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Capaldi, Capaldi, & more Capaldi

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  • Gorn Captain
    Invincible Ironing Man
    • Feb 28, 2008
    • 10549

    Originally posted by johnnystorm
    Where to start?
    First, I liked the new Mistress version of the Master, but the insane stuff is overplayed. The character's name itself imply a someone who is in complete control. Plus the constant kisses thing was creepy. When he/she returns I hope all this is chalked up to a bad regeneration cycle and we get a truly chilling arch enemy out of he/she and not a sad Who version of a Batman 66 villain with an equally goofy plot.

    Cybermen need to be left alone now for a long while. And only brought back as the villains in charge, not this extreme army that can be defeated in the last five minutes with a virus or some little plot twist.

    Making The Doctor President of Earth was silly. Putting everyone on an airplane was sillier. And boy, when The Doctor was free falling, I was so hoping he pulled a Union Jack parachute out! Nice to see the Brigadier remembered, but I thought the twist at the end was maudlin.

    I don't think we're quite finished with Clara & Danny after the Christmas peek. I myself was happy to see Pinky blow himself up, I can't recall a character on this show that I've disliked more than him. And that dislike is transferring to Clara, who I used to like. Ready to see them both gone for good.

    Time for an unencumbered companion from another world, so we don't have to spend half the season (series?) in someone's moms kitchen. I mean, seriously, 9 spent how long with Jackie & Mickey, 10 with Same plus Martha's family & then Donna's, then 11 with Amy & Rory... Now Clara at the school... We haven't had an alien companion since Nyssa, unless you count Turlough who wasn't really an alien until his last appearance. That's 7 Doctors ago!

    Back to the show... Not sure the Brigs daughter should be in charge of UNIT- who leaves a master criminal handcuffed in the open like that? C'mon! Poor scarf/bow tie girl was doomed, which disappointed me, plus no one seemed to care either, including the Doctor. Did she ever have a name?

    Not the best finale in my opinion, the season went by too fast for me with too little advancement for the new Doctor's character. Hoping next year we get a more action oriented show.

    Also, I'm hoping the ice warriors show up in the Christmas show!
    The Doctor & Santa Claus vs. The Martians!
    Couldn't have said it any better. On all points you mentioned.
    When the Doctor was skydiving towards the Tardis, I half expected to hear the Bond theme, and indeed, seeing a Union Jack parachute.
    I also felt that using the Brigadier in that way felt a little "wrong".

    On a personal note, I hope the Ice Warrior leader is called Marvin....
    "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


    • palitoy
      live. laugh. lisa needs braces
      • Jun 16, 2001
      • 59275


      I enjoyed it, worked better as a season end than a stand alone.

      The loss of Osgood was a surprise and I actually enjoyed the Brig being there. Lovely nod to RTD casually borrowing from Gerry Anderson during his tenure.

      While I had no problem with someone leading the Cybermen, I do agree that they were totally invincible here. They need to be trimmed back.

      Missy filled me with promise but it was another "Bonkers Master" so I'm ok if she doesn't return. I really haven't liked anyone in the role since Delgado.

      The end with Clara was truly great.

      I do hope next season they stop trying to debate the character of the Doctor, Danny Pink was just flagrantly annoying by the end of this one.
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      • LonnieFisher
        Eloquent Member
        • Jan 19, 2008
        • 10856

        Doctor Who Series 8 is behind us. With six weeks to go before the Christmas Special, fans of the Doctor are left to speculate on what the future holds for the popular BBC series. This of course means one thing: rumors, and lots of them. Foremost among the silly season whispers is talk of Doctor […]


        • Gorn Captain
          Invincible Ironing Man
          • Feb 28, 2008
          • 10549

          Doctor Who's has faced cancelation for about 50 years now. So let's not worry.
          While Capaldi is a great Doctor, I do feel the whole season has been hit and miss. Some weak stories, especially near the end.
          They took a bit of a gamble with Capaldi (which paid off, IMO), but when you look at the season, nothing sticks out as memorable, except Listen, which I thought was brilliant.

          I think they should give Capaldi some old school Who stories, and not focus on the next companion. He or she will come along in good time, maybe even an alien. They could give him a sort of "psychic paper cloaking field", whenever he needs to go to Earth, so people won't see him as alien.
          "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


          • palitoy
            live. laugh. lisa needs braces
            • Jun 16, 2001
            • 59275

            What a pile of conjecture this is.

            Shows go through something called fatigue, it happens to everything. If the current show lasts ten years, that's a long and healthy run.

            So please spare us the "You See? People don't like <insert personal biase> !" This article has no substance.
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            • LonnieFisher
              Eloquent Member
              • Jan 19, 2008
              • 10856

              I hope he gets an alien companion and stays away from earth for a while. Or goes and hangs out with some past companions to see what they think of him as he is now.
              Last edited by LonnieFisher; Nov 16, '14, 3:46 PM.


              • Mikey
                Verbose Member
                • Aug 9, 2001
                • 47244

                The BBC wont cancel it because at it's worst it's still 100 times better than 99% of their crap


                • palitoy
                  live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                  • Jun 16, 2001
                  • 59275

                  Originally posted by Mikey
                  The BBC wont cancel it because at it's worst it's still 100 times better than 99% of their crap
                  Well, it probably has to do more with the fact that it sells internationally and creates a crap ton of merchandising.
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                  • Mikey
                    Verbose Member
                    • Aug 9, 2001
                    • 47244

                    Very true.

                    As for new companions, I hope they dump everybody in the current series (san the Doctor) and start fresh.

                    Kinda getting sick of Clara and all the other possible could be's.

                    I know the companion is suppose to represent the audience but these companions are just too ---- I dunno, needy ? Annoying ?

                    They need a new companion to represent the REAL audience again like Jo, Sarah, Tegan or Harry


                    • palitoy
                      live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                      • Jun 16, 2001
                      • 59275

                      Tegan? I still want to kick Janet Fielding when I see her! Gaaah, I'd take a room full of Clara over her.
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                      • johnnystorm
                        Hot Child in the City
                        • Jul 3, 2008
                        • 4293

                        And Tegan was going to be a flight attendant... Imagine asking that sour face for another pillow?!
                        Didn't Matt Smith's Doctor make a crack about Tegan once?
                        The Twelfth Doctor needs a Leela- imagine that! Both of them running around with no brakes!


                        • palitoy
                          live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                          • Jun 16, 2001
                          • 59275

                          Originally posted by johnnystorm
                          Didn't Matt Smith's Doctor make a crack about Tegan once?
                          He called her a "Gobby Australian"
                          Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                          Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                          • Mikey
                            Verbose Member
                            • Aug 9, 2001
                            • 47244

                            In Tegan's defense at least she didn't scream


                            • LonnieFisher
                              Eloquent Member
                              • Jan 19, 2008
                              • 10856

                              They did to the Master what I've wanted them to do to the Doctor for a few regenerations. I thought a female Doctor would have been cool. Now I'd like to see him regenerate into a child at some point. Not to be a kids show. He could be a angry, immature, destructive and lonely. So, then K-9 could come back.


                              • jwyblejr
                                galactic yo-yo
                                • Apr 6, 2006
                                • 11146

                                He already acts like a child,what would be the point?

