but not too much. Probably 5 minutes.
        That said: Half of those 5 minutes being a "Sith-machine" showing that 99 percent of hardcore Darth Vader fans will agree is the DEFINITIVE "God, we have always wanted to see Vader be wild warrior Vader and never have seen it until now" performance.
        "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


        • Brown Bear
          Still Old School
          • Feb 14, 2008
          • 7058

          Sweet, thanks guys. Signing off now as I don't wanna know anything else.
          Check out my website: Megozine Covers - Home


          • hedrap
            Permanent Member
            • Feb 10, 2009
            • 4825

            Spoilerish below...

            The editing of the Vader scene has a solid pace, but it jarred the full effect of how unstoppable he can be. It needed to play in one uncut, one angle "Old Boy" type sequence.

            A real positive though was because we're not used to seeing Vader fight in combinations, it triggered prequel Anakin's combat scenes and logically bridged the two characters into one. That's something I never thought was possible, but damn they pulled it off. One of the major flaws with Anakin is he's such an amazing fighter, Vader wouldn't lose all of that ability, but that's how it appears due to the original trilogy. With Rogue Vader we get a more logical continuation of Anakin as Vader, whereas 70's Vader was a cyborg enigma.

            Tarkin was freaky-deaky mind-blowing. Makes me wish they would retcon Christopher Lee as Anakin/Vader. Watching CG Cushing made me realize how much Vader's voice between Jones and the bass/pitch applied is channeling Lee's cadence.

            A Knights of The Old Republic one-shot is a must after this. Give me that over solo Solo.


            • Hedji
              Citizen of Gotham
              • Nov 17, 2012
              • 7246

              Finding myself in the minority that loved it, but isn't madly in love with it. I rate it 4 out of 5 Stardusts.

              I love all my children (the 8 Star Wars films), but I love this one a little less. Without belaboring it, its weaknesses were the score, pacing, and a lack of comradery among the core group of characters. It's a bit of a letdown all of the major rebel characters in the core group were human. I thought Baze Malbus, while finely performed, would have been an ideal character to make an alien. Just for some more galactic diversity and space fantasy whimsy. There is some blandness to some of the exposition that just didn't work for me. I just equate Star Wars with more spirit of adventure, and a bit of swashbuckling fun. You'll hear this described as "gritty", which is fine for a spinoff, but I hope that the success of this film doesn't convince Disney to shift to a more adult and serious tone of all future spinoffs and installments.

              Having said that, I loved the bits of humor, the droid, the blind man, and yes the Vader assault is truly frightening. As with all Star Wars movies, I caught myself with a silly smile on my face for much of the running time. I imagine my assessment of it will improve with repeated viewings, but I will say that after Force Awakens last year, I couldn't immediately speak as we exited the theater, because I was so emotional and choked up. I cared more about Rey, Finn, and Poe than Jyn, Cassian, and their crew. Don't know why, I just did.

              As most will tell you, the last act of the film is what truly delivers... it's just thrilling. Truly remarkable, gorgeous, breathtaking space war sequences. This movie is big on awe, but somehow just a tad bit low on fun.

              If ever there was a Star Wars movie that would benefit from a post credit scene, it is Rogue One. I'd have given anything if they restored the deleted scene from ANH of Luke on the Moisture Farm, watching the battle with his binoculars, and then zooming off in his Landspeeder to tell his friends. Here's the scene... I'd fade to black around the one minute mark.

              If they'd cleaned up the footage, and scored it sensitively with Luke's theme, it would've been the perfect coda for a film that showed war weary soldiers with blood on their hands, yet focusing on the theme of 'hope'. Showing Luke in his blissful ignorance and youthful innocence would've been the icing on the cake. Missed opportunity there.


              • enyawd72
                Maker of Monsters!
                • Oct 1, 2009
                • 7904

                I liked it a lot...didn't love it. I was very disappointed in the music. Even the prequels have fantastic memorable themes...this one, I couldn't remember anything outside of John William's music five minutes after hearing it.

                The thing I most didn't care for was all the subtitles telling you what planet you were on. It felt very out of place from the previous films.

                Tarkin was incredible, as was the final Darth Vader scene.


                • Hector
                  el Hombre de Acero
                  • May 19, 2003
                  • 31852

                  Thanks for the input, guys, very cool.

                  How was CGI Leía?


                  • Klosterheim
                    Persistent Member
                    • Mar 23, 2013
                    • 1121


                    I liked the planet subtitles. They fit in with the war film theme, like in The Longest Day when they show who's who and their function.

                    CGI Leía was quick, but excellent, Peter Cushing CGI was best. By Leía, it was misting up time, so I could not tell the quality for sure.

                    I'll have to debate the morality of CGI Resurrection sometime, but for now- thank goodness for likeness rights!

                    More Big Spoilers:

                    Blue Milk in a pitcher.
                    A Clone Wars Era vehicle.

                    Huge Spoilers:

                    A Death Star Droid conversing with two Imperials.
                    Some things in the movie trailer was not used.
                    Talk of a Jedi. (She can be trusted or something)
                    A mention of a Jedi in hiding.

                    Super Spoilers:

                    Gold Leader!
                    Red Leader!
                    Walrus Man!

                    I can't wait to discuss the Mega Spoilers!
                    And all the spaceships that I loved in Rogue One!
                    I love moving wings!!!

                    I really like a minor character that was 'Hobbit' size and carried a blaster. Need more of that one in a different movie. (would be very cool)


                    Next, I'd like to see a Jabba Galactic Crime origin movie.

                    And, of course an Obi-Wan film.


                    • Earth 2 Chris
                      Verbose Member
                      • Mar 7, 2004
                      • 32564

                      Tarkin pulled me out a bit. The CGI was close. VERY close. They may have showed him a bit TOO much. But I honestly think it was his voice! I've seen so many Peter Cushing movies (mostly Hammer) so many times, I know his voice forward and backward. The voice and the visual didn't QUITE match. I guess that goes to show how good the visual was!

                      The filmmakers redeemed Vader after his last real scene was the pathetic "NOOOOOOO" moment from Sith.

                      My son was bummed that no one survived, but I pretty much knew they wouldn't. I told him "Did we ever see these characters again? They'd be generals in the Rebellion if they'd lived." He was still bummed.

                      I guess Walrus Man and Dr. Evzan or whatever his name was got off Jenner quick, because it went BOOM not too long after they bumped into our heroes! They still have to get to Mos Eisley and have a run in with old Ben!

                      Speaking of which, I couldn't figure how they would have fit it in, but I would have liked to have seen Ewan McGregor as an older Obi Wan here. Just because I want him in a completely good Star Wars movie.

                      Bail Organa was a nice touch, as was that last second appearance by a fresh-faced Leia. Well done.



                      • 4NDR01D
                        Alpha Centauri....OR DIE!
                        • Jan 22, 2008
                        • 3266

                        Originally posted by Hedji
                        Finding myself in the minority that loved it, but isn't madly in love with it. I rate it 4 out of 5 Stardusts.

                        I love all my children (the 8 Star Wars films), but I love this one a little less. Without belaboring it, its weaknesses were the score, pacing, and a lack of comradery among the core group of characters. It's a bit of a letdown all of the major rebel characters in the core group were human. I thought Baze Malbus, while finely performed, would have been an ideal character to make an alien. Just for some more galactic diversity and space fantasy whimsy. There is some blandness to some of the exposition that just didn't work for me. I just equate Star Wars with more spirit of adventure, and a bit of swashbuckling fun. You'll hear this described as "gritty", which is fine for a spinoff, but I hope that the success of this film doesn't convince Disney to shift to a more adult and serious tone of all future spinoffs and installments.

                        Having said that, I loved the bits of humor, the droid, the blind man, and yes the Vader assault is truly frightening. As with all Star Wars movies, I caught myself with a silly smile on my face for much of the running time. I imagine my assessment of it will improve with repeated viewings, but I will say that after Force Awakens last year, I couldn't immediately speak as we exited the theater, because I was so emotional and choked up. I cared more about Rey, Finn, and Poe than Jyn, Cassian, and their crew. Don't know why, I just did.

                        As most will tell you, the last act of the film is what truly delivers... it's just thrilling. Truly remarkable, gorgeous, breathtaking space war sequences. This movie is big on awe, but somehow just a tad bit low on fun.

                        If ever there was a Star Wars movie that would benefit from a post credit scene, it is Rogue One. I'd have given anything if they restored the deleted scene from ANH of Luke on the Moisture Farm, watching the battle with his binoculars, and then zooming off in his Landspeeder to tell his friends. Here's the scene... I'd fade to black around the one minute mark.

                        If they'd cleaned up the footage, and scored it sensitively with Luke's theme, it would've been the perfect coda for a film that showed war weary soldiers with blood on their hands, yet focusing on the theme of 'hope'. Showing Luke in his blissful ignorance and youthful innocence would've been the icing on the cake. Missed opportunity there.
                        This sums it up for me pretty well.

                        I think theres a lot to live about this movie but it really lacked some crucial elements for me. Like more aliens, robots, creatures.

                        I have zero idea why Moroff didnt get more screen time, that dude looked amazing. Same with Edrio Two-tubes.

                        The tenticled creature was kinda dumb. And i cant think of any other creatures in this film really.

                        And while i know i said after FA, and hearing that RO was going to be a lot more "adult", i'd be happy if they did some "kiddie type" star wars as well as more adult themed star wars, ultimately, if im being honest with myself, im kinda dissappointed i cant take my 4 year old to see this.
                        Last edited by 4NDR01D; Dec 18, '16, 10:48 AM.


                        • Gorn Captain
                          Invincible Ironing Man
                          • Feb 28, 2008
                          • 10549

                          I loved the movie, but let's split some hairs just for the sake of it.

                          CG Tarkin was good, but still, I see the CG. I'm a big Cushing fan, but still, I would have preferred an actor, or may some wider shots so we don't get to see his face that close up. CG Leia didn't convince me. Again, wider shots. But I admit, the CG is impressive.

                          I missed some of the classic races that I associate with SW, especially in the Rogue One Team, which is basically a Platoon tribute act. Odd choices for their helmets. I would have liked to have seen some more Rodians, Hammerheads, etc. Lando moaning about losing his ship in a card game.
                          But maybe it would be a bit too much, all of that.

                          I liked all of the characters, especially Mr Sarcasm himself, K2, but I didn't really bond with them as I did with Rey.

                          Btw, I felt that Cassian Andor was what Solo should really have been like, a better harder-edged, bit more ruthless. Andor does shoot first!

                          Really loved the Asian characters, they're great, and I "bonded" with them the most. I'll miss these guys, and wish they would have survived some way.

                          Vader's big fight scene was awesome, didn't expect it all.

                          Anyway, This is now my third favorite SW movie. So need I say more?
                          "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


                          • Hedji
                            Citizen of Gotham
                            • Nov 17, 2012
                            • 7246

                            It's funny how differently we all react to cameos and easter eggs. Are they fan service, or welcome appearances?

                            For me, I appreciate the "deep cuts"... the references that only a hardcore fan would pick up on.

                            For example, we get to see Blue Squadron, which was originally going to be Luke's squadron, but the blue screen process made the red stripes on the X-Wing models disappear. Deep cut - the geek in me was happy. Blue Leader's 70's moustache made it even better.

                            Someone in Jedha saying "May the Force of OTHERS Be With You". Again, another deeply rooted early script reference. Love that.

                            Walrus Man and His Pal - A bit on the nose (pardon the pun), but still fun to see. But this felt a little like fan service.

                            Artoo and Threepio - I've read complaints of them being shoehorned in, but I found this essential. They ARE Star Wars. And Threepio being one of my top 3 characters, will ALWAYS elicit the 7 year old smile in me.

                            Red and Gold Leader - Awesome. Only diehards would realize those were inserted. Very seamless. They could've included Wedge and Porkins. Perhaps at this point, Biggs was still on Tatooine saying goodbye to Luke.

                            Random question: Why were the Death Troopers' communication with each other unintelligible? Scrambled communication? Imperial Code like the Probe Droid?


                            • Hedji
                              Citizen of Gotham
                              • Nov 17, 2012
                              • 7246

                              Any fans of the Star Wars Radio Drama? Episode 2 and 3 of that series depicts Leia's interception of the plans. Those were previously considered canon, even after the Disney acquisition.

                              And of course Dark Forces game and Audio Drama/Book with Kyle Katarn is now non-canon as well.

                              Anyone have any attachment to either of those stories? Rogue One is more exciting than either of course, but I always will have a special love for the Radio Drama.

