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New Trek film

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  • ctc
    Fear the monkeybat!
    • Aug 16, 2001
    • 11183

    New Trek film


    Finally got a chance to see the new Star Trek movie. Overall I thought it was okay; not bad, but not great. Some observations:

    -There was only one thing that REALLY bothered me. The story would have worked perfectly well if they had used an all new crew. It didn’t need to be Spock, Kirk, etc. Hell; it could have been set in any time period.... including AFTER Voyager, and you wouldn’t have needed to change anything!

    -It seemed like a few ideas were beyond the writers. Not the science-fictiony bits; but some of the plot and character. So.... Kirk beats the Kobayashi Maru by cheating; we know this, but how he does it in the film wasn’t really beating it. He crashed the computer. In a really, REALLY obvious way which didn’t actually beat it. Same with getting Kirk on the Enterprise. “Say; if you don’t let me take my sick friend along on the important mission I’m not going.” It felt forced; like the writers couldn’t come up with a convincing way to do what needed to be done, so they sort of half-arsed it and hoped nobody would notice.

    -The designs were odd, but not really bothersome. The Enterprise looked kinda chubby, but still looked like the Enterprise. (Or a Federation ship, at least.) The Romulans were very Warhammer 40K, and it seems that somewhere along the line they picked up the anime hero “superleap” power. And the 90's “Giant Robo” must have been REALLY popular ‘cos the Shizuma drive ends up in a lot of things these days....

    -I thought for sure Spock was gonna get some pity sex. They basically took the Nurse Chapel/Spock subplot and moved it to a higher profile character. Pity; ‘cos when they do that, as well as have everyone all together all at once it makes the universe very small. Like anything important is only gonna happen to one of a handful of people and nobody else matters. (To that end, they sorta flirted with the “you’re the chosen one!” idea with Kirk, which I don’t like ‘cos it cheapens the character’s efforts.)

    -Speaking of “nobody else matters”: Kirk, Sulu and a new guy in red go down to a planet. Guess who’s not making it back.

    -It was nice that the resolution hinged on a character point: that being Kirk forcing Spock to go all Water Boy. But even that was kinda forced. Spock saw it coming and STILL fell for it?

    Don C.
  • huedell
    Museum Ball Eater
    • Dec 31, 2003
    • 11069

    I saw the movie and like you Don felt there were too many "forced moments"
    ...I couldn't believe essentially the whole Trek contingent AND the typical
    movie going audience were satisfied with the quasi-reboot...but, then again,
    I'm happy the franchise got a new lease on life.

    It seems that the most important thing in rebooting franchises
    these days is a "vibe" and a "charisma" germaine to the core feel of the
    franchise that, incidentally, a wobbly plot can't really deflate no matter how
    "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


    • Mikey
      Verbose Member
      • Aug 9, 2001
      • 47253

      I went in expecting to hate it and came out liking it better than all the sequel shows including Next Gen.

      A few things I don't like ....

      1. The New Enterprise design ...
      2. Uhura and Spock as a couple
      3. Scotty as a genius buffoon
      4. I'm sick of Romulans -- wish this movie had a different badguy


      • samurainoir
        Eloquent Member
        • Dec 26, 2006
        • 18758

        Scotty didn't need a funny little sidekick... since he is kind of a funny little side-kick himself in this one.
        My store in the MEGO MALL!



        • Hector
          el Hombre de Acero
          • May 19, 2003
          • 31852

          Originally posted by Mikey01
          I went in expecting to hate it and came out liking it better than all the sequel shows including Next Gen.
          I'm so proud of you...



          • Thor
            Thunder God
            • Dec 17, 2009
            • 679

            Originally posted by Mikey01
            I went in expecting to hate it and came out liking it better than all the sequel shows including Next Gen.

            A few things I don't like ....

            1. The New Enterprise design ...
            2. Uhura and Spock as a couple
            3. Scotty as a genius buffoon
            4. I'm sick of Romulans -- wish this movie had a different badguy
            I agree. At least they didn't use the Klingons again.

            "I've seen things you wouldn't believe."

            - Roy Batty


            • ctc
              Fear the monkeybat!
              • Aug 16, 2001
              • 11183

              >It seems that the most important thing in rebooting franchises
              these days is a "vibe" and a "charisma" germaine to the core feel of the
              franchise that, incidentally, a wobbly plot can't really deflate no matter how

              Hmmmm.... it’s kinda that; but there’s a name for it that I can’t recall. Basically, people aren’t that discriminating, so if you make ‘em feel good during the film they’ll ascribe that to the quality of the film; wether that’s warranted or not. So if you put boobs in a crappy film folks will like the film as a whole ‘cos they can’t separate it from what they REALLY liked. (IE: boobs.) Same with putting in a popular star, or director, or even with using an old, established setting/franchise/character.

              Works the other way too; if you put something in they don’t like, the whole film will be seen as a flaming pile of poo.

              >Scotty as a genius buffoon

              I dunno.... it was kinda jarring, and kinda funny that they made him Groundskeeper Willie.

              >I'm sick of Romulans

              Yeah, it was nice they didn’t use the Klingons; but there are all kinds of aliens they could use. (It was weird that they were now Warhammer 40K Dark Eldar instead of space Romans.)

              >Scotty didn't need a funny little sidekick

              Not at all! Especially considering how little it added to the film.

              Don C.


              • Mikey
                Verbose Member
                • Aug 9, 2001
                • 47253

                I didn't mind Scotty's sidekick because I knew it was Deep Roy behind the mask -- and it's always nice to see him around sci fi


                • johnmiic
                  • Sep 6, 2002
                  • 8427

                  Originally posted by Mikey01
                  I went in expecting to hate it and came out liking it ...
                  Mike, you dissapoint me. This from the person who started the thread, "J.J. Abrams the Idiot Circus Boy and His New Toy!" before the film even came out? The end of an era, really...


                  • Mikey
                    Verbose Member
                    • Aug 9, 2001
                    • 47253

                    Originally posted by johnmiic
                    Mike, you dissapoint me. This from the person who started the thread, "J.J. Abrams the Idiot Circus Boy and His New Toy!" before the film even came out? The end of an era, really...
                    Well, it proves i'm not 2 dimensional

                    If I like something after expecting to hate it i'm not ashamed to admit it.

                    This goes as far back as Grease where I was dragged to the theatre by my older sister and wound up loving it


                    • wyldpny
                      Star Trek Mego Customizer
                      • Jan 29, 2008
                      • 1162

                      Capt. Kirk: "Is there anyone on this ship, who even remotely, looks like Satan?"
                      Mr. Spock: "I am not aware of anyone who fits that description, Captain"
                      Capt. Kirk: "No, Mr. Spock, I didn't think you would be"


                      • The Bat
                        Batman Fanatic
                        • Jul 14, 2002
                        • 13412

                        Originally posted by Mikey01
                        I went in expecting to hate it and came out liking it better than all the sequel shows including Next Gen.

                        I'm so happy...I wanted you to like the Film Mikey.


                        • palitoy
                          live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                          • Jun 16, 2001
                          • 59470

                          I haven't enjoyed anything named "Star Trek" in 20 years, it's all strayed from what I enjoyed in the first place for my liking. This movie was fun and had the elements I enjoyed from the original series, I forgot the nits and just enjoyed it.
                          Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                          Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                          • Earth 2 Chris
                            Verbose Member
                            • Mar 7, 2004
                            • 32646

                            I haven't enjoyed anything named "Star Trek" in 20 years, it's all strayed from what I enjoyed in the first place for my liking. This movie was fun and had the elements I enjoyed from the original series, I forgot the nits and just enjoyed it.
                            Ditto. The last Trek I really enjoyed was Undiscovered Country. You could nit it to death too, but it was a good send-off. This new movie got the old Trekkie in my excited again.



                            • mitchedwards
                              Mego Preservation Society
                              • May 2, 2003
                              • 11781

                              I hate the new movie. The reason I hate it is because it takes the entire trek universe and flushes it down the toilet.

                              Like someone said in a earlier post they could have taken the move and placed it somewhere down the trek time line and it would have been better.

                              Think B.A. Where did you hide the Megos?

