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The Walking Dead: Season 8

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  • Hector
    el Hombre de Acero
    • May 19, 2003
    • 31852

    Awesome posts, guys...loving every word, lol...


    • Hector
      el Hombre de Acero
      • May 19, 2003
      • 31852

      Originally posted by johnnystorm

      1: I was so hoping that dumb kid got eaten...does that make me a bad person?

      2: And he's seeing things. So tired of him and his multiple personalities...crazy, sane, pacifist, killer, nuts again. Ugh. Sadly though, when he leaves to Fear, they'll just saddle Carol or Daryl with this same thing. In fact, I bet Carol starts flipping back to "I can't deal with this" mode by Season's end, especially since she had to kill the guy who was her boyfriend for 1/2 an episode last year.

      3: And Tara. What a maroon. I half expected her to blow her brains out last night
      1: No, it makes you a fan of Charles Darwin...Natural Selection is needed there.




      • Hector
        el Hombre de Acero
        • May 19, 2003
        • 31852

        Great review of last night’s episode...



        • Hector
          el Hombre de Acero
          • May 19, 2003
          • 31852

          One guy at Twitter, mirroring what everyone is saying here...

          No one heard a Walker fall down a flight of stairs?
          -No lookouts after a major battle?
          -That kid couldn't just shoot through the gate?
          -Everyone sleeping in the house slumberparty style?
          -Who was watching the prisoners?

          Back to the Gimple days



          • Mikey
            Verbose Member
            • Aug 9, 2001
            • 47244

            All I know is Walking Dead is still following it's basic formula

            Make a cliff hanger for last week .... and then follow up the following week not even referring to it.

            People tune in to see what going to happen to Negan and the first thing we see is Morgan having boring Rick style Season-3 style visions.

            Also, they bump off annoying kid just to push a new one up to main cast from a secondary character ?

            They need to cut out all the soap opera sub plots and focus on maybe 2 main plots


            • Gorn Captain
              Invincible Ironing Man
              • Feb 28, 2008
              • 10549

              I had the feeling that they ditched Negan for a few eps and gave some of his speeches to Simon. Yeah, I know, he is "Negan", but please, no more speeches.

              Plenty of dumb moves in this one, again, but at least the walkers got some of the action. Which was a welcome relief from all the human psychology sessions.
              I tried to watch is as a simplistic "monster on the loose" kind of story, and had some fun with that.

              When the kid opened the gate, I thought "Carl Lives!!!!"

              When the walker fell down the stairs, I was reminded of one of Homer Simpson's falls. Doh...doh...doh...
              "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


              • Hector
                el Hombre de Acero
                • May 19, 2003
                • 31852

                I had ZERO fun, but I’m glad you did, lol...


                • johnnystorm
                  Hot Child in the City
                  • Jul 3, 2008
                  • 4293

                  Wow, they really seem to be setting up Negan for some big redemption episode...last night he was so nice it was creepy. And Rick is acting more Negan than Negan was.


                  • Hector
                    el Hombre de Acero
                    • May 19, 2003
                    • 31852

                    It’s official...Rick needs to go. He has turned into an evil mothefer. Dude has no honor, no honor. Man of his word does not apply to him anymore. Instead of listening to his late son’s pleas...he became a lying weaseling murderer. How can audiences root for this dude now? Most of the runaway Saviours wanted to listen to Rick, except for one. One guy saves Rick from his fellow Saviour’s gun, then frees him (as Rick promises him welcome path to his camp). Then after a Walker is about to bite Rick, that Savior saves him. What does Rick do? He hatches him, mortally wounding him...then places a bullet on his head.

                    What kinda heroic human being is that? Johnystorm called it, Negan is now by far the more sympathetic character.

                    The whole point of watching is to root for characters. Well, that went out the window with Rick...I want him gone now.

                    There are lots of sites and fans angry at Rick. I’m posting one here...

                    After last week’s episode of silent zombies and fences that couldn’t be shot through, I was determined to go into this week’s episode of The Walking Dead with an open mind. I wanted to look for the good, I really did. Instead, I got a brutal, nihilistic reminder of the show’s most fundamental problem: Rick Grimes.

                    Get rid of Rick or the entire bloody show...


                    • LonnieFisher
                      Eloquent Member
                      • Jan 19, 2008
                      • 10860

                      It's stupid that Negan hasn't been killed yet, even though he has been in the perfect position to perish several times, nobody can pull it off. Stupid...


                      • Mikey
                        Verbose Member
                        • Aug 9, 2001
                        • 47244

                        Originally posted by LonnieFisher
                        It's stupid that Negan hasn't been killed yet, even though he has been in the perfect position to perish several times, nobody can pull it off. Stupid...
                        YES !!!

                        For the past few weeks the Negan situation has literally become a comedy

                        Waiting for them to throw him off a cliff and right before he hits the ground helicopter blades come out of his azz


                        • YoungOnce
                          Career Member
                          • Aug 29, 2007
                          • 966

                          I'm trying to think of an early instance of when it became the cool thing to do to blur the lines between the good guys and the bad guys. Seems like in comics, it was Miller's The Dark Knight or maybe Wolverine was already there... Can't remember.

                          But at least there were lines that the good guys wouldn't cross. There was honor there somewhere. Now, it seems like it's in vogue to show no distinction between the good guys and the bad guys. Yes, that may be a mature way to see the world these days, but for entertainment, I kind of like rooting for some ideal.

                          This nihilism phase in entertainment drains me. No wonder I keep going back to the old stuff.


                          • LonnieFisher
                            Eloquent Member
                            • Jan 19, 2008
                            • 10860

                            Negan's stupid bat(/girlfriend) should have had more damage from being burned, I would think. It just looked kinda dirty, not like it had been burning at all. And the barbed wire should have been blackened from the flames.


                            • Hector
                              el Hombre de Acero
                              • May 19, 2003
                              • 31852

                              Originally posted by LonnieFisher
                              Negan's stupid bat(/girlfriend) should have had more damage from being burned, I would think. It just looked kinda dirty, not like it had been burning at all. And the barbed wire should have been blackened from the flames.
                              That’s the least of my gripes.

                              How about...

                              *Fuel never goes bad
                              *Car batteries always work
                              *Tires never deflate
                              *Everyone has pretty white teeth
                              *No one really runs outta bullets (they say they do, but not really)
                              *None seem to come to a logical conclusion to travel far north, where it freezes...they could all rest for a few months outta the year, or if they get bored, start impaling frozen Walkers’ heads
                              *Maggie has been pregnant for it seems like years, lol
                              *Walkers, despite rotting flesh and loss of muscles, somehow still have force to bite down
                              *Seems like electricity is no problem, everyone has light
                              *Canned food has no expiration date in this world
                              *Funny how these inept people managed to survive, but not armed forces, Navy Seals, Delta Force, Green Berets, etc...for they were highly skilled, trained, and actually knew how to tactically fight with controlled shooting bursts...unlike these idiots who waste bullets like imbeciles, lol

                              ...and on, and on...and on...



                              • Gorn Captain
                                Invincible Ironing Man
                                • Feb 28, 2008
                                • 10549

                                Remember, when last week I said the writing had improved somewhat?

                                Boy, was I wrong!
                                I'd like to nominate the scenes with Negan and everybody's favorite Garbage Queen as the worst I've ever seen. I mean, even Ed Wood would be turning in his grave. She handed him every means of escape on a silver platter. A gun, her precious photos, a moving trolley, inept binding material. Who writes this stuff? Somebody intent on annoying the viewer? A sociopath? Somebody who actually hates TWD? Come on, I was tearing my hair out, and I have so little left...

                                And now, seriously, I have to stand by Rick on this one. For years, we have been wanting our gang to toughen up and kill the Saviors. "You can't trust them, kill them all!"
                                And now it has happened, Rick has finally had enough. They caused his son to be killed. They killed so many friends. I can understand that Rick goes Terminator. These people stood by Negan for years, accepted his brutalities. Allowed them to happen. They had guns, Negan just has a bat, and they let him get away with it. All it would have taken is ONE bullet.
                                I have disagreed with Rick on so many occasions, he's not my favorite character at all, but this move made sense. Practically, psychologically, emotionally. I know it was brutal, but sometimes that is the only option. I wouldn't have kept the Saviors in that pen, giving them food. I would have eliminated that gang of sociopaths immediately.
                                I thought it was a brave move to have Rick make this decision, and it's the only five minutes in that whole episode that made sense to me.

                                With this "I loved my wife Lucille, I named a torture device after her", I fear that we are moving towards "let's pick strawberries together". Love and understanding. Wouldn't that be hilarious? After all that has happened? Kind of says "you should forgive anything". Not my kind of thing...
                                "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."

