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What scenes from films/TV made you think "Yeah! This is why I love Sci-fi"

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  • Bo8a_Fett
    Pat Troughton in disguise
    • Nov 21, 2007
    • 3738

    What scenes from films/TV made you think "Yeah! This is why I love Sci-fi"

    For me there have been many some obvious some not i'll start the ball rolling:
    Opening scene from Star Wars with the tantive IV and the Star Destroyer..up until then there had been nothing like it.Yes the films have been constant companions throught my post 11 year old life and the films as wholes made me love sci-fi but the opening in particular nailed sci fi for me
    Planet of the Apes when the first ape is revealed...I know it was in the title but still a shock to see first time.
    Evil of the Daleks (repeat 1969), my first coherant memory at 3 years old and it was Pat Troughton and the daleks...nuff said.
    Alien...the entire film
    The ID monster in forbidden planet as its being shot at by the crew.
    Klatuu baradda nickto....nuff said
    Them and the appearance of the giant ants(particularly the noise).
    The day the earth caught fire....mesmorising and thought provoking...sci fi without the whizz bang zap or BEMs
    ST II:The Wrath of Khan...I mean how many times did you watch STTOS and want to see a space battle like that.
    Superman II...I believed a man could fly AND knelt before Zod.
    Any shot of Blakes 7's Liberator
    The Eagles in Space 1999
    UFO...the episode when an alien and Paul Foster have to help each other to survive on the moon.
    Carrie Fisher in a gold bikini.......

    Feel free to add/disagree....I'll proberly think up loads more
    ENGLISH AND DAMN PROUD OF IT British by birth....English by the grace of God. Yes is big isn't it....
  • toys2cool
    Ultimate Mego Warrior
    • Nov 27, 2006
    • 28605

    In Star Wars the ESB when the Millennium Falcon is trying to get away
    "Time to nut up or shut up" -Tallahassee
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    • Mikey
      Verbose Member
      • Aug 9, 2001
      • 47244

      Star Trek 3, Kirk stealing the Enterprise.....
      GREAT SFX and a wonderful score made that scene as great as great gets.


      • Bo8a_Fett
        Pat Troughton in disguise
        • Nov 21, 2007
        • 3738

        Yeah that's a great moment.....the shot with the Excelsier coming out of space dock behind it was truely memorable on the big screen. An underrated piece of acting in that film was when Kirk enters the turbo lift alone and slumps against the wall finally free of being an officer in front of his troops Shatner's eyes tell you all the hurt he's feeling over Spock's death.
        Also the destruction of the enterprise is cool sci-fi
        ENGLISH AND DAMN PROUD OF IT British by birth....English by the grace of God. Yes is big isn't it....


        • Mikey
          Verbose Member
          • Aug 9, 2001
          • 47244

          For me, also the scene at the end of The Black Hole where the angel (Jesus?) leads the probe-ship out of the Black Hole.
          I still remember seeing that for the first time in the theatre thinking WHAT THE &*$^ ?
          Last edited by Mikey; Nov 27, '07, 6:54 AM.


          • megoat
            A Therefore Experience
            • Jun 10, 2003
            • 2699

            The most enduring sci-fi moment for me has always been the scene in Planet Of The Apes when we as the audience get to first see a gorilla on horseback. It's still a bit terrifying for me.


            • apes3978
              Permanent Member
              • Nov 19, 2005
              • 4939

              The original PLANET OF THE APES.

              The story, the look of the film, the acting, the make-ups, the clothes design, the sets and the Jerry Goldsmith score all add up to be not only my favorite "Sci-Fi" film, but my favorite movie of any genre... The sequels and the TV series were also great (Well, BATTLE is mediocre), but nothing tops the first film...

              ALIEN-NATION, the film and TV series are also very good. And the original ST has it's moments as well...

              Regarding Bo8a_Fett's list, some things in there are good, but they're not Sci-fi... I mean SW? That's just space fantasy if anything... THEM: A glorified monster flick, and what makes the least sense to me: SUPERMAN II... Can anyone explain to me how a super-hero film is Sci-Fi?
              Last edited by apes3978; Nov 27, '07, 3:29 AM. Reason: typo


              • raider5gt
                Museum Tree Cutter
                • Nov 25, 2007
                • 1911

                UFO love the sound of the UFO so you knew it was coming
                STAR WARS various scene's ie Jawas and Sandcrawler,Vader and Ben duel,C3PO&R2D2(like Laurel&Hardy)
                STAR TREK TOS when the enterprise gets caught in the Tholian Web
                FORBIDDEN PLANET when robbie makes whisky for the cook "here's your whisky sir!"the cook was amazed how many bottles came out lol

                Never stand behind a cow when it sneezes.


                • jds1911a1
                  Alan Scott is the best GL
                  • Aug 8, 2007
                  • 3556

                  "Space the FINAL frontier" I love the opening of star wars but I saw star trek first


                  • The Bat
                    Batman Fanatic
                    • Jul 14, 2002
                    • 13412

                    Oh...too many Choice's!!

                    In Batman Begins:When Batman 1st puts on the Costume, and takes down Falcone & His Mob!

                    When Neo fights Agent in the Subway! When Neo gets up after being shot to Death...and the Agent's fire Bullet's at Him, and He stops Them in mid-air!

                    When, Tayor sees the Statue of Liberty birried in the Sand!

                    When, They turn Logan 5's Chrystal to red...and He has to become a Runner!

                    When, Darth Vader first enters Leia's Ship!

                    When, Han shoots Greedo in the Cafe!

                    When(in Star Trek:TMP)Kirk tells Scotty.."They gave Her back to Me!"

                    When, in Superman 2...Superman says to Zod & the rest, "Care to step outside."

                    In the end of Clockwork Orange...when Alex says, "I was right as rain again...O' My Brother's".

                    The begining of Blade Runner...when Deckard starts His narration..."there weren't a lot of Jobs in the Paper...they didn't hire ex Cops, ex Killers, ex Blade Runners."

                    And so many, many more...too much to list!


                    • thunderbolt
                      Hi Ernie!!!
                      • Feb 15, 2004
                      • 34211

                      Ron Perlman's first screen appearance as Hellboy. Perfect casting.
                      You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                      • apes3978
                        Permanent Member
                        • Nov 19, 2005
                        • 4939

                        Originally posted by The Bat
                        Oh...too many Choice's!!

                        In Batman Begins:When Batman 1st puts on the Costume, and takes down Falcone & His Mob!

                        When, Darth Vader first enters Leia's Ship!

                        When, Han shoots Greedo in the Cafe!

                        When, in Superman 2...Superman says to Zod & the rest, "Care to step outside."
                        I ask again, can anyone elaborate as to how STAR WARS is science-fiction? It's a space fantasy, not Sci-Fi (Some even say it's a space western, which I never got myself...) Robots and flying ships do not make Sci-Fi.

                        Worse yet is how SUPERMAN keeps getting in there... And now BATMAN? How are these related to Sci-Fi in any way? To an extent I can understand SW being in a Sci-Fi list, but superheroes? Where do you do you draw the line? I'm just waiting for SPIDERMAN, HULK, and FANTASTIC 4 to make this list...

                        If SW is Sci-Fi, then I'd also like to add "Gilligan's Planet" as the best Sci-Fi moment EVER. Or maybe it should be "Pigs In Space" from the Muppet Show... After all, they involve space, so they have to be Sci-Fi, right... And, since superheroes are in the list, maybe we should add that caped canine UNDERDOG to... He's on the same level with the Caped Crusader isn't he?


                        • Bo8a_Fett
                          Pat Troughton in disguise
                          • Nov 21, 2007
                          • 3738

                          For me Sci-Fi is generally the main genre with sub divisions of many genre's such as space fantasy, fantasy etc. If a story has elements of futuristic or otherworldly elements in it surely it qualifies as sci-fi. Them although being a b-movie monster flick is a what if film( what if testing nuclear bombs causes mutations), Star Wars , although a glorified space opera , is a rip off of flash gordon primarily because Lucas (when working with Copella) could not procure the rights to Flash Gordon so wrote and developed his own version...does that make flash gordon non sci-fi?Does this make E.E. doc smith and Harry Harrison novels non sci-fi? As for Superman...essentially he IS AN ALIEN living on earth...are not aliens part of the sci-fi canon?
                          You could say that Bladerunner is just a private eye story set in the future or Alien Nation is just a reflection on racist and discrimination issues and is therefore not sci-fi.
                          I could go on but this was meant to be a fun thread to bring memories back of iconical moments......
                          ENGLISH AND DAMN PROUD OF IT British by birth....English by the grace of God. Yes is big isn't it....


                          • Surfsup
                            Silver Chrome Dome
                            • Dec 2, 2005
                            • 1352

                            The opening title sequence to Tom Baker/Peter Davison/David Tennant Dr Who. The last 15 mins of Utopia in season 3 when Derek Jacobi turns out to be the Master. Always loved the Tardis too!

                            The title sequence to Thunderbirds. Bringing the Fireflash down safely onto the elevator cars in the first episode.

                            The end of Planet of The Apes.

                            The space battle between the Enterprise and Khan in The Wrath of Khan. Same between the Eneterprise and the Bird of Prey in The Undiscovered Country.

                            The attack on the Death Star at the end of Star Wars. The last 45 mins of Attack of The Clones.
                            Last edited by Surfsup; Nov 28, '07, 6:51 AM.


                            • ctc
                              Fear the monkeybat!
                              • Aug 16, 2001
                              • 11183

                              >I ask again, can anyone elaborate as to how STAR WARS is science-fiction? It's a space fantasy, not Sci-Fi (Some even say it's a space western, which I never got myself...) Robots and flying ships do not make Sci-Fi.

                              We had this discussion a while back. (Boy; did we EVER!) A lot of folks don't really care about the distinctions, they just wanna see something cool. So if you're more scholarly about it try to bear with the rest of us. (Sometimes answers tell more about the answerer than they do the topic.) For me, the distinction is simple: spaceships= sci-fi. Wizard guy in a pointy hat= fantasy.

                              And yeah, there are a whole schload of distinctions and differentails you can apply; but I generally choose not to. My enjoyment isn't genre based.

                              >To an extent I can understand SW being in a Sci-Fi list, but superheroes? Where do you do you draw the line? I'm just waiting for SPIDERMAN, HULK, and FANTASTIC 4 to make this list...

                              Hmmmm.... radiation and spaceships... sounds like sci-fi to me! Seriously; superheroes are kind've a distant cousin to sci-fi, but well defined as a genre enough to be considered something different. Superheroes use the trappings of sci-fi but stretch the concepts 'til they're unrecognizable. (The original Superman comics even had little fact panels explaining how the charcater wasn't entirely unrealistic.)

                              >Or maybe it should be "Pigs In Space" from the Muppet Show...

                              I used to like Pigs in Space, actually....

                              >And, since superheroes are in the list, maybe we should add that caped canine UNDERDOG to... He's on the same level with the Caped Crusader isn't he?

                              Come on now! Batman is REAL; Underdog is a cartoon! *sheesh!* I think for cataloguing things, toon trumps anything else.

                              Don C.

