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Star Trek Beyond Spoilerific Fun Time Playhouse

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  • Bruce Banner
    • Apr 3, 2010
    • 4335

    It was okay. Action scenes were suitably impressive.
    Really felt it when the Enterprise was being carved up by that swarm.
    The assorted character moments between the crew were nice, particularly Bones and Spock.
    Story wise... this one did feel a little stretched, overwrought and overly frenetic. I actually preferred Into Darkness.
    It was cool to see that photo of the original crew in amongst Spock Prime's personal stuff.


    • drquest
      • Apr 17, 2012
      • 3763

      My son and I got to catch this in IMAX 3D tonight. I really liked 2009 Trek, Darkness not so much, but did enjoy this one and he said he liked it a lot as well.

      I do fell a lot of the plot was rushed to get to the next action scene, which was unfortunate, and why does every bad guy have to die at the end? I told my son early in the movie that I felt the bad guy was the captain of the Franklin. His overall motivation and plan wasn't spelled out enough unfortunately.

      Still it was a good move and I liked it better than Into Darkness.
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      • The Bat
        Batman Fanatic
        • Jul 14, 2002
        • 13412

        Just saw it yesterday...LOVED IT! I had heard there was non stop action but it didn't feel that way to me. Don't get wrong, there was plenty of action...but the action scenes were there to propel the story forward, not just for the sake of mindless action.

        There were way more character moments then I thought there would be, I was extremely pleased...everybody got some decent screen time. Naturally, the most screen time was given to Kirk, Spock and McCoy and I'm happy to say they really NAILED the friendship dynamic between these three...which of course is so important in a Star Trek Movie. All in all...a descent entry into the new Star Trek Movie series. I'd give it 4 and 1/2 out of 5 stars. I plan to see it again in the Theater.


        • Hector
          el Hombre de Acero
          • May 19, 2003
          • 31852

          I just came back from the movie theater...ST Beyond was friggin favorite movie of the year so question. Like Bat said...the interaction between the big three (Kirk, Spock, McCoy) was awesome, they finally nailed the friendship part...combining that with humor. I loved it. Scotty seems to get a lot of hate here, but he was also wonderful. Uhura had lots of screen time. Sulu and Chekov had a bit less, but important nevertheless. It was bittersweet to have seen Anton Yelchin on the silver screen...thank you for your presence, I will miss you, may you rest in peace.

          I was actually surprised who the bad guy turned out to be, no, not the actor himself (Idris Elba)...I knew that going in...but was shocked to find out he was originally a pre Federation military captain...Krall/Captain Balthazar Edison...I was shocked, lol.

          ...and let's give it up to the old clunker, USS Franklin...classic old ship blasting Beastie Boys, awesome, lol.

          And even though I agree with most, tiring of seeing the Enterprise getting destroyed...the actual destruction was the most spectacular ever...fantastically done, kudos to the CGI/special-effects guys.

          Last, but not least...I ended up ADORING Sophia Boutella as Jaylah...what a wonderful new character...I think she's going to take Chekov's place...and become a permanent member of the crew. Oh, she's hot too, lol.

          The picture of the original crew, what a nice touch.

          4.5 outta 5 (had the Enterprise survived, then the rating would've been 5 outta 5)...

          Last edited by Hector; Aug 1, '16, 1:31 AM.


          • Hedji
            Citizen of Gotham
            • Nov 17, 2012
            • 7246

            I loved Jayla too. Now when my teenager wants me to turn on the car radio, we both quote Jayla, "I like the beats and the shouting."


            • Captain
              Fighting the good fight!
              • Jun 17, 2001
              • 6031

              I just saw it, and have to admit I liked it. Huge fan of the original series...never cared for any of the other shows, and despised the JJverse movies. Maybe I'm mellowing with age, but this one seemed to make a way better effort to have that classic Trek feel.
              "Crayons taste like purple!"


              • Earth 2 Chris
                Verbose Member
                • Mar 7, 2004
                • 32582

                Saw it again yesterday with my son, and I definitely feel it's the best of the new Treks. On second viewing I picked up a lot more nuance out of Krall, now that I knew who he was. You don't expect subtle from a big action movie, but it's there. Combine that with the idea of Space PTSD that he suffers from, and you have a compelling and relevant character...which is what Star Trek was always about. He's a much better villain than screaming/spitting Nero from the first film for sure.

                Someone remembered the Holy Trinity of Trek was Kirk/Spock/McCoy NOT Kirk/Spock/Uhura. I like Zoe as much as the next person, but her being pushed to the forefront in the other films kept Urban back, and that threw off the whole Trek dynamic. They got it right this time. Loved seeing EVERYONE get their due.



                • samurainoir
                  Eloquent Member
                  • Dec 26, 2006
                  • 18758

                  someone pointed out to me the similarities between the Archer-led Enterprise era design and the USS Frankline. These ships would be contemporaries within the context of the Trek timeline right?

                  My store in the MEGO MALL!



                  • Earth 2 Chris
                    Verbose Member
                    • Mar 7, 2004
                    • 32582

                    There are several nods to Enterprise in the film. Who would have thunk it?



                    • Bruce Banner
                      HULK SMASH!
                      • Apr 3, 2010
                      • 4335

                      The uniforms which the Franklin crew are wearing in that ship's log footage they watch are very akin to Enterprise era uniform styles.

                      The first Abrams Star Trek movie also makes reference to "Admiral Archer's prize beagle".
                      PUNY HUMANS!


                      • johnmiic
                        • Sep 6, 2002
                        • 8427

                        I was not going to see the film but some of the reviews I read were glowing with praise so I had to cave and see it-and glad I did. There are plot holes a-plenty in this but not as bad as I.D. Some things won't add up if you question them so you just have to accept it or not enjoy the film. The film is very reflective and sentimental in some parts; perhaps more in-line with the 50th Anniversary spirit going around.

                        Instead of a snotty/punk/adrenaline junkie, Pine does play Kirk with wisdom and experience in this film. The whole Captain's Log narration is full of more-subtle in-jokes than previous films but it also hints at the deeper layers of the character. When Chekov asks him when did he suspect? He answers: Not soon enough! Perhaps more of a call-out to the spirit of Wrath of Khan than I.D. could muster. It works very well. He has matured and it's over-due. The Spock-McCoy interaction is a great highlight to the film. This is what we needed for so long. The actors do a great job. Everyone seems to get more dimension or some sort of development in the film, (maybe Uhura and Chekov get the least but the actors still get good stuff to do), and it works to their benefit.

