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The Walking Dead on AMC

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  • fallensaviour
    Talkative Member
    • Aug 28, 2006
    • 5620

    Another solid entry to the series!!!
    “When you say “It’s hard”, it actually means “I’m not strong enough to fight for it”. Stop saying its hard. Think positive!”


    • Hector
      el Hombre de Acero
      • May 19, 2003
      • 31852

      ****SPOILER WARNING for the overseas people****

      Oh man, my favorite character is poor Andrea...I will miss you dearly...but you should've spent less time yapping to a dying Milton...and more time picking up those pliers with your feet...dammit,

      The Governor is now a full-fledged evil's one thing to kill your enemies...but to kill your own people in cold blood like that???

      Rick has finally come back to life, I don't hate him anymore...he's seen the light...and kudos to him for bringing back Tyreese and the leftover Woodbury people.

      Carl is now a cold blooded heartless little killer...shooting a surrendering teen lie that...and getting pizzed off at seeing the saved Woodbury people...I hope Rick grabs his belt...and you on that little butt of his, lol.

      Great season gotta wait until OCTOBER for season four???????

      P.S. It was finally nice to see Michonne display emotion like can tell she really cared for Andrea.

      P.S.S. It's also nice to see that they recognized Merle's sacrifice as well.


      • Mikey
        Verbose Member
        • Aug 9, 2001
        • 47253

        About the Carl situation ........

        I kinda agree with him.

        They kept telling the kid to drop the gun but he wouldn't

        I was sure that kid was going to try something - and I bet Carl was too.

        If a cop kept telling someone DROP THE GUN and they didn't, I bet the same thing would have happened.


        • johnnystorm
          Hot Child in the City
          • Jul 3, 2008
          • 4293

          lesson learned from the season finale:
          If the zombifying dying science guy tells you to hurry up & get those pliers, you should listen to him and not stop to chat about your feelings. Just for kicks, I tried the picking them up with my feet trick, took like 4 seconds and I'm an outta shape old guy.
          Seriously though, after the events of this season, I think her story was through. You can't stay in Woodbury, and you can't rejoin the group as if nothing happened.

          Carl has undergone the most radical personality change of all I think. Watching the old eps I noticed he bawled like a little kid back when Sophia came out of the barn, but now he's hardened. And on his way to being the future governor!

          Hey, how would you like to be riding shotgun with the Governor today...just picturing them on the road blasting out an old Eagles cassette! Or Journey, yeah, I can see the Gov singing along to "Don't stop believing!"

          On a side note, isn't Tyreese' girlfriend the new big bad on Once upon a Time?
          Last edited by johnnystorm; Apr 1, '13, 8:24 AM.


          • The Toyroom
            The Packaging King
            • Dec 31, 2004
            • 16653

            Originally posted by johnnystorm

            On a side note, isn't Tyreese' girlfriend the new big bad on Once upon a Time?
            Yes, same actress
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            • HumanWolfman
              Type3Toys Has Transformed
              • Oct 5, 2011
              • 1574

              I think Carl is gonna be the one who finally puts a cap in the Gov. In the beginning, you could almost, kind of see where the Gov was coming from. Even agree with some of his beliefs. But alas, he has revealed his true colors and is someone we can love to hate.
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              • domino
                Veteran Member
                • Jun 16, 2007
                • 445

                Spoilers ahead:
                Rant ahead:

                I really didn't like last nights episode at all. It didn't feel like a season finale at all. This season has just felt like it was dragging it's feet for the most part. Some of the episodes felt so drawn out. Here we have whole episode of Rick finding Morgan that really didn't go anywhere. A whole episode of Rick and the Governor talking that didn't go anywhere. Both of those episodes could have been condensed to 10 minutes and still told the story. Last night was the opposite. Within minutes they were at the prison shooting. A few minutes later they run. A few minutes later the Governor kills his people and is gone. Where was the showdown? Very anticlimactic. Is the Gov so polarizing that people can't get a gun of their shoulders and fire at him? First the military people he killed earlier in the season and then all the people he that he was with that he alone gunned down. Not a single one of them took a shot at him. Not one thought to shoot back??

                Oh Andrea, you are something else. She was a terrible character that died an even more pathetic death. While I was not a fan of her, she had her moments. When she left the farm by herself, she was able to take care of more than one walker at a time. Even this season, she killed multiple walkers that were around her, escaped a building full of them and the Governor, only to be taken down by zombie Milton. The whole sitting in the chair watching Milton, instead of trying to get lose was out of character even for her. She had a free hand at the point he got up, couldn't she have stabbed him with the pliers or something? It would have bought her more time. While it was time for her to go, it seemed like a weak end for her.

                The commercials really killed it last night. It seemed like there were more of them than show. It really took away what momentum was there. It might be time to invest in a dvr for all the shows that I watch.

                I have been a big fan of this show but I really wonder where it is headed. With yet another new showrunner for season 4, my hopes are not high at this point. Maybe I was just spoiled by how good the comics are. Maybe I am just nitpicking. I don't know. Maybe by the time next season starts I will have gotten over the bad taste this one left in my mouth. Sorry for ranting.


                • Hector
                  el Hombre de Acero
                  • May 19, 2003
                  • 31852

                  Some good points all around ^^^^^^

                  About those annoying commercials, I DVR the show, and fast forward them, problem solved.


                  • mightyquinn
                    Proud to be a Nerd
                    • Aug 4, 2009
                    • 558

                    Glad the Andrea story is finally over. Way overdue, tired of her whinning backsliding. When I saw the bite on her neck, I cheered. I also thought the kid that Carl capped deserved it, he never dropped the gun?
                    Wanted: Lincoln Dracula & Hunchback, AHI Male Creature, Remco Phantom, Ghost of Captain Kid, 8" Tomlands


                    • Random Axe
                      The Voice of Reason
                      • Apr 16, 2008
                      • 4518

                      All that build up for the last five episodes, all the tension they set up and...meh. It was decent I suppose. I see them going back and forth with the governor for a few episodes in season 4 before the aforementioned character from the comics who is way worse comes along and pops him open and becomes the main villain. I haven't gotten that far in the books, but it seems like a way to go. Andrea was a victim of her choices, as are we all. With all of the new people intoduced to the jail, there will have to be a leader among them. I don't know if that's Rick or not.

                      Overall a good episode but a disappointing season ender.
                      I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she dumped me before we met.

                      If anyone here believes in psychokinesis, please raise my hand.


                      • Hector
                        el Hombre de Acero
                        • May 19, 2003
                        • 31852

                        Andrea was a victim of her own stupidity, friggin' pick up those pliers already, and stop yapping to the dying Milton for Christ's sakes, you stupid b...., lol.


                        • sprytel
                          Talkative Member
                          • Jun 26, 2009
                          • 6578

                          Originally posted by Hector
                          Andrea was a victim of her own stupidity, friggin' pick up those pliers already, and stop yapping to the dying Milton for Christ's sakes, you stupid b...., lol.
                          Yep. And I half expected her to spend too long smugly explaining herself to Rick and lose her chance to kill herself before she turned ("I just didn't want anyone to die..." erm, how did that work out for you?).

                          Honestly, I was way sadder to see Milton go than Andrea.


                          • drquest
                            • Apr 17, 2012
                            • 3813

                            Andrea should have worked quicker to get out of the handcuffs, but as to fighting off Milton, we don't know how battered or dehydrated she was. She might not have had the strength to fight him off effectively.

                            I feel the group should have locked the gates on the governor and his group once they went into the dark area of the prison.

                            I'm not surprised to see the Woodbury group run away so quickly, none of those except a few have been in that situation where they were being fired at. Same goes for the governor gunning them down so easily. Why would they have gotten out to talk with him with their weapons drawn?
                            Captain Action HQ
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                            • Mikey
                              Verbose Member
                              • Aug 9, 2001
                              • 47253

                              anybody else sick of Rick's wife being turned into the ghost of Obi-Wan ?


                              • Hector
                                el Hombre de Acero
                                • May 19, 2003
                                • 31852

                                Yes, sick to death of that, it has become a parody already.

