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Van Helsing II

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  • jasonmego1277
    Persistent Member
    • Dec 9, 2008
    • 1741

    Van Helsing II

    Okay I have heard today that Universal is looking at a possible Van Helsing II. The rumors claim it will not have Hugh Jackman Reprising his role, and it would be looked at as a prequel. I for one found the first one to be .........well ............ sigh... somewhat enjoyable. I start to question the studios when they begin extending films for the sake of trying to franchise it, or even worse stretch out a bad property. I.E. Scorpion King 2. If your are going to release a film, and hope to lead to other films, do the first one justice first. Does van Helsing need a sequel ? What does anyone else think ?

    I would prefer a more Dark, period piece reboot instead. Although this sounds too much like the shelved Castlevania film. Actually scratch that too if you don't do that correctly. So With Universal in the recent years rebooting their horror films, Mummy, Van Helsing, and even the Upcoming Wolf Man. Can we expect a New Creature from the Black Lagoon too ??? The point is I can think of other ways for Universal to use their resources than making a sequel / remake to every hit, mediocre film , and flop. How about remastering some of the classics? Or releasing some of the films not made it to DVD , let alone Blue Ray?

    Let me say this at least , I don't want someone thinking I am completely anti- remake ,sequel, prequel, side-quel or anything-quel. I just want them to tread carefully and do either first one right , or none at all. Here's to hoping if this does happen , they do it well. If not please focus on that Jurassic Park IV thats been in development hell. See told ya I am not anti sequel.
    In The " Real World " Vampires Do Not Sparkle. They Burn In the Sun !
  • wolfie
    Persistent Member
    • Dec 31, 2007
    • 1567

    I thought Van Helsing was great and would love to see another film, however, if the cast is not getting back together to take the roles i fear it would become poor fare.


    • Earth 2 Chris
      Verbose Member
      • Mar 7, 2004
      • 32564

      I had high hopes for Van Helsing, but it just didn't work for some reason. I like Beckinsale and Jackman, but there was about that movie. Like they were trying way too hard to start a franchise and be cool. It seemed the idea of a a horror/adventure franchise came first and the story came later. Much like the US Godzilla.

      I bet if they do a sequel it will be direct-to-video. Seems to be the way to go for sequels to marginally successful movies.



      • thunderbolt
        Hi Ernie!!!
        • Feb 15, 2004
        • 34211

        Prequel without Jackman, definitely direct to dvd release.
        You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


        • toys2cool
          Ultimate Mego Warrior
          • Nov 27, 2006
          • 28605

          I loved part one,but man with out Jackman? DVD for sure
          "Time to nut up or shut up" -Tallahassee

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          • Nostalgiabuff
            Muddling through
            • Oct 4, 2008
            • 11315

            I agree, the movie was off a bit. The fake translvanian accents were annoying. Dracula was not menacing enough and Frankenstein was too cartoonish. I like Jackman in the lead and anything with Kate Beckinsale is worth watching at least once....okay more than once. A reboot would be better and it should definately be darker.
            The Mummy movies work better because there was a better over all cast - except the 3rd one.


            • ctc
              Fear the monkeybat!
              • Aug 16, 2001
              • 11183


              I thought the first one was okay, but nothing special. The designs, pacing, story.... all that sort of thing was HUGE amongst Role-Playing Games of the 90's, so it seemed kind of old hat to me.

              I don't think you rreally need a reboot or anything; even if you want to change the tone completely. You can just have ANOTHER monster show up, but this one is all creepy and horror-show. And if you really feel the need to include a backstory, it can feature the monster or someone from the cast of victims. That's the nice thing about action/adventure stories: there's always ANOTHER adventure out there somewhere....

              Don C.


              • Vortigern99
                • Jul 2, 2006
                • 1539

                I thought the first ten minutes of Van Helsing were brilliant. The B&W photography, the appearances of the three most famous Universal monsters (in updated, cool-looking versions), the fast paced action -- all were superb, and fun, and quite well done.

                The rest of the movie stank to high heaven. Insipid plotting, dumb dialogue and patchy CGI all conspired to make this one of THE worst movies I've ever had the displeasure of sitting through.

                If the studio must foist a prequel upon us, I suggest they make the whole thing more like the opening 10 minutes of the first one -- not necessarily in B&W, but with that kind of cinematic aplomb and sense of fun.


                • Meule
                  Verbose Member
                  • Nov 14, 2004
                  • 28720

                  I liked Van Helsing and would love a sequel (or prequel), but without Jackman?
                  Really bad idea
                  "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe


                  • Type3Toys
                    Home Of The Type3 Body
                    • Jan 18, 2005
                    • 622

                    You know, I liked the first one. It was not fantastic, mind you. If they do a second, I think it needs to be a bit less "Indiana Jones like" to work for me. I mean, they had Hugh and Kate doing stuff that Spiderman would have trouble pulling off! Best version of Van Helsing I ever saw played was by Anthony Hopkins in Stokers Dracula.
                    Action Figure Design & Prototypes
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                    • tay666
                      Career Member
                      • Dec 27, 2008
                      • 755

                      I liked the movie.
                      Heck, I own the DVD and actually watch it occasionally.

                      Don't know about a sequel though.

                      And for the record, there was a Creature reboot in the works, but I think it is back to the back burner again.


                      • Gorn Captain
                        Invincible Ironing Man
                        • Feb 28, 2008
                        • 10549

                        I seem to be the odd man out here.
                        I thought it stank on ice.
                        Cartoony effects, the lamest Dracula since Frank Langhella's Disco Drac, need I continue?
                        Jackman was cool, as always, but that didn't save the movie for me.

                        Has anybody read the original book?
                        At least some common parts would have been nice.

                        Anthony Hopkins in Dracula? Hmmmm. A little too much dirty old man for me....

                        No one can replace "Saint" Peter Cushing.....
                        "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


                        • Vortigern99
                          • Jul 2, 2006
                          • 1539

                          I'm with you, Gorn Cap -- Van Helsing is silly and cartoonish (except the opening ten minutes, which are like a Universal creature-feature flashback!). A sequel/prequel would probably be even worse!


                          • fallensaviour
                            Talkative Member
                            • Aug 28, 2006
                            • 5620

                            Originally posted by Meule
                            I liked Van Helsing and would love a sequel (or prequel), but without Jackman?
                            Really bad idea
                            I totally agree.Nothing p!$$3$ me off more than when Hollywood does this.For crying out load start some damn movies with nobodies and sign them to a two or three picture deal so you can get them back to reprise there roles.Oh and by the way that can also help with the budget of the film if you don't have to pay astronomical actor fees...Just a suggestion.Hollywood has been relying to long on the fame of an actor to sell a flick.What ever happened to a great story selling itself???
                            One more thing enough of the damn prequels already!!!
                            I mean once in awhile is okay but every damn film nowadays the sequel becomes the prequel!?!?!?!?!?
                            Here's an idea do the back story first!?!?!?
                            That's a good way to generate interest in your film...
                            So lets get it straight... Film sequel,sequel...Not Film,prequel,sequel....And definitely not...Film,Sequel,prequel!!!
                            Hey Hollywood your welcome,thank you and goodnight!!!
                            “When you say “It’s hard”, it actually means “I’m not strong enough to fight for it”. Stop saying its hard. Think positive!”


                            • Werewolf
                              • Jul 14, 2003
                              • 14623

                              Originally posted by Gorn Captain
                              ICartoony effects, the lamest Dracula since Frank Langhella's Disco Drac, need I continue?
                              I love the 79 Dracula movie. My favorite version after the 31 Lugosi one.
                              You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...

