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Oscars. The slap heard around the world…

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  • Hector
    el Hombre de Acero
    • May 19, 2003
    • 31852

    Originally posted by thunderbolt
    He's doing garbage movies on Netflix lots of stuff in post production too. That's what I was referring to. The Razzies even laid off him after his diagnosis, which broke today? I guess? So I didn't know about it
    That’s why he was doing those low budget movies. He just couldn’t remember his lines. He’s been suffering with his disease for quite some time now. The last decent thing he was in was in one of The Expendable movies.


    • MegoMonk
      Career Member
      • Jan 22, 2007
      • 520

      I really can't stand awards shows anyway. There are way too many of them. I think the best moment in Oscar history was back in the mid-seventies when someone streaked across the stage while David Niven was announcing an award.


      • powersthatbe
        Persistent Member
        • Sep 27, 2010
        • 1968

        yeah back in the day actors and actresses were looked upon like greek gods to be idolized and worshipped. these days are ,"oh, you act for a living? good for you."


        • Mikey
          Verbose Member
          • Aug 9, 2001
          • 47244

          Imagine giving somebody an award for doing their job well....

          Back in the day, (my day) I totally worked my behind off feeding mud to masons while standing on just one plank 3 stories up.

          What was my recognition ?

          Layed off when they finished

          Actors are bib-carrying-azzwipes imo


          • Hector
            el Hombre de Acero
            • May 19, 2003
            • 31852

            Originally posted by powersthatbe
            yeah back in the day actors and actresses were looked upon like greek gods to be idolized and worshipped. these days are ,"oh, you act for a living? good for you."
            And not because they were necessarily better. You had Sean Connery talking about slapping his women. Oliver Reed showing up drunk out of his mind on talk shows. You had your Roman Polanskis and Woody Allen’s of the world, and so on. But the internet and social media changed all that.

            YouTuber The Critical Drinker explains it brilliantly…

            The 2022 Oscars debacle really got me to thinking, is this the age of the movie star, and the cult of celebrity ending? Yes, and I'll explain how and why it ...


            • Hector
              el Hombre de Acero
              • May 19, 2003
              • 31852

              Not all actors are bad nor worthless of course.

              Gary Sinise is a good guy, he has a foundation specifically for wounded veterans after his iconic character LT. Dan.

              Keanu Reeves has donated $31.5 million to Cancer Research, all coming from his Matrix earnings.

              John Cena. Nobody touches him with his Make A Wish Foundation involvement. He has 650 of them, no one comes remotely close.

              And so on…


              • Jorge Galvan
                Career Member
                • Jun 8, 2015
                • 633

                December 14th, 2007.

                It was the eve of our Xmas party at work, we all took off to a club called Alhambra Palace Restaurant. Nice place, things were good, lots laffs, lots of booze (when I could still drink) and lots of fun, that night I didn't drive, so I had to leave early to get the last Metra home. I was a bit buzzed, but not as fkd up as I would have been if I stayed later. Anyway got the train went home, ordered a late night pizza and went to bed.

                Monday morning, come in, start of a new week, the last week before most people take off for the holiday. I then notice as the day progresses that something is not quite right?

                So I ignore it, shake it off as nothing, but as the week goes on, I keep noticing something odd in the office as most people are being a bit aloof. SO by Friday we have our end of month; "Vodka Friday" which is usually reserved for the last Friday of the month, but since its the week before Xmas that year we have it on the 21st. Only 6 of us are in the cafe' as most people have gone home for the holiday and its just me, My boss: LuAnne, her dad a managing partner, the twins: Megan & Marge (Yeah twin sister secretaries!! Believe it or not!! HAHHA!) and Kathy. As I sit myself down the conversation is in full swing and I am listening and hearing and it seems everyone is occupied with the Xmas party and what happened. I, of course am Lost and have no clue as to what they are talking about, so finally I ask.

                "Have I missed something?"

                Apparently, right after I left (typical!!)(sic) Missy, another secretary was a bit out of it and she and one of the Partners ( At the time I was a paralegal at a Law firm) got into a drunken shouting Match over what, god only knows, so apparently from what my colleagues at the table told me was Missy SLAPPED the partner in question and... He slapped he BACK! She got up hit the dance floor as if nothing happened and then broke down and left.


                So no wonder things felt weird that week in the office, like people were walking on eggshells. Then everyone at the table were speculating as to HOW Missy still had her JOB? Luanne's dad didn't give away no details he was tight lipped and mum about it. So everyone thinks there must have been a series of phone calls over the weekend as to how to resolve it. I then foolishly asked...

                "so where the hell was Matthew, when this all happened?" Matthew is Missy's boss and a real great guy and also a partner in the firm. Well...

                I was told he was in the men's room PASSED OUT (at least he didn't get ROLLED by two hookers like some people I know!!!)

                And that was that. Poor Missy how embarrassing, yes, Alcohol was involved and both people were at fault, but I thought about how everyone was gossiping about this and I wondered how Missy would react if she knew she was the subject of this. And I felt bad she has to come to work and have people look at her and whatnot. I didn't feel as bad as I did for the Partner as he was older and supposedly supposed to be more mature in a situation like this than a 20-something. And in the weeks to come, I didn't want to talk about this anymore to anyone, why?

                Because it was None of My Business.

                I liked Missy, she was a nice person. We worked together well and she didn't bother no one and once again when Alcohol is involved people get loose, they change and things happen. She didn't need anymore grief and I was not gonna participate in this office gossip. End of life lesson.

                Fast forward to March 27th, 2022. As the whole planet and their Fkn Mother is busy talking about this, and while it sucks for those involved, I knew once I was made aware of what happened. ( HATE watching award shows!! Used to watch the MTV's back in the 80's but not anymore and I have never been to an AVN... YET!) I had the same response.

                It's None of MY Business.

                as an off note, I do not accept Violence as a means to solve anything.

                NOTE: Russia/Ukraine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

                (and that is EVERYONE's Business!!)

                Yeah I know lotsa people want something in their lives to dwell on and have some "excitement" in their lives. But in my opinion this is RUBBERNECKING of the highest order.

                Also for those who are not aware, this happened in 1973 at the Oscars

                $-#-!-+!! happens everyday, people get into fights at the bar, Someone has a heart attack at the ball game, there is a car crash at the intersection, a mother is yelling at her kids at WalMart.

                Unless it involves me or it involves a threat of violence to others or myself, or someone Needs life saving assistance, then I can only tell you.

                It's none of my business.

                Kim, Kanye and Peter

                Bill, Hillary and Monica

                The Pope smoking dope

                Ben and Jennifer

                Wolfgang Van Halen and his Dad.

                Mark Waid and Alex Ross

                David Lee Roth retiring

                Charlie Sheen and 90 % of the female population in Los Angeles.
                (okay, Okay... 80%!!! )

                Its' none of my business.

                Nuff said. Excelsior!!!!!


                • Megotastrophe
                  Permanent Member
                  • Jun 29, 2018
                  • 2763

                  Beat meme from the fracas so far


                  • TrekStar
                    Trek or Treat
                    • Jan 20, 2011
                    • 8382

                    If you want some serious sarcastic and racially questionable humor, then sit back and watch those classic Dean Martin celebrity roasts, nobody no matter who you are was spared.

                    Why does it seem that back in the day, this type of humor was laughed at by everyone no matter who you were and in today’s society it’s frowned upon and vulgar and can lead to being assaulted or possibly brought up on charges? the world is a much different place today and that’s not necessarily a good thing, it’s way to politically correct.


                    • danadoll
                      Micronaut Nut!
                      • Apr 11, 2005
                      • 1840

                      The slap was just too far, violence for a joke is uncalled for. Plus, Will has a history of reacting violently to people and that’s not good (I believe there was a reporter and a fan, he struck both of them, for being too up in his face). Will has a violent temper and it seems to me that he needs to get that under control (it’s also too bad that Jada feels the needs to continually clip his balls off, when she feels like when she cheated on him, with their son’s friend and didn’t let him know (since they have an open relationship, then she humiliated him on her web show) and when she didn’t find the joke funny and put him in his place with a look at the Oscars..Jada, get over yourself). BTW, Jada herself was joking about losing her hair more than once in her own videos. Why is she suddenly so sensitive? You either accept it and can laugh about it, Jada or you’re ****ed and upset about it...pick one.

                      Last edited by danadoll; Apr 2, '22, 1:59 PM.
                      "Do you want a doll?" Kurt


                      • danadoll
                        Micronaut Nut!
                        • Apr 11, 2005
                        • 1840

                        Originally posted by Hector
                        BTW Jada Pinkett’s condition is exaggerated. She only has one thin line on top of her scalp. Heck, a lot of people have that and can be covered so easily as it’s really super thin. She has a full set of hair. Look at her scalp, it’s full of hair…




                        This is true severe alopecia…

                        And the GI Jane joke should’ve been taken as a badge of honor. Demi Moore was a baddarze in GI Jane.
                        I agree, Jada even joked about the small line of baldness on her head and how horrible it was, in her videos. She also posted a video of a woman with Alopecia (who was making jokes herself about it) and laughed hysterically at it. She jokes about her own baldness and laughs at others joking about theirs and gets ****ed, when a joke is made about her shaved head by a friend at an awards show. Yeah, okay Jada. Is she clueless to how much horribly worse others have it than herself? Apparently.

                        Last edited by danadoll; Apr 2, '22, 2:39 PM.
                        "Do you want a doll?" Kurt


                        • YoungOnce
                          Career Member
                          • Aug 29, 2007
                          • 966

                          Originally posted by TrekStar
                          If you want some serious sarcastic and racially questionable humor, then sit back and watch those classic Dean Martin celebrity roasts, nobody no matter who you are was spared.

                          Why does it seem that back in the day, this type of humor was laughed at by everyone no matter who you were and in today’s society it’s frowned upon and vulgar and can lead to being assaulted or possibly brought up on charges? the world is a much different place today and that’s not necessarily a good thing, it’s way to politically correct.
                          Man you’re not kidding about that… those old “roast” shows were brutal with no-holds-barred. And the “roastee” often laughed harder and louder than anyone. It was a different time. I’m all for sensitivity and awareness, but the pendulum has swung way too far this other direction.


                          • Mikey
                            Verbose Member
                            • Aug 9, 2001
                            • 47244

                            About the classic Dean Martin Roasts, from what I've read they were all 99.999% staged

                            Everybody knew in advance what everybody would say

                            They were no different than a staged sitcom


                            • Nostalgiabuff
                              Muddling through
                              • Oct 4, 2008
                              • 11315

                              honestly I am sick and tired of hearing about it. my whole news feed is about this nonsense. enough already. drop it, there are far more important issues going on in the world right now


                              • Hector
                                el Hombre de Acero
                                • May 19, 2003
                                • 31852

                                Originally posted by Nostalgiabuff
                                honestly I am sick and tired of hearing about it. my whole news feed is about this nonsense. enough already. drop it, there are far more important issues going on in the world right now
                                Well, the thread was just about finally dormant, but you just posted….so it’s on again…


