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Star Wars Force Awakens Spoiler Slumber Party!

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  • Sideshow Spock
    valar morghulis
    • Mar 8, 2005
    • 2853

    Oh what a difference a decade can make


    • Random Axe
      The Voice of Reason
      • Apr 16, 2008
      • 4518

      I've been stewing on this for a few days, but count me in as one of those who was underwhelmed. There were so many inconsistencies, plot holes, bad dialogue...I'm torn. Visually it was very well done. A few of the choices in shot angles confused me as well as some of the swipes between scenes weren't very smooth, but the overall feel for the most part was vintage Star Wars. I think my biggest hurdle is Finn.

      Okay, we learn stormtroopers are trained and basically programmed from infancy to be loyal. I get that, it's smaller scale than clones and probably cost effective since they pretty much just swipe babies. The part I don't get is how FN2187, a sanitation trooper, goes on a Jakku raid, has a change of heart and then more or less becomes a Tyler Perry character. He went from First Order stormtrooper to Eddie Murphy in about ten minutes. He wasted no time lying about being part of the resistance, checking out Rey on several levels, asking about a boyfriend. Are you ready for this? 'Hell no." Does that sound like Star Wars dialogue? I just wasn't sold on the character. He's a likeable actor, though.

      I'm not going to write a bunch of stuff trashing this film because I will see it again to absorb more. I love Star Wars and I really like JJ, I just don't know if he was the right fit or if Disney forced the nostalgia factor into it making it a bit more pedestrian. I dunno, I wanted to love this but I was finding myself distracted during the film at the inconsistencies and illogical convenience of certain events.
      I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she dumped me before we met.

      If anyone here believes in psychokinesis, please raise my hand.


      • Brazoo
        Permanent Member
        • Feb 14, 2009
        • 4767

        Originally posted by Random Axe
        I've been stewing on this for a few days, but count me in as one of those who was underwhelmed. There were so many inconsistencies, plot holes, bad dialogue...I'm torn. Visually it was very well done. A few of the choices in shot angles confused me as well as some of the swipes between scenes weren't very smooth, but the overall feel for the most part was vintage Star Wars. I think my biggest hurdle is Finn.

        Okay, we learn stormtroopers are trained and basically programmed from infancy to be loyal. I get that, it's smaller scale than clones and probably cost effective since they pretty much just swipe babies. The part I don't get is how FN2187, a sanitation trooper, goes on a Jakku raid, has a change of heart and then more or less becomes a Tyler Perry character. He went from First Order stormtrooper to Eddie Murphy in about ten minutes. He wasted no time lying about being part of the resistance, checking out Rey on several levels, asking about a boyfriend. Are you ready for this? 'Hell no." Does that sound like Star Wars dialogue? I just wasn't sold on the character. He's a likeable actor, though.

        I'm not going to write a bunch of stuff trashing this film because I will see it again to absorb more. I love Star Wars and I really like JJ, I just don't know if he was the right fit or if Disney forced the nostalgia factor into it making it a bit more pedestrian. I dunno, I wanted to love this but I was finding myself distracted during the film at the inconsistencies and illogical convenience of certain events.

        My biggest issue with Finn was that he gets his internal struggle from seeing the results of violence, and then a blink later he's exterminating his own people - people he was raised with and loyal to until about an hour ago - and he's gleefully blowing them away and cheering like they're background goons in a video game. Later in the movie Finn talks about how he doesn't want to fight and I couldn't help but wonder how much more impact his character would have if that was his stance from the start. Like, let's say he helped Oscar Isaac escape, but then refused to use the TIE fighter guns. Then we actually see Isaac's character be an amazing pilot when they escape, instead of just being told how amazing he is a few times. Maybe Isaac's character convinces Finn to at least help him take out the star destroyer cannons, so we know Finn CAN fight, he just doesn't want to. Then later in the movie the good guys are pushing Finn to choose. Explaining to him that he's got to fight, and choosing no side is as good as choosing to help the bad guys. NOW we have a character with an arc. Now we have a theme to think about in this movie. These aren't fantastically deep or original ideas - but at least it's giving his character something to chew on.

        I actually liked the actor quite a bit - I think he did a lot and showed a lot of charm with almost nothing to work with.
        Last edited by Brazoo; Dec 22, '15, 5:31 PM.


        • Hedji
          Citizen of Gotham
          • Nov 17, 2012
          • 7246

          Originally posted by Sideshow Spock
          Oh what a difference a decade can make

          That is fantastic! Thank you for posting that. I really do wish Disney would keep him on as a consultant. Although I don't know if he would accept that role. He seemed to want a clean "divorce" as he calls it. But it would be nice to have his stamp of approval. At the premiere, he got a 2 minute standing ovation. I think that's well-deserved.

          I know he's become sort of a punching bag, but I really am a fan. I don't agree with all of his ideas, but he seems like such a kind, genuine, and gentle person. He is quietly charitable, and supports education in philanthropic ways. Oh sure, I can be angry about his refusal to restore the original cuts of his films, but I'd give just about anything to have lunch with the man.


          • Hector
            el Hombre de Acero
            • May 19, 2003
            • 31852

            Originally posted by Sideshow Spock
            Oh what a difference a decade can make

            $4 billion reasons...



            • huedell
              Museum Ball Eater
              • Dec 31, 2003
              • 11069

              Originally posted by Sideshow Spock
              Oh what a difference a decade can make
              Maybe he should have said "If you give me 4 billion dollars and no obligation to be involved, then there will DEFINITELY be an Episode VII."
              "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


              • Hedji
                Citizen of Gotham
                • Nov 17, 2012
                • 7246

                I hate to spoil the Lucas-bash, but he's donating most of that to Eduational Charity:



                "There is still good in him." No one has to agree with George, and no one has to agree with me. But I happen to think he is a Genius with a big heart and a gentle soul.


                • huedell
                  Museum Ball Eater
                  • Dec 31, 2003
                  • 11069

                  Originally posted by Hedji
                  I hate to spoil the Lucas bash but he's donating most of that.....
                  The only bash I have with that is that personally, I'd have kept MORE of it. Charity isn't something that sways me all that much one way or another on how I view one as a person. After all, there's a lot of factors surrounding an act of charity that come into play.
                  "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


                  • Hedji
                    Citizen of Gotham
                    • Nov 17, 2012
                    • 7246

                    Of course, charity has many reasons and benefits. But to me, he seems sincere in his desire to improve the human civilization through education. As a 20 year educator myself, I applaud that.


                    • Nostalgiabuff
                      Muddling through
                      • Oct 4, 2008
                      • 11328

                      okay, so first of all, Disney has announced a blu ray release of the original theatrical cuts for the coming year

                      second of all, Lucas has changed his tune about things many many times over the years. he lies in the moment and then later completely changes his tune. same thing with Han shoots first. every couple years he comes up with a new version of why they made that terrible change

                      all of that being said, I still think the man is a genius and he created things that brought me more joy in my childhood than anything else, between Star Wars and Indiana Jones and for those things I will always love and respect the guy. I even forgive the prequels, which I do like, but are terribly flawed. he lost himself in the technology and no one sat him down to tell him his ideas and the tyrannical control he took of things was ruining it all


                      • Werewolf
                        • Jul 14, 2003
                        • 14627

                        Originally posted by Hedji
                        I know he's become sort of a punching bag, but I really am a fan.
                        I've said this time and time again, the hardest thing about being a SW fan is so many other fans fall into the two extremes of Lucas can do no wrong and Lucas ruined my childhood.

                        To even insinuate that Lucas has been left out in the cold by the Disney corporation is pretty far removed from the truth. Kathleen Kennedy was his hand picked successor at Lucasfilm. He has been in the loop on the development of the new SW movies since the beginning. Force Awakens and its director JJ has shown nothing but respect for Lucas and the universe he created.

                        Lucas is a complicated man.

                        He was once staunch film preservationist that spoke before congress about the moral imperative of preserving films and film history for generations to come. Then years later he openly mocked fans wanting the original theatrical cuts of the SW trilogy preserved. He even refused to send The National Film Registry, which was formed in response to his impassioned speech before congress, theatrical copies of the original trilogy for preservation and would only send copies of the heavily altered special editions.

                        He is truly an intelligent, creative and innovative filmmaker. Who at times has had absolutely no problem saying SW was a collaborative effort and pays respect to all the talented artists, writers designers, editors and technicians which all help shape and turn SW into what we know. SW, as we know it, wouldn't even exist without Ben Burtt, Ralph Macquarie, Lawrence Kasdan, John Williams, etc. Then other times he tries to rewrite history and talks about his singular vision which changes often, contradicts itself and is easily disproven. Example, Greedo shooting first.

                        I cannot forget to mention his absolute brilliance in licensing and marketing reshaped the toy industry.

                        He isn't perfect and nobody is. It doesn't make him a bad person. It makes him human. He doesn't deserve a lot of the venom or worship directed at him.
                        Last edited by Werewolf; Dec 22, '15, 8:37 PM. Reason: typos
                        You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


                        • Nostalgiabuff
                          Muddling through
                          • Oct 4, 2008
                          • 11328


                          so the supreme leader reminds me of this dude - Dolza of the Zentradi


                          • hedrap
                            Permanent Member
                            • Feb 10, 2009
                            • 4825

                            Originally posted by Brazoo

                            I would put money down that he's a teenie-weenie Yoda-like dude. I think they're going to mimic Yoda's introduction in Empire.
                            I was hashing that over the day...anyone else get the feeling Snoke is going to be evil Yoda?

                            Like in how Search For Spock, the planet life was effected by the Genesis Bomb. I'm wondering if all the Force-ifyzing effects on Dagoba could have created Snoke. I could it see him tying into that nightmare area Luke had to confront.


                            • cjefferys
                              Duke of Gloat
                              • Apr 23, 2006
                              • 10180

                              Originally posted by Werewolf

                              Lucas is a complicated man.
                              Complicated indeed. I view him as an eccentric, sometimes flawed (as we all are) genius. But damn him for looking like an older version of me. As I get older, I'm getting called out on that more and more. It almost makes me want to shave my beard off.


                              • Klosterheim
                                Persistent Member
                                • Mar 23, 2013
                                • 1121

                                I need to see this movie again!

                                It seems Red Letter Media like The Force Awakens too.

