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Mandela effect in toy collecting

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  • favoritemonsters
    • Aug 4, 2018
    • 72

    Originally posted by Klosterheim

    I remember trying to collect a Galoob "Speckled" Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation, but I think those are accepted as real.
    Yes, real.


    • Brazoo
      Permanent Member
      • Feb 14, 2009
      • 4767

      Originally posted by cjefferys
      Kind of like the people that swear they saw the deleted Biggs and Luke scene in the original theatrical showings of Star Wars (they didn't).
      I wonder if those people are getting confused because it was in the storybook.


      • Hedji
        Citizen of Gotham
        • Nov 17, 2012
        • 7246

        Thanks for posting that narrated Wookiee Storybook. That was REALLY well done!


        • YoungOnce
          Career Member
          • Aug 29, 2007
          • 966

          To this day I still have a distinct memory of a scene in Salem's Lot where Barlow floats around the inside of the old Barlow house chasing somebody. Watching it last year and there is no such scene. Don't know where that came from.


          • Bruce Banner
            HULK SMASH!
            • Apr 3, 2010
            • 4335

            Kind of like the people that swear they saw the deleted Biggs and Luke scene in the original theatrical showings of Star Wars (they didn't).
            I wonder if those people are getting confused because it was in the storybook.
            Exactly... the fact that photos of that sequence were included in the SW Storybook definitely accounts for most of those claims. I've lost count of the number of times over the years that I've heard people claim they saw those scenes in a print of the movie.

            And that Wookiee Storybook is awesome. Still have my childhood copy.
            PUNY HUMANS!


            • Earth 2 Chris
              Verbose Member
              • Mar 7, 2004
              • 32561

              In some rare cases, these "false" memories are real. There are a few lucky people who actually saw that scene at the end of The Shining with Shelly Duvall and little Danny in the hospital, visited by the manager of the Overlook. After a few screenings, Kubrick had every print of the film recalled and recut, to excise the scene. And apparently he destroyed all traces of it!

              I had a personal Mandella Effect incident a few Halloweens ago. My kids and I Trick-or-Treated at a house on the street I grew up on. When my old neighbor answered the door I was momentarily freaked out, because I thought she had passed away several years before.

              As for toys, most of my childhood memories have been solidified, with myth rewritten by facts from books and websites like this. Until Brian posts something that releases another lost memory, that is!



              • Mr.Marion
                Permanent Member
                • Sep 15, 2014
                • 2733

                As a kid I remember a Columbo episode where he has sticker shock over a $40k price tag on a Picasso. No such episode exists but a similar scene happened in McMillan and Wife involving John Schuck.


                • Werewolf
                  • Jul 14, 2003
                  • 14623

                  I was surprised when I found that a large chunk of Bond fans swear Jaw's girlfriend in Moonraker originally had braces. She never did.

                  I think some of this stuff is just internet hoaxes like the Polybius arcade game.
                  You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


                  • Brazoo
                    Permanent Member
                    • Feb 14, 2009
                    • 4767

                    Originally posted by Werewolf
                    I was surprised when I found that a large chunk of Bond fans swear Jaw's girlfriend in Moonraker originally had braces. She never did.
                    Haha - right on! Out of all those famous Mandela effect claims that's the one that kinda shocked me and I had to go double check!

                    I still wonder if bad VHS resolution created some kind of illusion? I also think it's just a great example of why a group of people misremember the same thing. 1) like most people I only saw it when I was young, and 2) it's been ages since I've seen it because it was never one of the Bond movies I loved, and 3) the idea of her having braces would make perfect sense (especially to little kids who were at braces age) because she's got a weird little-girl dorky thing going on and from what I remember Jaws seems to fall in love with her right after she smiles at him. It would have totally worked as a gag if she did have braces.


                    • Werewolf
                      • Jul 14, 2003
                      • 14623

                      Originally posted by Brazoo
                      I still wonder if bad VHS resolution created some kind of illusion?
                      Nah, VHS resolution wasn't really that bad and even the earliest VHS releases clearly show she had no braces. Plus I think most people misremembering it claim she had braces in the theater and was changed some time after that.

                      It would have totally worked as a gag if she did have braces.
                      I think that's where it comes from. But I think the gag was the differences between the two. Dolly being tiny and having perfect teeth in comparison to super tall Jaws and his metal teeth. Opposites attract kind of thing.
                      You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


                      • Klosterheim
                        Persistent Member
                        • Mar 23, 2013
                        • 1121

                        Originally posted by EmergencyIan
                        ^ There was a Chewbacca Wookie storybook in 1979.

                        - Ian
                        Excellent. Thanks!

                        I think that I read that one in a library.

                        I didn't watch the youtube video yet, but one Star Wars book, If I remember correctly, showed that little spaceship, which finally became a toy, pop out of the front door thing of the Millennium Falcon.

                        Another book, that might be hard to identify now though, in the same time period, at the school library was a book about castles and things, for children, but had a man in chainmail shot with an arrow or crossbow bolt and the guy was bleeding from his chest.

                        I remember my dad saying that a movie scene that made a great impression on him was a scene where a tank totally crushed a car in the movie To Hell And Back. We watched the movie in the early 1990's or sooner, and the scene was not in the film.

                        I have it on DVD, but the scene is not on that either.


                        • Mr.Marion
                          Permanent Member
                          • Sep 15, 2014
                          • 2733

                          Publishers Clearing House winner with Prize Patrol, and no Ed McMahon When those of a certain age think of the Publishers Clearing House, they tend to remember TV ads featuring Ed McMahon knocking on a door while holding a big check. Even the Obama administration made reference to these advertisements according [...]


                          • EmergencyIan
                            Museum Paramedic
                            • Aug 31, 2005
                            • 5470

                            Originally posted by Klosterheim
                            Excellent. Thanks!

                            I think that I read that one in a library.
                            You’re very welcome!

                            - Ian
                            Rampart, this is Squad 51. How do you read?


                            • greensavage2000
                              Veteran Member
                              • Aug 9, 2013
                              • 415

                              For years, for some reason I would've sworn I was three when I first saw and got my first RC Batman. Solid box, stirrups and everything. I was certain. I was born 1967. I accept that I was wrong, but I would've sworn.
                              Memory is a very tricky and fragile thing. Check out this if you're interested:


                              • Brazoo
                                Permanent Member
                                • Feb 14, 2009
                                • 4767

                                Originally posted by Werewolf
                                Nah, VHS resolution wasn't really that bad and even the earliest VHS releases clearly show she had no braces.
                                Yes, I think that's very true and I admit I'm either completely misremembering what I think I saw or the Mandela Effect discussion where I first read this just made me think I remembered it that way. Because, from what I've read on this subject, suggestions often trigger false memories too.

                                But technically I think my suggestion about the resolution isn't completely incorrect, but rather an oversimplification on my part because I agree that the difference in resolution of VHS to DVD isn't humongous, but I don't think it's going to be the only factor either. For example, I'm 99% sure I saw it on a dubbed copy, (my dad dubbed everything back then, please don't tell the FBI) so there's going to be distortion and degradation there, and I likely watched it on a 20 year old 24" CRT screen or possibly a 50" front projection TV, (those were the only 2 TVs we had) and both would add a certain amount of detail loss and distortion. I did Google this and the images I see online that claim to be from tapes are very clear, you can perfectly see her teeth, but I suspect those stills were taken after digitizing a tape. I think what we need to truly settle this once and for all, in the interest of science and for the good of all humanity, are photos of old TVs playing the movie on tape rather than digitized stills.
                                Last edited by Brazoo; Sep 15, '18, 10:39 PM.

