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The Walking Dead: Season Six

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  • Hector
    el Hombre de Acero
    • May 19, 2003
    • 31852

    Rick's group has for the most part, became quite unlikable. Wyatt Earp Rick gets on my nerves, frowny and moody Michonne gets on my nerves, Carl with that stupid hair and hat gets on my nerves, self-righteous Glenn gets on my nerves, a*hole Abraham gets on my nerves, Sasha's sour angry attitude gets on my nerves, unwashed greasy-haired feral boy Daryl gets on my nerves, delusional wannabe saintly Morgan gets on my nerves...and now Carol, who is now dazed and getting on my nerves.

    I'm cheering for Negan to take them all out with Lucille...pick anyone of the before-mentioned, I don't care...I won't shed a tear, lol.

    As long as you leave Maggie and Rosita alone...

    Oh, and Eugene is funny and cool...spare him too.

    Hey, I kinda like the preacher as well, lol.

    The rest, Negan, do your thing...

    Last edited by Hector; Mar 29, '16, 3:56 PM.


    • Gorn Captain
      Invincible Ironing Man
      • Feb 28, 2008
      • 10549

      When even Hector throws in the towel, this show is in real trouble.
      It's odd, but everything that has happened after the hiatus seems really wrong. As if a new writer came in who used to write for the Mentalist.
      Everyone was upset with Glenn's "death", but now it's "whatever"...
      "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


      • Hector
        el Hombre de Acero
        • May 19, 2003
        • 31852

        The whatever phrase is right on the money, ha..

        I'm still going to watch it, especially now that Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan is an awesome actor) will be introduced...I want him to make their lives even more miserable, lol.


        • drquest
          • Apr 17, 2012
          • 3763

          Oh come Sunday something big will be happening, no doubt... Rick will find out he's the little fish in the big pond...
          Captain Action HQ
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          • Hector
            el Hombre de Acero
            • May 19, 2003
            • 31852

            Originally posted by drquest
            Oh come Sunday something big will be happening, no doubt... Rick will find out he's the little fish in the big pond...
            Yeah...Rick thinks him and his group are unstoppable now, the big cheese...he/they will start eating humble pie soon, lol...


            • Mikey
              Verbose Member
              • Aug 9, 2001
              • 47244

              The show's become very predictable

              When Carol was standing there in front of the bad guys in the truck, did anyone actually think she might be in danger ?

              Me neither.


              • Hector
                el Hombre de Acero
                • May 19, 2003
                • 31852

                They have turned Carol into an almost indestructible superhero...which is now bordering towards unintentional comedy.


                • Mikey
                  Verbose Member
                  • Aug 9, 2001
                  • 47244

                  Something small but annoying --- the Orange Crush product placement could be a little more subtle and less common.


                  • Hector
                    el Hombre de Acero
                    • May 19, 2003
                    • 31852

                    Some fans hated the ending, I loved it.


                    This was the most emotionally involved episode for me.

                    Poor Rick and company...getting road blocked messed with the wrong group, buddy.

                    Who got the Lucille treatment?

                    Negan makes the Governor look like Pee Wee Herman, lol.

                    While you never get to see who "got" it...the scene was brutal and intense.

                    I was actually nervous throughout Negan's speech...he had Rick and company peeing in their pants.

                    Here's my own personal take as to who got Lucilled...


                    Abraham puffed up and stood tall/defiant while kneeling, probably gaining Negan's respect as one of his future soldiers, but then again, that might have been the kiss of death for him. Obviously Rick and Carl were spared (the eye comment). Killing a pregnant Maggie would be too brutal even for the Walking Dead world. Glenn is safe, they are just not going to follow the comics. I think the other females are safe too (Michonne, Rosita, and Sasha). Daryl could be a casualty. Aaron is another one. But I think in the end, it was Eugene who met Lucille head on (pardon the pun). He basically said good bye back at the RV, telling Rick about the recipe to make bullets...and the man hug Eugene gave to Abraham. Yeah, I think it's Eugene. RIP mullet head.

                    My percentage odds Lucille kill list:

                    1. Eugene...75%
                    2. Abraham...60%
                    3. Aaron...50%
                    4. Daryl...40%

                    Can't wait for season seven...

                    ***end spoilers***

                    Last edited by Hector; Apr 4, '16, 3:35 AM.


                    • johnnystorm
                      Hot Child in the City
                      • Jul 3, 2008
                      • 4293

                      The Negan scene was intense! It just built, and built until pow! Best episode of the season.
                      Props to Andrew Lincoln...the look of fear and bewilderment on his face was so real. After the second roadblock you just knew the group was being herded somewhere.
                      I like your call on Eugene or Aaron. The goodbye scene was telling. And Aaron joining up after relatively little airtime this season too. Knowing how Negan operates from the comics I would presume the women would be spared. But you never know....
                      I was surprised that Carol & Morgan were off in their own adventure and not part if the crew. They are off to yet another community The Kingdom.
                      I find it odd that there are all these groups about the area that haven't met. Aaron & crew were out looking for people and never came across Hilltoppers, Wolves, Kingdoms, Saviors, & Librarians? All within 25-30 miles of Alexandria?


                      • drquest
                        • Apr 17, 2012
                        • 3763

                        I'm thinking Abraham or Eugene as well, but I'd be ok with it being Glenn I think. Honestly I assumed it would be a couple of them considering how many times Negan mentioned you've killed so many of my guys....

                        Personally I wanted payoff on this episode. I want to know who it was on the other end of that bat. I agree about Andrew Lincoln, he appeared to be breaking down for real during that scene.
                        Captain Action HQ
                        Retro shirts and stuff
                        More retro shirts
                        Stuff For Sale


                        • Hector
                          el Hombre de Acero
                          • May 19, 2003
                          • 31852

                          Andrew Lincoln is one helluva of an actor, dude can act his butt off. On the other side of the spectrum, Norman Reedus is not that good of an actor, his range is much more limited than Lincoln's. He was after all, a male model first....while Lincoln was a student at London's prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.


                          • Hector
                            el Hombre de Acero
                            • May 19, 2003
                            • 31852

                            Wow, check out this Rick Grimes figure from Threezero at the Sideshow site...

                            That's one awesome figure...thinking on getting it...



                            • hedrap
                              Permanent Member
                              • Feb 10, 2009
                              • 4825

                              Reed us isn't a legit model. His background is pretty crazy. He was a model for a line by total fluke, just like all the music videos he appears in. He's more of a straight up painter/photographer.


                              • Hector
                                el Hombre de Acero
                                • May 19, 2003
                                • 31852

                                Either way, he's definitely not a natural fluid actor like Lincoln is...

