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Question about Return of the Jedi

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  • Mikey
    Verbose Member
    • Aug 9, 2001
    • 47244

    Also, the Emperor was really STUPID in Jedi.

    He tells Luke (right in front of Darth) kill your father and take his place by my side

    When Luke declines, suddenly he cozies up to Darth again while he's kicking Lukes butt.

    The Emperor was really dumb for that.

    He basically begged Darth to turn good and kill him.

    Embarrassingly bad script writing, imo


    • Dave Mc
      • Oct 20, 2002
      • 17827

      I have that same issue Hector. It was one of those things that irritated me most about the changes that were made.


      • raider5gt
        Museum Tree Cutter
        • Nov 25, 2007
        • 1911

        Originally posted by batmanmc
        would have been better to leave them the way they were in my opinion. mike
        I agree they should of left it as it was!Also why didnt they change the bit with Lando inside the Death Star when the Tie Fighters fire at them in the Falcon and Lando says to Nien Nunb "That was too Cluse"when he should of said "that was too close"

        Never stand behind a cow when it sneezes.


        • Mikey
          Verbose Member
          • Aug 9, 2001
          • 47244

          Speaking of Lando......
          They should have also cut out him saying ANAL BUDDY

          Anybody ever notice this ?
          About 5 minutes into clip
          YouTube - Star Wars VI - Space Battle of Endor



          • raider5gt
            Museum Tree Cutter
            • Nov 25, 2007
            • 1911

            No never noticed that but sounds like "C'mon han old buddy"

            As we are on about gaffs on Star Wars,in New Hope,one of the y-wing pilots in the D.Star trench gets blown up by Vader but then re-appears in a X-wing later on (maybe he's got a twin brother)

            Never stand behind a cow when it sneezes.


            • jds1911a1
              Alan Scott is the best GL
              • Aug 8, 2007
              • 3556

              Originally posted by type1kirk
              That's a good question, Hec...
              Never thought of that

              I personally refuse to watch those butchered movies.
              To me, they're no different than CGI classic Treks.
              Embarrassing to watch.

              Thanks to a good bud Museum member......
              I have my set of Classic Star Wars movies on DVD (recorded from original laser discs).
              I wont watch any other
              I just watch them on laserdisc


              • jds1911a1
                Alan Scott is the best GL
                • Aug 8, 2007
                • 3556

                Hec as others have noted Lucas decided to change the Special ed 98 again when the dvd release occured by replacing old anakin with the young one and yes his reason was that Anaking died in ROTS and the body died in ROTJ - fine whatever George I like that about as much as "stormtroopers are clones" ok if' that's true how come no one notices when Luke and han talk they don't have the same voice as all the other stormtroopers - which when you watch the film It sure sounds like they all have the same voice to me.

                Also as a Boba Fett fan Jeremy Bullock's voice is removed from the DVD versions and replaces with Temoa Morrison (Jango Fett/Clones). A real disservice to Bulloch. I have the definitive collection on LD which is the same source as the new dvd 2 packs and got the 98 SE laserdiscs in an auction (i actually think the Empire SE is slightly better than the original). The 98 Ed hasn't been released on DVD (excluding bootlegs)

                I am sure the 30th anniv will give us a new boxed set with all 3 versions and maybe even a "newly discovered" print of the tour of the ranch with Biggs. George knows star wars fans will pay, I mean how many people bought the 2004 dvd ed at just to fork over another 45-60 to get the theatrical releases in 06


                • Hector
                  el Hombre de Acero
                  • May 19, 2003
                  • 31852




                  • jwyblejr
                    galactic yo-yo
                    • Apr 6, 2006
                    • 11146

                    Originally posted by DocDrako
                    Yeah, and if Leia "always knew" that Luke was her brother, why did she kiss him twice? Space incest? Or lousy writing? You decide!

                    That and the fact she remembers her real mother who died during childbirth. Sometimes Lucas makes it too easy with all of the ammo he gives you.


                    • Bo8a_Fett
                      Pat Troughton in disguise
                      • Nov 21, 2007
                      • 3738

                      I think the main reason for Lucas's lack of clarity is he keeps coming out with ideas and is so big now (he's become the very thing he hated when getting into films ), that no one wants to tell him its a crap idea in fear of getting fired. I read that during the filming of "Jedi", Lucas wanted Yoda to live and Richard Marquand had to argue till he was blue in the face to keep that scene in.
                      Since Jedi there has been no one in his employ that would just say "Oi....Lucas....NOOOO!!!" they've all been pampering yes men.
                      So yes it is Lucas's fault but also he has been a victim of his own success.
                      ENGLISH AND DAMN PROUD OF IT British by birth....English by the grace of God. Yes is big isn't it....


                      • DocDrako
                        Formerly Doc Drako
                        • Nov 11, 2004
                        • 2813

                        Originally posted by Hector

                        Hey Hector, if you say it like "LUCAS! LUCAS!" and imagine William Shatner yelling it into a communicator, it's hilarious. But then, there are alot of things about Lucas' "improvements" that are hilarious. Maybe the USS Enterprise should have had a cameo in the prequels like the Millenium Falcon.

                        And now that we know that Vader built 3PO, and he kind of "saves" him in Empire, it makes you wonder. He saves a droid he built, but doesn't mind dismembering his own son. Space psycho? Or bad writing? You decide!
                        Last edited by DocDrako; Mar 24, '08, 3:05 AM. Reason: Punctuation
                        "I prefer to remain an enigma."

                        DRAKO'S GOOD TRADERS LIST


                        • huedell
                          Museum Ball Eater
                          • Dec 31, 2003
                          • 11069

                          I don't think any of the things you guys mentioned are questionable we differ there...

                          I STILL don't understand why he had to change the HAN/GREEDO thing---
                          that was the only wrong rewrite or choice he made in my opinion---but it was a big one
                          "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


                          • Bizarro Amy
                            Formerly known as Del
                            • Dec 12, 2004
                            • 3336

                            >>Originally Posted by DocDrako
                            Yeah, and if Leia "always knew" that Luke was her brother, why did she kiss him twice? Space incest? Or lousy writing? You decide!<<

                            She didn't "always know" that Luke was her brother. When he tells her, she says, "I know...I've always known," because she knew there was a connection between them. In hindsight, now she realizes what the connection was the whole time.

                            >>That and the fact she remembers her real mother who died during childbirth.<<
                            She doesn't actually remember her real mother. She remembers Bail Organa's wife, who also died when Leia was young. There's one part in that conversation that she says that she recalls images of her mother being beautiful, but sad. That could still mean Mrs. Organa, but it could also be Leia using her Force sensitivity(although she's not a Jedi in the movies, it is still strong in her as part of the Skywalker line). It's also been established that strong Jedi can use the Force to see into the past.

                            >>"stormtroopers are clones" ok if' that's true how come no one notices when Luke and han talk they don't have the same voice as all the other stormtroopers - which when you watch the film It sure sounds like they all have the same voice to me.<<
                            Clones troopers were the first step in the evolution toward stormtroopers. Some of the troopers during the time of the original trilogy may have been clones, but not necessarily clones of Jango Fett. The Jango clones had been aged artificially to have them ready in time. So they also got old much faster than humans. By the time the original trilogy happened, there were very few, if any, left other than Boba Fett(and the main reason he survived as long as he did was because he had the money for doctors to prolong his life). A lot of that kind of thing is covered in some of the recent novels. I think the samples of Jango's DNA were actually lost or destroyed on Kamino. The Empire made clones of various individuals who were then trained as stormtroopers. Some of the troops actually consisted of recruits, normal humans who joined the Imperial ranks.
                            The stormtroopers did not all have the same voice. While all of the clones were CG and voiced by Jango Fett, stormtroopers were played by multiple actors. They didn't have excessive dialogue, and the fact that they were speaking through helmets may account for them sounding somewhat alike.

                            >> Also as a Boba Fett fan Jeremy Bullock's voice is removed from the DVD versions and replaces with Temoa Morrison (Jango Fett/Clones). A real disservice to Bulloch.<<
                            It does kind of suck that you no longer hear Jeremy Bullock's voice in the new DVD releases, but I can understand why they did that. Boba was a clone of Jango, so upon maturation, he would have the same voice.

                            I can understand the frustration about Lucas constantly releasing new versions of the movie, but I just picked one I liked and stuck with it. This gets me a lot of flack from some other Star Wars fans, but I have no problem with the logic behind showing Anakin's spirit in his prime, before he turned to the Dark Side. It gave the scene more emotional impact for me. It always bugged me that they used Sebastian Shaw with his bushy eyebrows as the unmasked Vader anyway. The only change I really dislike is Greedo shooting first, but what can you do? It has its share of silliness as does any sci-fi epic, but I love it anyway.
                            Hey! Where's the waiter with the water for my daughter?

                            Check out my customs!


                            • huedell
                              Museum Ball Eater
                              • Dec 31, 2003
                              • 11069

                              I can understand the frustration about Lucas constantly releasing new versions of the movie, but I just picked one I liked and stuck with it. This gets me a lot of flack from some other Star Wars fans, but I have no problem with the logic behind showing Anakin's spirit in his prime, before he turned to the Dark Side. It gave the scene more emotional impact for me. It always bugged me that they used Sebastian Shaw with his bushy eyebrows as the unmasked Vader anyway. The only change I really dislike is Greedo shooting first, but what can you do? It has its share of silliness as does any sci-fi epic, but I love it anyway.
                              "A lot of flack" to put it mildly

                              del----your post seems like a miracle of science (or some sort of miracle) as I don't
                              think I've ever seen a STAR WARS fan's post on all these points that I've agreed with
                              more---each and every one. Usually SW fans/detractors are too anal or narrow-minded
                              (or both) to let their guard down on points like the one's you addressed

                              The STAR WARS "story" is good enough and what little writing "flaws" you
                              could pick out---they are all explainable to a reasonable extent as you proved in
                              your post---a post which I'd be too lazy to write/articulate

                              As far as originals vs. re-releases/SPECIAL EDITIONS
                              I chose the re-releases as well---because the positive changes in them WAY outweigh
                              the negatives---if one is a SW purist, its understandable that the remakes are inferior
                              pieces to you---they were from the minute Lucas started changing the original cuts--
                              so I'd think that'd be the end of the discussion right there.
                              "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


                              • RG
                                • Oct 1, 2004
                                • 235

                                In the Empire Strikes Back when Vader is talking to the Holograph Emperor and they talk about turning Luke to the dark side ... but in the new films it says there can only be two Sith a master and an apprentice. ... So either Darth is willing to die, (but we all know he wants to be the master and Luke become his apprentice) So what gets me is the Emperor thinking it's a good idea to turn Luke ???, unless he's really is stupid and thinks Vader is willing to die?????? lol

                                I just find it funny becasue I'm sure it's just a flaw from OT not fitting 100% right with PT, but it could also work as just more of the Emperor's ego showing.

                                I just got the DVD of Empire and listened to the commentary ... they all sound like they knew what they were doing except for Carrie Fisher (she must have been in la la land) and Lucas ... either over the years he's filled himself with his own BS to where he thinks it true .... or he just got very very lucky that the first 77 Star Wars came out as good as it did, and that he had other folks doing the work on ESB and ROTJ.

                                I'm still a Star Wars fan, it's fun stuff, I over look flaws just like I do in many movies.

