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G Fest 2023 (July 14-16) Rosemont, IL

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  • JoyceWinborne
    Wow, I love it. It is so amazing. Thanks for sharing the video. I appreciate you.

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  • Jorge Galvan
    ANd, ANY suggestions on photo uploads is appreciated, thanks


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  • Jorge Galvan

    Here is the latest, I TRIED to upload photos, but they have come out sideway???? I have no idea, when I take them with the stoopid phone they look ok. When I try to upload them to this site, sideways.

    So after an hour, I gave up. BUT! Then I tried to up load some video also from my FKN phone and i tried my vimeo account and it was over 500MGS! so then I went to my old youtube account and managed after an HOUR to upload a SIX minute video. And here is the thing

    I have about 20 minutes MORE to upload. Maybe this Sunday. ANyway here is video from the MODELS ROOM and I hope you all enjoy it and the AUDIO of the people in the room.


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  • Jorge Galvan
    Originally posted by JoyceWinborne
    Would love to see some pics and videos

    Hi Joyce, Sorry for the delay, been working and distracted!!!

    I will try to upload something in the next week, I shot video and some photos this year and I STILL have the photos from last years (2022) modelers event from last year to put up also.

    work, life and next week, School restarting is taking up my time, but let me get going right now!!!

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  • JoyceWinborne
    Would love to see some pics and videos.
    Last edited by JoyceWinborne; Sep 14, '23, 7:39 AM.

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  • drquest
    Sounds like it could have been fun to go to...

    Would love to drive up for St. Charles show as I haven't been there in years, but alas I don't think it's in the cards for this weekend.

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  • Jorge Galvan
    Took some photos and I shot some video. Need to find time to upload it all.

    Show was Meh...

    I DIDN'T buy a thing. That's pretty sad for me. Only consolation is St. Charles Toy show this Sunday, Summer show is back.

    Anyway, back to work.

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  • Jorge Galvan
    started a topic G Fest 2023 (July 14-16) Rosemont, IL

    G Fest 2023 (July 14-16) Rosemont, IL

    Once again, the annual Godzilla/Kaiju fest/con in the states.

    For those interested!, brought to you by Daikaiju Enterprises Ltd. is the home of G-FAN magazine, G-FEST and G-TOUR.

    Experience the magic of GFest 2025, the ultimate kaiju convention! Join us for an unforgettable celebration featuring all your favorite giant monsters. Explore our lineup, get involved, and prepare for an adventure like no other. Discover what awaits at G-Fest 2025. Start exploring now!

    I am going, but honestly the panels seem weak and the film at the Pickwick theatre are not what I would have programmed.
    Still it will be a diversion from work.

    I STILL need to put up last years models from the modelling contest.