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Alien Prequel art

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  • samurainoir
    Eloquent Member
    • Dec 26, 2006
    • 18758

    Alien Prequel art

    Space Jockey.
    My store in the MEGO MALL!

  • palitoy
    live. laugh. lisa needs braces
    • Jun 16, 2001
    • 59305

    I wish Alien would go away.
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    • wolfie
      Persistent Member
      • Dec 31, 2007
      • 1567

      I wish it would come back better than the origanals but if it is anything like the last one then you are correct.


      • ctc
        Fear the monkeybat!
        • Aug 16, 2001
        • 11183

        >I wish Alien would go away.

        Hmmmm.... I still really like the original, but I find the second one became THE template for sci-fi action movies and as such I've seen it a zillion times. So yeah; I can kinda sympathise with you.

        I think part of the problem is that the first movie was based on the monster.... so all the sequels are kinda thin story/plot/character wise, since there isn't really much story there.

        Don C.


        • palitoy
          live. laugh. lisa needs braces
          • Jun 16, 2001
          • 59305

          Honestly, while I wasn't a big Alien fan to begin with but I do think that the first is a great movie. The second managed to be an exciting sequel, I think a lot of lesser directors couldn't have made a good sequel to Alien without simply remaking it.

          Alien 4 is probably the only sequel I'll leave on if it's on TV (I never saw the last AVP and probably never will) but even it feels like a rehash of 1 and 2.

          The other part is the films are influential and have been copied and cloned so much that it's hard to inject new life into them.
          Places to find PlaidStallions online:

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          • clemso
            Talkative Member
            • Aug 8, 2001
            • 6188

            AVP & AVP2 never happened as far as I am concerned. As for this film, i'm willing to give it a shot. It can't be worst than Aliens 3


            • wolfie
              Persistent Member
              • Dec 31, 2007
              • 1567

              Am i the only person in the world who liked Alien 3?


              • clemso
                Talkative Member
                • Aug 8, 2001
                • 6188

                Originally posted by wolfie
                Am i the only person in the world who liked Alien 3?


                • Mikey
                  Verbose Member
                  • Aug 9, 2001
                  • 47245

                  I always liked Alien and Alien-2 but that's where I stop.

                  The other ones don't interest me.

                  As far as a prequel, that don't interest me either.

                  It was a good movie that unfortunately got caught up in the Hollywood sequel machine and turned to crap like Jaws.


                  • BlackKnight
                    The DarkSide Customizer
                    • Apr 16, 2005
                    • 14622

                    I wish AvsP Woulda Started off where Aliens 4 Left off ..., Hollywood Killed a good thing.
                    Aliens 4 is my Favorite of the Series.
                    ... The Original Knight ..., Often Imitated, However Never Duplicated. The 1st Knight in Customs.

                    always trading for Hot Toys Figures .


                    • babycyclops
                      Career Member
                      • Jul 9, 2010
                      • 823

                      Originally posted by wolfie
                      Am i the only person in the world who liked Alien 3?
                      I still can't forgive Fincher for killing off the characters of Newt and Hicks. Although it was a bold move to start off his contribution to the cycle, it was just so mean. I s'pose it was a way to drop Ripley in another hopeless situation alone. Style-wise I didn't mind 3, though I hated it on first viewing, I have to admit it has grown on me a little bit, and I think it's a masterpiece compared to 4.
                      Alien and Aliens are the only ones I'd have on my DVD shelf, though.


                      • Bo8a_Fett
                        Pat Troughton in disguise
                        • Nov 21, 2007
                        • 3738

                        Alien is still a great movie, visually it is still fantastic...Aliens was great but essentially a war movie. I too love Alien 3 which tried to get back to the essance of the first movie with a single creature menacing a multitude of people, 4 was more of a aliens remake...avp and avp2 were forgettable. I think what makes the differance with the prequal is the fact that Ridley Scott is back on board. Apparently both him and Camerron asked to do prequals or sequals which would lead into avp but were told no which is a real shame.
                        ENGLISH AND DAMN PROUD OF IT British by birth....English by the grace of God. Yes is big isn't it....


                        • Mikey
                          Verbose Member
                          • Aug 9, 2001
                          • 47245

                          Originally posted by babycyclops
                          I still can't forgive Fincher for killing off the characters of Newt and Hicks. .
                          I agree.

                          Killing the little girl off and showing her autopsy imo pushed Alien-3 into crude exploitation film catagory.

                          Most if not all filmakers would not go that way unless they were a real sleezeball.

                          Alien-3 is a piece of garbage
                          Last edited by Mikey; Nov 25, '10, 10:26 PM.


                          • Bruce Banner
                            HULK SMASH!
                            • Apr 3, 2010
                            • 4335

                            Always loved Alien, definitely a bona fide SF benchmark, and also I think Aliens is a great sequel (one of the very best sequels of all time, IMHO), praiseworthy for not simply rehashing the tone and format of the original.
                            I've come to appreciate Alien 3 a lot more over the past ten years or so, and I do like the extended cut with the reinstated subplots, etc.

                            But still can't enjoy Alien Resurrection.

                            The new movie has a lot of promise. I really like the idea of showing us more of the Space Jockey and his kind... that guy has fascinated me ever since I first saw the original movie!

                            PUNY HUMANS!


                            • The Batman Professor
                              Veteran Member
                              • Jul 15, 2010
                              • 365

                              Am I the only one that finds AVP1 entertaining? Hell, I like it better than 3, 4, or the abortion that was AVP2.

                              Alien Queen vs. Predator? Pure Sci-Fi fun.
                              sigpicSWEAR TO ME!

