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The Dollhouse

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  • megoapesnut
    The name says it all!
    • Dec 3, 2007
    • 3727

    The Dollhouse

    Just watched the next to last episode of the Dollhouse yesterday. The series finale will be next week. This turned into a GREAT show. One of my all time favorites. The standalone episodes aren't award winning material, but the continuing story line was superb. I am very good at figuring shows out. Just ask my wife, she gets sick and tired of me figuring out whodunnit on NCIS, CSI and the clones. However, there were some zingers in the Dollhouse that I never saw coming and made for some great scenes of me with my mouth hanging open while watching it. I encourage everyone to rent season one from netflix and watch the episodes in order and the same for season two. I was very skeptical of this show from previews and even the name, but it was top notch.

    I also like the fact that they did two seasons and ended it with a bang, rather than dragging it on past it's prime. Although, having said that, I am going to miss looking forward to new episodes.
  • palitoy
    live. laugh. lisa needs braces
    • Jun 16, 2001
    • 59305

    I went off the rails during season 1 but I've heard from a lot of people who hung with it that it vastly improved.
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    • Meule
      Verbose Member
      • Nov 14, 2004
      • 28720

      Season 1 ends with the future being totally messed up, right? Saw that episode last night.
      The first episode looked promising, so I continued watching, the next couple of episodes I was starting to get bored a little, but stuck with it. And yeah, it did improve quite a lot after that. Looking forward to season 2
      "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe


      • tay666
        Career Member
        • Dec 27, 2008
        • 755

        Originally posted by Meule
        Season 1 ends with the future being totally messed up, right?
        That was an extra episode for the DVD release.
        Set a few years in the future.
        And I believe it will be the final episode of season 2.

        I was one of those that stuck with it all the way.
        I agree that season 1 got a little bogged down. Though I didn't have as much trouble with it as some did.
        I was bummed when FOX announce they were canceling the show.
        Right after the best episode to date had aired. (the one about Sierra)
        Since then, it has been an awesome rollercoaster ride to the finish of the series.
        Now I am kind of glad that it did get canceled. 2 seasons feels about right. And with things pretty much tied up to end it, it feels good.
        Sure, we could have had some more great episodes (Joss is an awesome storyteller, he just has a problem getting things rolling as his stories generally take a while to set up and get really interesting)


        • palitoy
          live. laugh. lisa needs braces
          • Jun 16, 2001
          • 59305

          The thing that killed it for me was the episode that basically stole the plot from "The Most Dangerous Game" which was stale when Logan 5 and David Banner were doing it.

          I guess it was building to something however.
          Places to find PlaidStallions online:

          Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


          • megoapesnut
            The name says it all!
            • Dec 3, 2007
            • 3727

            Originally posted by tay666
            Since then, it has been an awesome rollercoaster ride to the finish of the series.

            There, that's exactly what I was trying to say, and doing a poor job of it I might add.


            • fallensaviour
              Talkative Member
              • Aug 28, 2006
              • 5620

              Enjoyed season one and only saw the first three of season two.

              Now it's over maybe Joss can re-light a season two or new movie for firefly!?!?!?!?
              The time is now.
              “When you say “It’s hard”, it actually means “I’m not strong enough to fight for it”. Stop saying its hard. Think positive!”


              • Meule
                Verbose Member
                • Nov 14, 2004
                • 28720

                Originally posted by tay666
                That was an extra episode for the DVD release.
                Set a few years in the future.
                And I believe it will be the final episode of season 2.
                Then they must've shown both seasons back to back here cause they already aired that future episode
                "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe


                • ddgaff1132
                  Persistent Member
                  • Oct 3, 2007
                  • 1695

                  Totally missed this show all together. What was its premise?
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                  MEGO MOTORS


                  • johnnystorm
                    Hot Child in the City
                    • Jul 3, 2008
                    • 4293

                    There was a corporate run top-secret place where people had their minds wiped and new personalities and abilities were imprinted into them. Those people were then sent out on "missions" as bodyguards, escorts, trained professionals, sex toys, etc. by The Dollhouse to rich & powerful people. The 'dolls' as they were called each had a handler or watcher following them on their assignments. The main character was a doll named Echo played by Elisha Dushku.

                    Of course, it all goes awry...

                    The part that always gets me is that the FBI cannot find the Dollhouse, and yet a rock star, a computer programmer, and other rich folk know how to contact them to order a doll. Same thing that used to bother me about the A-Team....the government can't find 'em, but the rest of the world calls them on a regular basis.
                    Last edited by johnnystorm; Jan 29, '10, 10:06 AM.


                    • johnnystorm
                      Hot Child in the City
                      • Jul 3, 2008
                      • 4293

                      So, it wrapped last night. I never saw the first future show that was on the DVD, but I guess I didn't miss anything. It ended pretty much how I figured it would, couple extra deaths than I would have thought, but...
                      The last 3-4 episodes were really good, lots of plot twists. Too bad they didn't start this kind of writing earlier, instead most of season one was wasted on "doll of the week" assignments for Echo. Could have been interesting if they started the evil corporation stuff after 2-3 episodes and then it went into the fighting the bad guys stuff. It was like they changed their minds on what the show was going to be after Season One ended.

                      So now Fox is promoting 'Past Life" some kind of detective who solves crimes through reincarnation. Think I'll pass.... I'm sure there is some sort of Avatar styled series coming in the fall...


                      • megoapesnut
                        The name says it all!
                        • Dec 3, 2007
                        • 3727

                        I was OK with most of the show except for SPOILER ALERT killing Paul off and uploading him into Echo's brain. I'm a sucker for happy endings and I would have rather had them together for real. Other than that, this turned into one of my favorite shows of all time. Although I am in agreement with above that it would have been cool to have the evil corporation stuff pop up earlier.

