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Kaiju Movies

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  • kingdom warrior
    OH JES!!
    • Jul 21, 2005
    • 12478

    Kaiju Movies

    For as long as I can remember I have Been a Fan of Kaiju-Giant Monster Movies Growing up in the 70's and early 80's the Hey day of Latenight TV.... back in the Day Here in New York WPIX 11, WOR 9,WNYW, 5..All these channels here Devoted time and would give these movies very often during my childhood.

    On Thanksgiving day Wor 9 Devoted that day to King Kong and the next day it was the Godzilla Marathon Turkey Leftovers and Gojira couldn't be beat....Abc7 Had the 4:30 movie and Monster week Gamera, Godzilla, Yongary and Johnny Sokko and his Giant Robot were seen here.... between
    WPIX and WNYW and WOR had the rest of the movies....Many of these movies now can be found on DVD but I always enjoyed watching them on Tv or in the Movies I begged my mom to take me to our local theatre when Godzilla vs Megalon came out...I became an instant Jet Jaguar fan...

    War of the Gargantuas and King Kong Escapes were Standouts for me and I also loved Atragon.....Johnny Sokko and his Giant Robot was just fun I dreamed as a kid of having a Robot.I loved the 60's version of Ultraman the I grew older I discovered Zone fighter and got to see the movie Daimajin...

    How many of you guys and Gals share this same passion or just like these films for it's goofy fun.......
  • palitoy
    live. laugh. lisa needs braces
    • Jun 16, 2001
    • 59275

    Total Junkie for Monster Week too. My personal favourites are Frankenstein Conquers the World and War of the Gargantuas.
    Places to find PlaidStallions online:

    Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


    • Thundarr
      • Apr 23, 2007
      • 86

      You got it man...WOR channel 9...ThanksGiving 'marathon'...Every year till the mid-eighties. (NYer here..) What a ball...Love Kaiju! Gojira is my favorite, but I like so many. (King Seesar always fascinated me as a kid...The way he like 'shakes off the dust' when he first cool!) I think this led to my obsession with the Krusher Monster...he's a Kaiju if I ever saw one.



      • thunderbolt
        Hi Ernie!!!
        • Feb 15, 2004
        • 34211

        Total sucker for rubber suited monsters tromping thru balso models of Tokyo here!!! Loved Destroy All Monsters! and Rodan. I used to get to stay up late when Channel 31 from Peoria ran these on Friday nights, or when they ran on Acri Creature Feature.
        You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


        • ctc
          Fear the monkeybat!
          • Aug 16, 2001
          • 11183

          Hee heee!

          Giant monsters.... heee..... Dunno why; but these have always been my fave. Even today. Some of my favourites:

          -Godzilla: Final Wars. It's still kinda weird to see a giant monster movie with ACTUAL effects. This one had damned near every Godzilla monster in it. (Plus, Captain Gordon looked, sounded and acted like my old CO.)

          -The X From Outer Space: It's a monster with a spaceship for a head. Hee hee....

          -UltraSeven: This show totally rocked! I finally got to see it a few years back. Although not as good as Ultraman, it had weirder monsters.

          -Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot: This has to be one of the WORST shows ever made. No budget, bad effects.... but for some reason it's still a fave. Maybe because it's so weird.

          -Brain 17: I've only seen a few episodes; and it's a lot like Johnny Sokko. But cheaper. And dubbed a LOT worse. But it's got that whole car accident "I can't look away" thing going on.

          Don C.


          • lepage
            The Ape General
            • Aug 12, 2001
            • 4056

            I will always love that stuff. I managed to pick up a bunch of those films that were missing in my collection including a double dvd set of Kaiju. I was also able to pick up the war of the gargantuas which was one of my favs. I have fond memories of Saturday afternoon horror movies and they made me what I am today (obsessed horror movie fan)


            • ramsey37
              • Jun 18, 2001
              • 0

              Originally posted by ctc
              -The X From Outer Space: It's a monster with a spaceship for a head. Hee hee....

              Don C.
              Ah, good ol' Guilala, giant lizardy-space-chicken-lookin'-thang! Toho did alot of cool horror flicks in the 1960's. One of these days I need to focus on building my kaiju DVD collection....


              • Wee67
                Museum Correspondent
                • Apr 2, 2002
                • 10591

                Or you can watch it live-
                WANTED - Solid-Boxed WGSH's, C.8 or better.


                • danadoll
                  Micronaut Nut!
                  • Apr 11, 2005
                  • 1840

                  I too am a big fan of Godzilla/Gojira films (both old and new).
                  I have most of the new ones on DVD and a few of the originals (still building my collection too). I also have a small Bandai Godzilla figure collection.

                  I remeber watching them as a kid (as well as Gamera films and other various monster films, like the 30's, 40's, 50's Universal films, etc...) on Boston's channel 56's Creature Feature every Saturday Afternoon (reception was a bit snowy, but still watchable).

                  Fun stuff.

                  "Do you want a doll?" Kurt


                  • kingdom warrior
                    OH JES!!
                    • Jul 21, 2005
                    • 12478

                    Originally posted by thunderbolt
                    Total sucker for rubber suited monsters tromping thru balso models of Tokyo here!!! Loved Destroy All Monsters! and Rodan. I used to get to stay up late when Channel 31 from Peoria ran these on Friday nights, or when they ran on Acri Creature Feature.
                    Something about Friday or Saturday Latenight Tv That can't be beat staying up to watch monster/sci-fi flicks or old horror flicks......

                    I think there should be some kind of retro channel that would have all these weird and goofy films.


                    • shellhead
                      museum rustpot
                      • Mar 1, 2007
                      • 638

                      I can remember staying up till 1 am to whatch King Kong Escapes on Bob Wilkins Creature Features!
                      Man, those where the days!

                      Keepin' it Mego-ey !


                      • BubbleGumFink
                        Museum Super Collector
                        • Jun 16, 2006
                        • 206

                        Wish I could find a good torrent of Space Giants.


                        • Mikey
                          Verbose Member
                          • Aug 9, 2001
                          • 47244

                          I love those movies-------- even the Toho pretenders-- ie. Gamera flicks ...

                          BTW, why do they call them "Kaiju" movies ?

                          I feel very out of the loop always refering to them as "Godzilla movies"


                          • kingdom warrior
                            OH JES!!
                            • Jul 21, 2005
                            • 12478

                            Here's your answer


                            • Mikey
                              Verbose Member
                              • Aug 9, 2001
                              • 47244



                              But nahhh, that's not for me

                              I'm American and prefer the American term----- GODZILLER PICTURE

