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Next week's Ghost Hunters

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  • jwyblejr
    galactic yo-yo
    • Apr 6, 2006
    • 11147

    Next week's Ghost Hunters

    There was a blurb on SyFy tonight how next week they'll be going to where they filmed the original Dark Shadows. Don't really care for the show but I might tune in for that.
  • Dark Shadow
    Creature Of The Night
    • May 14, 2011
    • 1030

    Just curious, is it DS or GH that you don't care for?

    I myself don't care for GH, but will be tuning in for this episode just to see the mansion itself.

    The name of the mansion is Seaview Terrace (aka The Carey Mansion) and the rearview was used for the exterior shots of the Great House at Collinwood. Having never actually seen the inside (all interior shots of DS were taped at an ABC studio in New York) I'm really looking forward to seeing what it looks like. I hope the whole episode isn't presented in "Ghostly Glow".


    • jwyblejr
      galactic yo-yo
      • Apr 6, 2006
      • 11147

      I'm not fond of any of these types of shows. It's always "Look! There's something over there in the dark!" And you never see anything.


      • Dark Shadow
        Creature Of The Night
        • May 14, 2011
        • 1030

        I'm sorry, jwyblejr, I meant Dark Shadows vs. Ghost Hunters. I know what you mean...they do get all jumpy over nothing. Kinda reminds me of when cats play with their imaginary friends. They get all into it, as though there's something really scary chasing after them (until they see someone from the real world looking at them and then they quickly regain composure and act casually).


        • MIB41
          Eloquent Member
          • Sep 25, 2005
          • 15632

          Originally posted by jwyblejr
          I'm not fond of any of these types of shows. It's always "Look! There's something over there in the dark!" And you never see anything.
          Exactly. It's a bunch of cons spinning a yarn about myths and then filming everything in ghostly lighting while they overreact to essentially nothing. "What's that? Did you hear something?" All pretty much nonsense.


          • jimsmegos
            Mego Dork
            • Nov 9, 2008
            • 4519

            I'm honestly surprised that the show is still in production. Considering all the points mentioned above why anyone would still watch this same old boring crap week after week is beyond me. Now don't get me wrong, if these guys came up with a sit down interview with Harry Houdini's ghost on camera I'd tune in. Otherwise count me out. Mind you this is coming from a guy with a little bit of experience in this genre.I ended my pursuit of ghost hunter activities on tape once the reality of the situation set in.

