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Star Wars Force Awakens Spoiler Slumber Party!

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  • Hedji
    Citizen of Gotham
    • Nov 17, 2012
    • 7246

    You're absolutely right. This film simultaneously lifted my spirits and broke my heart. But the best is discussing it afterwards with friends and family. There's a lot of meat on the bones and a solid foundation for this trilogy.


    • Brue
      User without title
      • Sep 29, 2005
      • 4243

      Originally posted by hedrap
      Similar to Trek in that it's a reboot without calling it as such. They reappropriated so many original trilogy beats that, like Trek, it's a reboot, tucked into a summation, wrapped in a sequel.
      well said


      • Brue
        User without title
        • Sep 29, 2005
        • 4243

        Originally posted by Hedji
        I think there is a reason Rey has no last name.
        I think there is a reason Kylo Ren's face is not messed up like most Dark Jedi.
        I think it's wonderful that the movie leaves you speculating and asking questions. We all did that as kids.
        he sid he is fighting the light side.

        he wants the power f the dark side. but he can't attain it.


        • Brue
          User without title
          • Sep 29, 2005
          • 4243

          Originally posted by samurainoir
          Regarding the Rey and Kylo Ren fight at the end, it appears to me that he was much more injured by being shot by Chewbacca than he was letting on (they really used Han to demonstrate how powerful Chewie's gun really is compared to a normal blaster).
          great insight


          • Hedji
            Citizen of Gotham
            • Nov 17, 2012
            • 7246

            I think the reason Kylo's face isn't messed up like the prior Sith is because he will turn to the light side. If he were to be deformed or scarred, it would be hard to visually identify him later on as "good"


            • samurainoir
              Eloquent Member
              • Dec 26, 2006
              • 18758

              I don't think having a messed up face is a requisite to being a Sith Lord. Christopher Lee's Tyrannus/Dooku didn't have any. Vader's was scarred from battle with Obi Wan, Maul has facial tattoos but nothing disfigured, and Palpatine/Sidious is a shape-shifter.

              Also, I don't think Kylo Ren necessarily is part of that particularly dark side sect that identifies themselves as Sith... he seems to be aligned with a different bunch, The Knights of Ren.
              My store in the MEGO MALL!



              • thunderbolt
                Hi Ernie!!!
                • Feb 15, 2004
                • 34211

                You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                • clemso
                  Talkative Member
                  • Aug 8, 2001
                  • 6188

                  One other thing. I was a bit disappointed by was the look of Supreme Leader Snoke, he looked a bit meh, sort of generic, Voldemortesque.
                  Last edited by clemso; Dec 20, '15, 4:45 AM.


                  • Figuremod73
                    That 80's guy
                    • Jul 27, 2011
                    • 3017

                    Havent seen it yet but I'll enjoy it just as much with the spoilers (I read the book as a kid long before seeing the movie)

                    It sounds good so far but some of the choices made sound odd. Is Ren rather weak? I heard Finn (not even strong in the force) was holding his own against him.

                    How does he compare to Darth Maul?

                    Who has read Shadows of the Empire? I would have loved to have seen that filmed.


                    • Hedji
                      Citizen of Gotham
                      • Nov 17, 2012
                      • 7246

                      Originally posted by samurainoir
                      I don't think having a messed up face is a requisite to being a Sith Lord. Christopher Lee's Tyrannus/Dooku didn't have any. Vader's was scarred from battle with Obi Wan, Maul has facial tattoos but nothing disfigured, and Palpatine/Sidious is a shape-shifter.

                      Also, I don't think Kylo Ren necessarily is part of that particularly dark side sect that identifies themselves as Sith... he seems to be aligned with a different bunch, The Knights of Ren.
                      I knew of the Knights of Ren, yes, there are no "Sith" in this film. Palpatine a shape-shifter? Is that EU? That's new to me. His face was deformed by his own Force lightning. Tyranus is the exception, but I think it was a case of not wanting to **** off 80-something Sir Christopher Lee with a complex makeup. I read the Darth Plagueis novel, and although facial deformity (or some kind of physical malady) wasn't a prerequisite, they implied that it kinda came with the territory. Now that's no longer canon, but still.

                      I think Ren will turn good.


                      • Hedji
                        Citizen of Gotham
                        • Nov 17, 2012
                        • 7246

                        Originally posted by Figuremod73
                        Havent seen it yet but I'll enjoy it just as much with the spoilers (I read the book as a kid long before seeing the movie)

                        It sounds good so far but some of the choices made sound odd. Is Ren rather weak? I heard Finn (not even strong in the force) was holding his own against him.

                        How does he compare to Darth Maul?

                        Who has read Shadows of the Empire? I would have loved to have seen that filmed.
                        Some may disagree, but I think Kylo Ren is a wonderful villain, because he's such a hot mess. He wants so bad to be Darth Vader, but he just doesn't have it in him, and he knows it. He literally throws childish anger tantrums with his lightsaber. It's wonderful. Add to that, he's a bit conflicted I think on the Dark Side. It makes him more interesting than if they tried to "out-do" Darth Vader. Smart move, because no matter what, there will never be a movie villain as booed and hissed as Darth Vader. Never. It's almost as though this film is acknowledging that by making Ren so unsteady. He's powerful, but his skills aren't aren't that great, and he supposedly isn't fully trained.

                        Shadows of the Empire would be wonderful as an animated adventure, voiced by the original cast. But they'll never get Harrison back. He is so done with Star Wars. Gonna go buy a new plane with his Mouse Money.


                        • hedrap
                          Permanent Member
                          • Feb 10, 2009
                          • 4825

                          Originally posted by samurainoir
                          My wife also suggested a third possibility other than Rey being Luke's daughter or Han and Leia's daughter. Given the amount of time Leia and Han seemed to be separated, she could possibly be Leia's daughter, but not Han's, and thus Ben/Kylo Ren's half brother. (I jokingly suggested that she's the inbred daughter of Luke and Leia)

                          Wondering if the next movie will follow the Empire Strikes Back blueprint as closely, with Rey being reluctantly trained by Luke (As he was with Yoda) and Finn and Poe constantly on the run from the First Order before getting caught and in need of rescue by Rey.
                          I think she might be onto something. For some time, I don't know why, but I've felt they wanted to go the Guiness/Cushing route and fills roles with experienced stars.

                          Carrie Fisher is 60, but Ford is 75. Hamil is is Kurt Russell, who I've thought Abrams wanted to get involved in some form. But the GoTG2 talk of Kurt playing Star Lord's dad makes think either he passed on SW involvement or Marvel jumped first. Same company, but there's still a competition for talent. I wouldn't be shocked to see Anthony Hopkins turn up.

                          Von Sydow, Snoke and "Kanan The Last Padawan" tells me some people spent a good deal of time watching 70's-80's fantasty/sci-fi during development. Those are three easy correlations back to Milius Conan, with James Earl Jones as the one degree of separation.


                          • phil
                            Persistent Member
                            • May 11, 2007
                            • 2080

                            What if Rey is not related to any of the characters? What if she is just unusually strong with The Force?


                            • rche
                              channeling Bob Wills
                              • Mar 26, 2008
                              • 7388

                              Originally posted by phil
                              What if Rey is not related to any of the characters? What if she is just unusually strong with The Force?
                              that would be cool, but completely out of character for Lucas' little inbred universe


                              • UnderdogDJLSW
                                To Fear is Not Logical...
                                • Feb 17, 2008
                                • 4883

                                The whole family saw it. Both my 10 year old and 13 year old loved it all. My wife enjoyed it but doesn't analyze her entertainment as much as I do and...


                                ...I was fine with most of the leaps of logic, but am disappointed by how a certain character was eliminated. Like they did for Kirk in Generations, they gave the character a "surprise" death rather than an heroic one. It was probably more realistic this way as what parent could believe that their child would harm them, but as I did not get to personally witness the last 30 years in this Star Wars timeline, it felt shallow, non-heroic, and like the writers were being clever giving the character a Hitchcock-ian end in the middle of the film. Luke's self exile was also hard for me to accept given that a strong theme of ROTJ was relying on one's friend rather than trying to do things alone.
                                It's all good!

