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Timothy Zahn Star Wars Novels

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  • samurainoir
    Eloquent Member
    • Dec 26, 2006
    • 18758

    Timothy Zahn Star Wars Novels

    Back in the nineties, Timothy Zahn got me back into Star Wars with his awesome trilogy of novels. Unfortunately, the subsequent novels that came out with other authors didn't really do it for me, particularly Kevin J Anderson's Jedi Academy trilogy, so I stopped reading them (although I did go back and check out Shadows of the Empire just to see what all the fuss was about).

    I was in the bookstore the other day and noticed that Zahn had come out with many other Star Wars Novels in the past few years. Even one set in the "New Trilogy" with Anikkin (Sp?) and Obi Wan. I've not got a small stack of Star Wars novels to read. Which ones are the best ones and which order should I be reading these in? Anyone read them?
    My store in the MEGO MALL!

  • jds1911a1
    Alan Scott is the best GL
    • Aug 8, 2007
    • 3556

    I was always a fan of Han solo and the lost Legacy


    • UnderdogDJLSW
      To Fear is Not Logical...
      • Feb 17, 2008
      • 4883

      I dropped out after the Zahn novels, too. It was hard for me to get into it for some reason.
      It's all good!


      • Brue
        User without title
        • Sep 29, 2005
        • 4243

        I'm with you. The Zahn original trilogy was awesome. Subsequent novels range from barable to terrible. they are all predictablle poorly written formula books.

        i have not read hte newer zahn stuff.

        i particularly hated truce at bakura
        i thought shadows was a waste of paper - there was a lot people wnated to know about in the interim but they tolda whole separate irrelevent story.

        the first anderson set was tolerable I thought.

        i loved the graphic novel dark empire. DE 2 was not as good.

        i am trying to reread Splinter of the mind's eye noe but am having trouble getting through it. it is not very good.

        i liked the han solo trilogy and enjoyed the comic adaptations.

        skip star wars books and get some good sci fi. if you haven't read ender's game start there.


        • huedell
          Museum Ball Eater
          • Dec 31, 2003
          • 11069

          Originally posted by Brue
          i am trying to reread Splinter of the mind's eye noe but am having trouble getting through it. it is not very good.
          Really? I've always been a fan...and I also figured that SOTME
          was the only STAR WARS book that actually fit with the movies
          to any extent as most other stabs at writing sequels, prequels and "interims"
          felt more convoluted/contrived.

          I was always hoping that they'd make an animated movie of that one---
          or at least release some EU figures for it.
          "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


          • Brue
            User without title
            • Sep 29, 2005
            • 4243

            i liked sothme the first time i read it (in 1979 or 80).

            it does fit in continuity

            it is better than a lot of the other garbage

            perhaps i've been jaded by the barage of garbage we have been subjected to


            • bgrimm77
              • Jan 4, 2009
              • 768

              The only Zahn novels that I realy got into were THE HEIR TO THE EMPIRE series. If you dont have them , I recommend them.


              • UnderdogDJLSW
                To Fear is Not Logical...
                • Feb 17, 2008
                • 4883

                I almost bought the new Death Star book that came out. It seemed like a cool idea. Like the lower decks type episodes of various Star Treks, but then I read something about one thread in the book dealt with a doctor trying to research the midi-chlorens (sp?) in Darth Vader and I thought...blah.
                It's all good!


                • samurainoir
                  Eloquent Member
                  • Dec 26, 2006
                  • 18758

                  I read Splinter of the Mind's Eye back during the days of the Scholastic Book Club in school. I was so happy when it came in (and if it came from school, I had an excuse to read it in class). I think it was one of the first "grown up" type novels I had ever read.

                  I imagine it would be difficult to go back as an adult and read SotME or the Han Solo trilogy with the same sense of wonder at the continuing adventures of the Star Wars crew.

                  I had some Star Wars comics as a kid, but they never felt like "Star Wars" to me.

                  I just picked up a few of the newer Zahn books as well as an RPG book with a Thrawn story in it. I'm going to read Outbound Flight first (the one set in the past with Obi Wan and Annikin) because it delves into the backstory of Thrawn and how he came to the Empire.
                  My store in the MEGO MALL!


