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Cabin in the Woods

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  • samurainoir
    Eloquent Member
    • Dec 26, 2006
    • 18758

    Cabin in the Woods

    Just got back from a screening with the co-writer/director present for q and a.

    Really had a great time and just wish I could watch it again right away, frame by frame.

    Without giving too much away, this thing is the Where's Waldo of horror movies. You can't call it a spoof, but the amount of movies it references is astonishing. Basically creates a metatext of horror movies from the past few decades.

    Surprise appearance by one of the Ghostbusters cast.

    Love how the movie poster evokes the movie with it's rubies' cube motif while keeping the rest of it a mystery.
    THE CABIN IN THE WOODS great original movie poster | eBay
    Last edited by samurainoir; Mar 15, '12, 9:09 PM.
    My store in the MEGO MALL!

  • ddgaff1132
    Persistent Member
    • Oct 3, 2007
    • 1693

    As of now. I have only seen the tv spot for it. I got the impression of a Government controlled experiment to gauge the survival capacity of several teens using an isolation and threat simulation. Seeing the movie poster you provided is even odder. Because I was thinking this was just an odd version of the indy film CUBE or its sequel HYPER-CUBE. Seeing the poster kinda enforces my believe.
    Of course the whole premise is not new or unique. I think it was the Outer Limits that had an episode with astronauts being interrogated by alien enemys only to find out in the end that the aliens were a hoax and it was a test carried out by their own superiors. Just to see how the astronaut's would deal with encountering a hostile alien race.
    Check out my picture library of Mego-ish compatible vehicles with ID data.


    • samurainoir
      Eloquent Member
      • Dec 26, 2006
      • 18758

      That's exactly what they want you to think. there's a few more twists and turns along the way

      I made the cube comparison as well, but it can only fit a few superficial things in terms of visual effects.

      The trailer tonight in front of Hunger Games thankfully hides all the really good stuff. Horror fans will get a kick out of it, and not in that Scream kind of way.

      I'm as jaded as they come, and I was rather delighted, particularly with the tone. Joss Whedon fans should enjoy it well enough.
      My store in the MEGO MALL!



      • Brazoo
        Permanent Member
        • Feb 14, 2009
        • 4767

        I'm sorry Samurai - I'm refusing to read anything past the first line of your post because I keep hearing that:

        1) It's amazing.

        2) I should go in not knowing anything about it.

        I was really surprised at the reaction it's getting, since the trailer looks like such a typical cliche modern horror movie - but now I can't wait to see it.


        • Bill
          Parminant Memble
          • Oct 20, 2002
          • 4139

          Just came back from watching it; it was a blast. Amazing writing for this kinda horror.


          • Mikey
            Verbose Member
            • Aug 9, 2001
            • 47244

            The TV commercial from a few weeks ago made me think it was an Evil Dead knockoff


            • madmarva
              Talkative Member
              • Jul 7, 2007
              • 6445

              If the film is a spoof of anything, it's of Hollywood's creative process. The movie is smartly built. It certainly will remind fans of angel and buffy of those shows as well as the Twilight Zone and the Outer Limits.

              There's a zombie in it that looks a whole lot like Marvel Comics version of Frankenstein's monster from the 70s.

              The film goes to show ideas don't necessarily have to be original for them to be fun, just well executed and the writing and tone of the film are very sharp. Performances by Bradley Whitford and Richard Jenkins are outstanding. Their characters could end up being cult classics. And it's always good to see Amy Acker in anything.


              • Dark Shadow
                Creature Of The Night
                • May 14, 2011
                • 1030

                We went to see this movie along with Hunger Games last weekend after spending the afternoon at Monsterpalooza in Burbank. Interesting thing is that I expected to thoroughly enjoy Cabin, and not so much HG; vice-versa for my friend. I ended up liking Hunger Games more than I thought I would but was greatly disappointed with TCITW; my friend found Cabin to be "funny" and was slightly disappointed with HG.

                I found the overall concept to be more silly than fun, and the caricatures of the "suits" only reinforced that perception. For me, the actual cabin scenes were, at best, cliches and (contrary to the director's PR statements) I did not care one iota about any of the characters. What's worse, I kept expecting the ridiculously stereotypified comic relief character to shout out "ZOIKS" at any given moment.

                If we can't call it an outright spoof, perhaps we can say that it lies just a hairline or so away from being exactly just that?

                The idea that this team believed that they could actually create an all-encompassing plausible metatext for all things it spouts to endear...well, I found that to be the best laugh in the whole experience.


                • Bill
                  Parminant Memble
                  • Oct 20, 2002
                  • 4139

                  I liked the subtle stuff like "the list." Deadites, ha!
                  The sizes of the cabin was good fun too.


                  • Goblin19
                    Talkative Member
                    • May 2, 2002
                    • 6110

                    I really enjoyed it. It was like a particularly clever and gory Buffy episode.


                    • torgospizza
                      Theocrat of Pan Tang
                      • Aug 19, 2010
                      • 2747

                      Originally posted by Dark Shadow
             friend found Cabin to be "funny"...
                      I haven't seen it yet because I don't care for Joss Whedon, but I keep hearing from friends that it's a comedy. I realize it also has a (I don't believe this qualifies as a spoiler, due to vagueness) Lovecraftian ending, and those things are about as far apart as possible. So I'm guessing it's utterly inane or a work of genius. I'll wait for DVD and hope it rocks socks.


                      • vulcan2074
                        Live Long and Prosper
                        • Mar 23, 2008
                        • 7811

                        I like this movie alot. I saw it last weekend and was surprised with how good it was. I highly recommend watching it.


                        • spacecaps
                          Second Mouse
                          • Aug 24, 2011
                          • 2093

                          Dont read this if you havent seen the film.....

                          Just saw it today and I guess I enjoyed it cause it was fun but I wasn't blown away by it. This isn't going to be the next Saw or 6th Sense or "Awesome Horror Movie That Changes The Way Horror Movies Are Made For The Next Decade" (which is what I think they were trying to do.) The writing was shotty, the reveal at the end was kind of silly, and while I guess they were going for cliche, there were too many cliches. But I can look past all's what killed it for me...The Previews. I went into this movie knowing nothing about it except what I saw in the the coming attractions and what they showed was waaayyyy to much for a movie like this. They should have shown a minimum of the film and nothing...NOTHING!!! from the end of the movie. That scene where they find the elevator was so towards the end it was a dead giveaway to what was coming and "Shaggy" was so prevalent in the previews, when he died I was like..wait he's not dead cause they didn't get to this scene or that line from the coming attractions. I'm not sure if a movie has ever been spoiled as much as this one was by the coming attraction and it's not like i watched it over and over again. I saw it maybe 3 times.

                          Oh and the bad writing.....I seriously thought Shaggy was going to turn out to be the virgin they kept making out to be so important throughout the movie which would have been a much better ending than what they came up with. I mean they went out of their way to explain the whole student/teacher affair and then make mention that Shaggy made out with the hot blonde once but it went no where, it totally made sense to have it go down like that but instead we get the "We work with what we have" line that just explained everything away. I guess you can call that classic misdirection but with all the other horror movie cliches they throw out at you, that argument doesn't hold water. You just can't have a clever movie with bad writing like that.

                          I also kept thinking about what could have been if they chose, the puzzle box or IT or the ghost instead of generic zombies when they were in the basement. This could have been such a cool springboard to bring some classic horror movie monsters back and make them relevant again but instead we get nondescript zombie family. And why were there unicorns? I guess it was "every fantastical creature ever" but they all seemed to be evil creatures and a murderous unicorn shows up!?. What would have been really cool is instead of showing the idea of a character like Hellraiser, it would have been awesome to show the actual Pinhead and other characters that were obvious knock offs of the real thing. I'm sure they could CGI those things into a movie but I guess licensing and all get in the way. Like I said, its a fun movie (probably should have come out around Halloween) but it's not the coming of the next greatest thing. They also painted themselves into a corner when it comes to making a sequel which may actually be a good thing. It's getting a lot of comparison to Cube and I gotta say, I liked Cube better.
                          Last edited by spacecaps; Apr 26, '12, 12:06 AM.
                          "Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Sloar that day I can tell you."


                          • GaryPlaysWithDolls
                            Mighty Man/Monster Maker
                            • Aug 14, 2007
                            • 2347

                            I don't know. I thought it was a hoot. I could have lived without the Unicorn and the Merman should have been better.

                            Mina is the world's first Paranormal Petsitter in the new middle-grade book series by Gary Buettner, MONSTER PETS, coming in FALL 2014 from EMBY KIDS. Spooky adventure that's perfect reading for kids 8-12


                            • boynightwing
                              That Carl Guy
                              • Apr 24, 2002
                              • 3382

                              I don't know. Watching a guy get killed by a Unicorn really made my day.

                              What a good movie. I enjoyed the whole thing. Working at a movie theater, the credits can also be important. I'm a huge NIN fan and getting an old angry NIN song for the credits makes me happy.

