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Eccleston explains why he left Doctor Who

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  • johnmiic
    • Sep 6, 2002
    • 8427

    Eccleston explains why he left Doctor Who

    Has anyone seen this before? I really don't know if it's true or not:

    JULY 20, 2011

    In an acting master class at the Theatre Royal Haymarket, Christopher Eccleston was asked why he left a such a high paid job as Doctor Who. He responded:

    “I left Doctor Who because I could not get along with the senior people. I left because of politics. I did not see eye-to-eye with them. I didn’t agree with the way things were being run. I didn’t like the culture that had grown up, around the series. So I left, I felt, over a principle.

    “I thought to remain, which would have made me a lot of money and given me huge visibility, the price I would have had to pay was to eat a lot of sh-t. I’m not being funny about that. I didn’t want to do that and it comes to the art of it, in a way. I feel that if you run your career and– we are vulnerable as actors and we are constantly humiliating ourselves auditioning. But if you allow that to go on, on a grand scale you will lose whatever it is about you and it will be present in your work.

    “If you allow your desire to be successful and visible and financially secure – if you allow that to make you throw shades on your parents, on your upbringing, then you’re knackered. You’ve got to keep something back, for yourself, because it’ll be present in your work. A purity or an idealism is essential or you’ll become– you’ve got to have standards, no matter how hard work that is. So it makes it a hard road, really.

    “You know, it’s easy to find a job when you’ve got no morals, you’ve got nothing to be compromised, you can go, ‘Yeah, yeah. That doesn’t matter. That director can bully that prop man and I won’t say anything about it’. But then when that director comes to you and says ‘I think you should play it like this’ you’ve surely got to go ‘How can I respect you, when you behave like that?’

    “So, that’s why I left. My face didn’t fit and I’m sure they were glad to see the back of me. The important thing is that I succeeded. It was a great part. I loved playing him. I loved connecting with that audience. Because I’ve always acted for adults and then suddenly you’re acting for children, who are far more tasteful; they will not be bullsh-tted. It’s either good, or it’s bad. They don’t schmooze at after-show parties, with cocktails.”

    B.W reporter Martyn
  • jwyblejr
    galactic yo-yo
    • Apr 6, 2006
    • 11146

    I heard he left because he thought he was going to have this big movie career. Think that got sunked after being in the first G.I. Joe movie.


    • Gorn Captain
      Invincible Ironing Man
      • Feb 28, 2008
      • 10549

      Interesting read.
      It always felt like he didn't want anything to do with the series anymore. Maybe it would have helped the fans understand better, knowing this. At the time, it felt like he just let the series down and left so soon, for no clear reason.
      "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


      • Nostalgiabuff
        Muddling through
        • Oct 4, 2008
        • 11332

        I seem to recall he had agreed to take the role for only one year to get it jumpstarted and that had been announced when the show came back on.

        he just played the dark elf in the new Thor movie didn't he?


        • Earth 2 Chris
          Verbose Member
          • Mar 7, 2004
          • 32591

          ^Yes, and that is making BANK. I don't think he's hurting for work or money.



          • palitoy
            live. laugh. lisa needs braces
            • Jun 16, 2001
            • 59305

            Eccleston's contract was only for one year in case Who was a bomb and they wouldn't have to pay him out. For years I've heard rumors that he didn't like the way RTD's crew ran things and it seems that's exactly it.

            He definitely took the hard road, he left too early to get truly recognized.
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            • EMCE Hammer
              Moderation Engineer
              • Aug 14, 2003
              • 25680

              I thought he did such a good job that I could never get over feeling that Tennant was a little anticlimactic. I'd love to see a meaningful team-up between him and Smith for a future special.


              • Godzilla
                Permanent Member
                • Nov 3, 2002
                • 3008

                I think that's interesting Brian given that he and Russel T and previously worked together. I'm sure we'll never know the specifics, but obviously something day to day just wasn't right for him.
                Mortui Vivos Docent
                The Dead Teach the Living


                • Mikey
                  Verbose Member
                  • Aug 9, 2001
                  • 47245

                  I loved Eccleston as the Doctor

                  If he really was unhappy it sure didn't effect his acting as did Tom Baker during his last season.

                  I do wish he would have came back for the 50th Anniversary - especially since the people he disliked aren't even there anymore.

                  I'd bet if he returned the whole "War Doctor" plot wouldn't have even been written and it was McGann who pushed the button


                  • samurainoir
                    Eloquent Member
                    • Dec 26, 2006
                    • 18758

                    I assumed the War Doctor would have been Eccleston had he returned for the special, and that he would have been the button pusher. He was such a departure for Doctor Who, that having McGann transform into him in order to fight the time war makes sense to me. He was a slightly harder edge Doctor. I could easily see Eccleston standing in for Hurt in his interactions with Tennant and Smith.

                    Although Hurt was wonderful, and his inclusion does add an additional layer. As it stand now, I see Eccleston as the PTSD veteran Doctor returned from war to try and make sense of things. Dalek is still a masterpiece of a Doctor Who episode that drives this point home..
                    My store in the MEGO MALL!



                    • Mikey
                      Verbose Member
                      • Aug 9, 2001
                      • 47245

                      I dunno,

                      The first series seems to contradict itself

                      In Rose they clearly give the idea he just regenerated (having never seen himself in a mirror), but in the same episode he's in old Kennedy and Titanic pictures.

                      I think whoever wrote Rose didn't read the writers guide and the continuity person took the day off


                      • palitoy
                        live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                        • Jun 16, 2001
                        • 59305

                        Originally posted by Mikey
                        I think whoever wrote Rose didn't read the writers guide and the continuity person took the day off
                        Or the Doctor hadn't done those things yet.
                        Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                        Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                        • palitoy
                          live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                          • Jun 16, 2001
                          • 59305

                          Originally posted by Godzilla
                          I think that's interesting Brian given that he and Russel T and previously worked together. I'm sure we'll never know the specifics, but obviously something day to day just wasn't right for him.
                          I actually was once told the specifics by somebody who claimed to be in the know. They pretty much jive with what Eccleston said, so I guess he may have actually had insight. The main gist of it was the Who productioncrew wasn't hired because of skill but because they were in a certain clique. I have no idea if that beef is with Davies or the BBC itself but that is what I was told many moons ago.
                          Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                          Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                          • rche
                            channeling Bob Wills
                            • Mar 26, 2008
                            • 7388

                            Was rtd really that much of a jerk director? I don't really recall hearing that much flak about him.

                            I always wondered if it was the homoerotic undertones that came into play that drove Eccleston away. Perhaps he was a bit too conservative by nature for that particular production team and the writing direction made him uncomfortable.


                            • Scousebadger
                              Veteran Member
                              • Nov 2, 2012
                              • 373

                              Originally posted by Mikey
                              I dunno,

                              The first series seems to contradict itself

                              In Rose they clearly give the idea he just regenerated (having never seen himself in a mirror), but in the same episode he's in old Kennedy and Titanic pictures.

                              I think whoever wrote Rose didn't read the writers guide and the continuity person took the day off
                              The Doctor has a space/time machine. He could have saved the family from sailing on the Titanic just before setting off to deal with the Nestenes. There was nothing to say that he'd spent months in 1912. Or was hanging about for ages in 1963.

                              If he's suffering from PTSD that's not going to clear up straight away anyway: the show stated (in Journey's End) that it took his friendship with Rose to help the Doctor deal with what he'd been through in the Time War, and to begin to come to terms with his guilt for (apparently) destroying Gallifrey. This is something that was never truly stopped haunting the Doctor until the events of the anniversary special.

