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Star Trek: Discovery

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  • Sideshow Spock
    valar morghulis
    • Mar 8, 2005
    • 2853

    The reviews are are actually trending very positive:

    Created by Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman for CBS All Access, the story of "Star Trek: Discovery" begins roughly a decade before Captain Kirk's five-year mission -- as portrayed in the original "Star Trek" from the 1960s -- and a century before the events of "Star Trek: Enterprise." The series follows the crew of the USS Discovery as they encounter new worlds and civilizations, delving into familiar themes and expanding upon an incident that has been talked about within the franchise's universe, but never fully explored.

    I guess we're just being hard on the old girl


    • palitoy
      live. laugh. lisa needs braces
      • Jun 16, 2001
      • 59268

      Originally posted by Sideshow Spock
      The whole Burnham mutiny plot is just preposterous. And I'm not even close to warming to the character.
      Now I need to sit down and watch the two i taped before I say anything but that is one take away too. I'm not sure I like the lead character either.

      Really enjoy Michelle Yeoh and I think that Doug Jone's character is a real stand out. I love the return of conflict to Star Trek, I dislike TNG because I don't find anyone remotely relate-able in that group (which is the strongest thing about the Orville to me) but Michael wasn't winning me over.

      The shoe horning of Sarek into this is also not a favourite. That's such a Star Wars thing, everybody runs into Darth Vader and some how knows Han Solo.

      My local station played a half hour of interviews and hype before the show premiered. I was tired and too lazy to find the remote but I honestly think it had a negating effect on me. I need to re-watch the first two free of commercials and distraction.
      Places to find PlaidStallions online:

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      • Sideshow Spock
        valar morghulis
        • Mar 8, 2005
        • 2853

        Originally posted by palitoy
        My local station played a half hour of interviews and hype before the show premiered. I was tired and too lazy to find the remote but I honestly think it had a negating effect on me. I need to re-watch the first two free of commercials and distraction.
        The 2nd ep that I watched on YT was ad-free and thus only 37 minutes long.

        So nice.


        • PeterRR
          Museum Super Collector
          • Jun 2, 2008
          • 181

          The show was very dull. Characters were not interesting at all. Why does every star trek series or movie always changing Klingon appearances?


          • Hector
            el Hombre de Acero
            • May 19, 2003
            • 31852

            Originally posted by palitoy
            I actually thought the title sequence was impressive.
            I thought it was cool too.


            • LonnieFisher
              Eloquent Member
              • Jan 19, 2008
              • 10855

              Too bad Kirk and crew didn't have access to their advanced tech!


              • emeraldknight47
                Talkative Member
                • Jun 20, 2011
                • 5212

                Originally posted by LonnieFisher
                Too bad Kirk and crew didn't have access to their advanced tech!
                Agreed! You have to wonder; did the Vulcans decide Starfleet was becoming too advanced too quickly and just do something to make everyone's technology more retrograde then performed a massive, Federation-wide mind-meld to make everyone forget the advanced tech? LOL!
                sigpic Oh then, what's this? Big flashy lighty thing, that's what brought me here! Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually. But give me time. And a crayon.


                • Hector
                  el Hombre de Acero
                  • May 19, 2003
                  • 31852

                  Originally posted by palitoy
                  Now I need to sit down and watch the two i taped before I say anything but that is one take away too. I'm not sure I like the lead character either.

                  Really enjoy Michelle Yeoh and I think that Doug Jone's character is a real stand out. I love the return of conflict to Star Trek, I dislike TNG because I don't find anyone remotely relate-able in that group (which is the strongest thing about the Orville to me) but Michael wasn't winning me over.

                  The shoe horning of Sarek into this is also not a favourite. That's such a Star Wars thing, everybody runs into Darth Vader and some how knows Han Solo.

                  My local station played a half hour of interviews and hype before the show premiered. I was tired and too lazy to find the remote but I honestly think it had a negating effect on me. I need to re-watch the first two free of commercials and distraction.
                  Ok, here's my honest take.

                  Let me start right off the bat with you enjoying Michelle Yeoh. I'm right there with you. I have always been a fan of hers, and she seems like a chill captain. I'd gladly serve under her command...she's not a hard arze, yet can be firm. I think she should've been first bill (and I'll get to that in a second), but have a feeling she won't stick around for the Brit guy from Discovery will show up next. I don't think there will be room for two continuing captains, but I hope I'm wrong. I think having two captains and two ships working together would work, make it different and unique.

                  Yes, Doug Jones rules in anything...and his character is fresh and interesting. Can't wait to see more of him.

                  Sarek, I didn't mind him, as James Frain is a terrific character actor...I had no problems with him whatsoever...although I agree with you about the Star Wars holographic thing, no need for that here.

                  I had no problems with the new look of the Klingons, as a matter of fact, I welcomed it. Why rehash the same thing over again? I consider Discovery an alternate reality universe, so differences are fine with me. I also was intrigued how the light-skinned Klingon was the Klingons are into the purity of their race, and see the Federation as a threat, for they are accepting of multi-aliens/ goes against everything Klingon.

                  I liked the ship set design, more steampunk metal than the Apple Macintosh look of the new movies. I agree with poster AMrykerw1701...exactly replicating the same look of the original would look silly now, cardboard set with light bulbs. You have to go with the times. The original Star Trek set design worked for the 60s wouldnt work with a new show for today's audiences. It has to look more modern than our present day technology. Again, I consider this an alternate reality universe from the original Trek.

                  I like that the show will be serialized and not Game of Thrones, cool

                  The series is beautifully shot and the special-effects are impressive.

                  Ok, so reading my post so far, you'd think I love Discovery, and while I'm onboard, and will sign up for CBS Access...there one thing I didn't like, and it's major...the lead character.

                  Yes, I'm in agreement with you here...I'm not digging Sonequa Martin-Green/First Officer Michael Burnham either. She's the lead, the star...and she's my least favorite character. I didn't like her in the Walking Dead, and I don't like her here. She narrates, and she lacks that commanding voice for that. Now, before any PC Patrol comes here and condemns me for picking on the lone black woman, let me start by saying that's obviously not the reason of course, far from it. You know my history here, I'm always championing minorities in these type of roles. I'm more than fine with a female black lead, I think that's awesome. But she's the wrong actress for it. I just don't like her acting. She's not subtle at all, too emotional, too confrontational, never follows orders, does her own thing. She did the very same thing in the Walking Dead. Notice how she tries to overrule the captain every time she gets a chance. She over explains everything (that part is the writers fault). She constantly goes rogue. She keeps pointing out the obvious, again, like many said here, the dialogue was not the best. She was raised by Sarek and grew up and was educated in Vulcan, yet she's way too emotional. She shouts a lot, and is always angry. Again, it's not the color of her skin, it's the actress herself. I would've much preferred someone like Zendaya (although she's a bit young, but could've been a female Wesley Crusher type), Zoe Kravitz, or someone older with more impressive acting chops like Lupita Amondi Nyong'o. But noooooo, they had to pick Sonequa Martin-Green.

                  Yes, I'll keep watching despite First Officer Michael being the I liked the rest enough.

                  Rant over...for now, lol...
                  Last edited by Hector; Sep 25, '17, 12:29 PM.


                  • hedrap
                    Permanent Member
                    • Feb 10, 2009
                    • 4825

                    Supposedly, TOS "downgrades" tech wise to analog from Discovery's hi-tech, because the Romulans...could hack the systems. Don't shoot me, that's apparently from one of the producers.

                    If you want to know why this show is such a mess, and are looking for an excuse to drink early, read this.

                    ...and the bat**** crazy kicker takeaway quote.

                    As has been widely reported, Star Trek: Discovery will take place entirely within the TV series canon, specifically ten years before Star Trek: The Original Series, which began around 2260, and 90 years after Star Trek: Enterprise. How much closer will we get to the characters from the original 1960s show? Essentially, this season is as close as it gets: We have Spock’s father Sarek (James Frain) as Burnham’s stepfather (“She’s a mirror image of Spock,” says Kurtzman about Burnham, “She’s all human, but she was raised to repress her emotions.”), and we’ll soon see Spock’s wife who Fuller promised during TCA sessions. Also, as previously reported, Rainn Wilson will star in nine episodes as Harry Mudd, the affable con man and android appointed ruler of the planet Galor IV who had repeated run-ins with original Star Trek TOS crew.

                    But what about villains like the Romulans? “You will not see Romulans. That would be canon violation, but there are other Star Trek aliens you will see — potentially allies,” says Kurtzman on how Star Trek: Discovery is sidestepping the canon established by Abrams’ pics, “For reasons we can’t explain, we don’t violate canon.”
           that last quote not an admission this is Abrams Trek?

                    IMO, CBS sold it as TOS Prime because Abrams take didn't sell, (and they don't want to give him a executive credit), but they're actually producing a show off of his movies so they really don't have to hold to cannon which I think the Klingons have made pretty clear.

                    Then, we have that Trek IV Hemsworth signed for as George Kirk so wouldn't he fit into this timeline?

                    And wasn't this show supposed to be even earlier than a decade before TOS?


                    • pmwasson
                      • Sep 12, 2007
                      • 4868

                      My problem is that I liked it okay after only seeing half of the 2 hour pilot, but don't feel the need to pay to see more.

                      I wonder if CBS will backtrack and show it on network TV mid-season or next summer if they don't get enough subscribers?

                      I liked the visual of the opening sequence but agree that the music was a muddled mess.
                      sigpic LaserMego


                      • Bruce Banner
                        HULK SMASH!
                        • Apr 3, 2010
                        • 4335

                        Just watched the first two episodes. Star Trek, but not as we know it.
                        I kinda liked it. Some aspects more than others. The Klingon-Federation war premise is compelling.
                        I concur that aesthetically it does suggest Abrams Trek, but with a strong dash of Enterprise in the mix too.
                        I'll keep watching.
                        PUNY HUMANS!


                        • Nostalgiabuff
                          Muddling through
                          • Oct 4, 2008
                          • 11315

                          I tried to find it on demand but cannot locate it anywhere. not even the second episode in first run viewing


                          • Mikey
                            Verbose Member
                            • Aug 9, 2001
                            • 47244

                            Seen the beginning title sequence on youtube.

                            If a person had never seen a History Channel documentary title sequence they might think it was impressive


                            • LonnieFisher
                              Eloquent Member
                              • Jan 19, 2008
                              • 10855

                              I really hate the "starwarsification" of Star Trek.


                              • palitoy
                                live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                                • Jun 16, 2001
                                • 59268

                                I didn't really get a Star Warsy vibe other than the "shoe horning" in of a classic series character to make the prequel go down easier.

                                It's got some action but TOS had oodles of that.
                                Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                                Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:

