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Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 6 trailer

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  • Operation:Mego
    I'm the Star Spangled Man
    • May 21, 2011
    • 3350

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 6 trailer

    The final 13 episodes of TCW will stream exclusivly on Netflix, starting March 7. They also have the movie, seasons 1 - 5, and several directors cut episodes.
    The event where the fans are separated from the true fans.
  • thunderbolt
    Hi Ernie!!!
    • Feb 15, 2004
    • 34211

    they are adding the final season of Brave and the Bold, too.
    You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


    • Klosterheim
      Persistent Member
      • Mar 23, 2013
      • 1121

      Star Wars: The Clone Wars are really enjoyable on Netfix!

      Each episode flies by very fast!

      A lot of super cool stuff in The Clone Wars.


      • Godzilla
        Permanent Member
        • Nov 3, 2002
        • 3008

        I watched the first episode of the new season last night and boy have I missed that show.
        Mortui Vivos Docent
        The Dead Teach the Living


        • Hedji
          Citizen of Gotham
          • Nov 17, 2012
          • 7246

          Yeah, they were pretty good. Interesting to see that Mark Hamill voiced a character (I won't spoil it), but they kinda wasted him by over-processing his voice.

          All in all, I give the series a solid B+.

          The good: The voice talent. The lighting by Joel Aaron... some of the lighting effects are absolutely stunning and photoreal. The animation quality really grew over the course of the series.

          The bad: Six seasons in, and I still can't get past the horrible score by Kevin Kiner (who seems like a very nice man). Wall-to-wall musical scoring, with no silence for anything to breathe. I hope Rebels has a new composer, because I can't listen to anymore of Kiner's drum-banging.


          • 4NDR01D
            Alpha Centauri....OR DIE!
            • Jan 22, 2008
            • 3266

            I just started watching on netflix. I really like it, I was expecting something a bit childish to be honest, but it's really not.


            • Hedji
              Citizen of Gotham
              • Nov 17, 2012
              • 7246

              Oh, not at all. I think children would have a hard time with some of the storylines, actually. When they do go dark, they go very dark. It certainly was a bold show that took risks.


              • Operation:Mego
                I'm the Star Spangled Man
                • May 21, 2011
                • 3350

                Originally posted by thunderbolt
                they are adding the final season of Brave and the Bold, too.
                Yeah, I should really get Netflix.
                The event where the fans are separated from the true fans.


                • thunderbolt
                  Hi Ernie!!!
                  • Feb 15, 2004
                  • 34211

                  Originally posted by Operation:Mego
                  Yeah, I should really get Netflix.
                  its 8 bucks a month ya cheapskate. It has the good Avengers cartoon, too.
                  You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                  • FETT1
                    Veteran Member
                    • Aug 4, 2012
                    • 486

                    have really let MY STAR WARS collecting and interest go by the wayside ...but this series is crazy GOOD dark and cOoL all rolled into one ...
                    if it AIN'T a toy..I DON'T WANT IT !!!

