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Doctor Who 1996 Fox Movie talk

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  • Mikey
    Verbose Member
    • Aug 9, 2001
    • 47245

    Doctor Who 1996 Fox Movie talk

    Was just watching the 1996 Fox Doctor Who movie tonight.

    I seem to like the movie more and more each time I watch it.

    I must admit, back when it premiered I didn't think too highly of it.

    I've learned to not take it too seriously and let all the non-canon stuff just slide ... In a way, like i'd watch the 60's Dalek movies

    Eric Roberts was a great Master and makes Simm look like buffoon in comparison ...

    One thing I noticed this time around that I never did before ... The Doctor's suit was actually a Wild Bill Hickok costume ... So the "American" Doctor was even dressed in American garb

    Anyway, was just wondering ......
    What if this movie was a hit -- or at least was popular enough to get picked up as a series ? ... as you all know this movie was technically a backdoor pilot.

    If it was produced as a series I can't imagine it lasting and if it did the inconsistencies would mount up so bad the show would be unrecognizable after about a year or two.

    So, imo it was an ok movie, but i'm glad it didn't go any further then that.

  • UnderdogDJLSW
    To Fear is Not Logical...
    • Feb 17, 2008
    • 4883

    I remember liking it when I saw it, but thinking it was good as a stand alone, too. I didn't see where they could go with it after all they had done/changed in that two hours.
    It's all good!


    • bobws
      Permanent Member
      • Feb 13, 2008
      • 3476

      I liked McGann in it and would have watched a series if it was made. However i think they would have tried to reinvent everything rather then reintroduce everything and that would have ticked me off.
      "Hang on Lady... We go for a RIDE!" - Shorty to Willie Scott.Best movie line from Indiana Jones & the Temple Of Doom


      • ctc
        Fear the monkeybat!
        • Aug 16, 2001
        • 11183


        I HATED it. They dismantled the continuity in the first five minutes. An accomplishemtn certainly, but again: if you're gonna appropriate the name of something you've got to expect to be compared to the original. AND you've got to epect that the original is gonna provide a lot of the expectations the new audience comes in with.

        I hated that there wasn't anything really weird to it too. Sure the Master turned into a T1000 serpent; but EVERYTHING at that time turned into a T1000, so even THAT wasn't weird.

        ....and had it become a series, the new designs for the Daleks would have made me cry.

        Don C.


        • palitoy
          live. laugh. lisa needs braces
          • Jun 16, 2001
          • 59305

          I liked it, still do but it's approach was wrongheaded and the new series proves you don't have to reinvent a show to make it viable.

          Love the Tardis interior and McGann is solid as the Doctor, the only thing I would really pick at was the idea of making him somewhat "magical".
          Places to find PlaidStallions online:

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          • Mikey
            Verbose Member
            • Aug 9, 2001
            • 47245

            A few things I didn't like about it besides the obvious tinkering with classic canon issues ...

            The whole movie just wasn't epic enough for a series pilot that you're trying to sell ... The story was actually rather boring and probably the worst regeneration story of the entire series including Time and the Rani.

            Just about the entire movie was shot at night ... This was probably done to cover up the fact it wasn't filmed in San Francisco.

            Some of the jokes were just plain not funny -- like the motorcycle police officer driving into the TARDIS .... This couldn't happen the way it played for a few reasons.
            1. The TARDIS has a lip on the threshold ...
            2. Both doors were mysteriously open ...
            3. The inside has steps going down right near the door ...
            If you're going to do a joke scene at least make it logial - Dr Who is not a Mel Brooks show.

            The Doctor was too reliant on his companions... They almost didn't need him.
            This made him appear weak and not in control ...

            Everytime he pulled out a Jellybaby I cringed.
            Paying homage is one thing but don't kill it doing it repeated times.

            Will Sasso should have not been in this movie.
            He's a funny guy and I like his work, but his presents cheapened the movie imo
            Back in the 80's Sasso seemed to be Fox's TV show default actor.

            In order for a show to succeed you have to care for the welfare of the stars.
            I didn't.
            I didn't like Grace
            I didn't like the Chinese kid (I forgot his name)
            I didn't even care much for the Doctor (I did like McCoy)
            If anything, I was kind of rooting for the Master
            Last edited by Mikey; Nov 20, '09, 3:22 PM.


            • ODBJBG
              Permanent Member
              • May 15, 2009
              • 3152

              I actually quite liked it. It's not great and you could tell that if they'd ran a whole series they would have eventually crapped all over the original show, but for what it was I didn't think it was bad. I think Who fans somewhat unfairly hate on it.

              It wasn't near as bad as many make it out to be.


              • Nostalgiabuff
                Muddling through
                • Oct 4, 2008
                • 11332

                I have not seen it in years but I remember liking it when it came out. I thought Eric Roberts was great as the master


                • palitoy
                  live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                  • Jun 16, 2001
                  • 59305

                  Will Sasso should have not been in this movie.
                  He's a funny guy and I like his work, but his presents cheapened the movie imo
                  Back in the 80's Sasso seemed to be Fox's TV show default actor.
                  Um, this was an early break for him, he wasn't a default anything until much, much later. He was on crappy Canadian 90210 ripoffs. He's barely in this and he was a nobody.
                  Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                  Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                  • Werewolf
                    • Jul 14, 2003
                    • 14629

                    I liked it. I thought it was actually pretty good.
                    You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


                    • jds1911a1
                      Alan Scott is the best GL
                      • Aug 8, 2007
                      • 3556

                      at the time the "romance" angle of mcgann's doctor and grace (nice rack) was jarring, of course after 3 years of Rose and Martha it was nothing

                      The "half human" doctor I have never liked but it does seem to aling with the later continuty of Human nature and impossible planet where the timelords have masked their identity with another race

                      I never liked eric Roberts Master but then I just HATE eric roberts the character wasn't awful

                      Loved mcgann's Dr (he's great in the audio's too) and the nods to the show continuity were ok by me. I just wish at some point we could get a dvd release in the states (maybe with commentary my Mcgann) I still hope one day he gets a chance at televised work as the Doctor again (since he had to regeneration into Eccleston his age since the tv movie isn't important. maybe ina year or 2 after smith quits

