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  • Brazoo
    Permanent Member
    • Feb 14, 2009
    • 4767

    I just saw Mandy tonight — in the theatre. It was super fun.

    I think it's easy to make fun of Cage because he tries weird stuff and tries to make himself uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong, there's times I think he's accidentally hilarious, but there's a lot of times where he's more sincere, intersting and entertaining than most modern stars and I think that's because he's willing to make himself look like a weirdo just to try something new.

    If you haven't seen this yet check it out - I love the way he thinks about his chracters:

    Also, Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans and last year's Mom and Dad were 2 of his most underrated movies, if you havent seen those check them out!


    • toothaction
      Career Member
      • Jul 15, 2017
      • 714

      Originally posted by Brazoo
      I just saw Mandy tonight — in the theatre. It was super fun.
      Jealous! I'm still steaming that I would have had to take 3 busses to see it big but I can throw a rock and hit a screening of The Nun.

      Originally posted by Brazoo
      I think it's easy to make fun of Cage because he tries weird stuff and tries to make himself uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong, there's times I think he's accidentally hilarious, but there's a lot of times where he's more sincere, intersting and entertaining than most modern stars and I think that's because he's willing to make himself look like a weirdo just to try something new.
      "Cage is a good actor in good movies, and an almost indispensable actor in bad ones." - Roger Ebert

      Originally posted by Brazoo
      Also, Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans and last year's Mom and Dad were 2 of his most underrated movies, if you havent seen those check them out!
      With you on the Herzog film, but I hadn't even heard of Mom and Dad until now. I'll go in blind on your recommendation, thanks!
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      • Iron Mego
        Wake Up Heavy
        • Jan 31, 2010
        • 3532

        Keep stopping myself from diving into Mom and Dad, but I'll jump in now too. It looks fun, and with all this Mandy business I think it's best to get in on all the Cage action ASAP.

        p.s. If any of you are on Twitter do yourself a favor and follow @CheddarGoblin.
        Wake Up Heavy Podcast

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        • toothaction
          Career Member
          • Jul 15, 2017
          • 714

          I Mom'd and Dad'd. Didn't really work for me, despite excellent work by Cage and Blair. Still glad I had a look, as I haven't seen anything from one of the Crank dudes since those movies, and I received the nice surprise of 30 unexpected seconds of Grant Morrison on screen. I have a full review of the film in my head, but I'll spare you all my full-on blather.
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          • Hector
            el Hombre de Acero
            • May 19, 2003
            • 31852

            Just finished Ken Burns 10 part documentary The Vietnam War on Netflix.

            Fantastic, 10 out of 10.


            • Iron Mego
              Wake Up Heavy
              • Jan 31, 2010
              • 3532

              Galaxy of Terror--6/10

              Surprised by the pretty great FX and set-design, especially since it cost less than a million to make. Always great to see my fellow Fresnan Sid Haig in stuff. And Joanie gets her head blowed up!

              Typical Corman rip-off flick (Alien in particular) that manages to elevate itself beyond it's budget. Kinda reminded me of Event Horizon, which it predates by 16 years!
              Wake Up Heavy Podcast

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              • toothaction
                Career Member
                • Jul 15, 2017
                • 714

                ^ A fun watch, for sure!

                Jailbreak (Jimmy Henderson, 2017) Netflix
                Brutal action film out of Cambodia - lots of foot, fist and edged blade martial artistry, plus a cannibal. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a good film, ha, but it was giant fun to watch with a friend.

                Thoroughbreds (Cory Finley, 2017) On Demand
                Absolutely fascinating character study masquerading as a thriller, with some heavy underpinnings of inky black comedy. Steer clear of spoilers if you can, but know that Anya Taylor-Joy (The Witch, Split), Olivia Cooke (Bates Motel) and Anton Yelchin (May he rest in peace) act the hell out of an expertly filmed script.


                Exte: Hair Extensions (Sion Sono, 2007) Youtube
                Gigantically weird J horror entry from one of my favorite oddball directors. Filled with sense and nonsense, you get killer hair, family melodrama, constantly inventive visuals and the best camp villian that I've seen in years. Well, maybe just since Split. The film functions simultaneously as a satire of the wave of films that were coming out of Japan at the time, an arch comedy and a genuinely horrific spectacle. Plus it's touching.

                My new favorite thing.
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                • monitor_ep
                  Talkative Member
                  • May 11, 2013
                  • 7535

                  MeTV Svengoolie Return of the Creature

                  Revenge of the Creature 02.jpg

                  Just watch Revenge of the Creature on MeTV Svengoolie and I do seem to enjoy watching these old movie while talking about it on twitter. Its nice to see so many people who enjoy the show and pass around deep information about the movie that you just did not get watching at the theater or on vhs/dvd.

                  I do feel sorta bad I opened my ReMego Gillman and it is amazing how many people just did not even know it was out and now they go for around $100.
                  Crreature Brothers.jpg

                  This is the second movie of the Gillman trilogy. Unlike the other Universal Monster movies you end up rooting for the Gillman due to the fact that he is hunted, captured, imprisoned, put on displayed, tortured for just being different. The creature just cannot find love or peace.
                  Visit my wiki site:

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                  • Iron Mego
                    Wake Up Heavy
                    • Jan 31, 2010
                    • 3532

                    Originally posted by toothaction
                    Thoroughbreds (Cory Finley, 2017) On Demand
                    Absolutely fascinating character study masquerading as a thriller, with some heavy underpinnings of inky black comedy. Steer clear of spoilers if you can, but know that Anya Taylor-Joy (The Witch, Split), Olivia Cooke (Bates Motel) and Anton Yelchin (May he rest in peace) act the hell out of an expertly filmed script.

                    I wanna see this one. I like all three of these actors.
                    Wake Up Heavy Podcast

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                    • Brazoo
                      Permanent Member
                      • Feb 14, 2009
                      • 4767

                      Originally posted by toothaction
                      Jealous! I'm still steaming that I would have had to take 3 busses to see it big but I can throw a rock and hit a screening of The Nun.

                      "Cage is a good actor in good movies, and an almost indispensable actor in bad ones." - Roger Ebert

                      With you on the Herzog film, but I hadn't even heard of Mom and Dad until now. I'll go in blind on your recommendation, thanks!
                      that Ebert quote is amazing!

                      I'm sorry you didn't enjoy Mom and Dad. My wife and I got a real kick out of it, but could be having a 2 1/2 year old who's quickly learning to push all our buttons had something to do with that


                      • toothaction
                        Career Member
                        • Jul 15, 2017
                        • 714

                        Cold Fish (Sion Sono, 2010) Screambox
                        What to say? One of the most profoundly disturbing movies that I've ever seen, from an energetically light build up to one of the most harrowing and powerful endings I've ever encountered. I wish to spoil nothing - though I will say it involved aquarium shops, astronomy and serial murders - but I'm also uncertain as to who all exactly I'd recommend this brilliant epic to. Those with iron stomachs, press on through!

                        Starry Eyes (Kevin Kölsch and Dennis Widmyer, 2014) Prime and Shudder
                        What would you do to succeed in Hollywood? Some folk would go farther than others. Centered around an unbelievably great performance from the lovely Alex Essoe, this Faustian biscuit goes a good bit deeper than you'd expect on the toll such a bargain can take on your body. Dark, smart, funny and hard to watch.

                        The Ninth Configuration (William Peter Blatty, 1980) Shudder
                        "...a breathtaking cocktail of philosophy, eye-popping visuals, jaw-dropping pretentiousness, rib-tickling humour and heart-stopping action. From exotically hallucinogenic visions of a lunar crucifixion to the claustrophobic realism of a bar-room brawl, via such twisted vignettes as Robert Loggia karaoking to Al Jolson and Moses Gunn in Superman drag, Blatty directs like a man with no understanding of, or interest in, the supposed limits of mainstream movie-making. The result is a work of matchless madness which divides audiences as spectacularly as the waves of the Red Sea, a cult classic that continues to provoke either apostolic devotion or baffled dismissal 20 years on." ... said Mr. Mark Kermode.

                        Dragon Head (Jôji Iida, 2003) Veoh
                        An odd and vaguely charming romantic road picture, set in the ever-popular post-apocalyptic Japan, from the fellow that brought you the sequel to Ringu. Not without its merits but, as it turns out, not entirely for me.
                        >>> Looking for a few Bif Bang Pow! pretties. Please click to see if you can help!


                        • Iron Mego
                          Wake Up Heavy
                          • Jan 31, 2010
                          • 3532

                          You know how I feel about Starry Eyes.

                          Ninth Config is a brilliant mess. I remember being utterly confounded and intrigued by it in my younger years.

                          Not that it had/has anything to do with Blatty but I'm listening to a 5 hour podcast about Exorcist 2: The Heretic and it's way more interesting than the actual movie.
                          Wake Up Heavy Podcast

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                          • toothaction
                            Career Member
                            • Jul 15, 2017
                            • 714

                            ^ The Projection Booth Podcast? Such a great show! I'm about to tuck into their similarly long dive into The Ninth Configuration, ha.

                            Cold Fish and Starry Eyes were both rewatches for me, and both were just as effective the second time through. Why do I do this to myself?
                            >>> Looking for a few Bif Bang Pow! pretties. Please click to see if you can help!


                            • Iron Mego
                              Wake Up Heavy
                              • Jan 31, 2010
                              • 3532

                              I'm due for a Starry rewatch. Maybe after I get through all these Halloween movies. :/

                              Yes, Projection Booth. A great show, but these are REALLY long podcasts. It's a true investment of time!
                              Wake Up Heavy Podcast

                              Find me on Twitter


                              • Hedji
                                Citizen of Gotham
                                • Nov 17, 2012
                                • 7246

                                Originally posted by Iron Mego
                                Not that it had/has anything to do with Blatty but I'm listening to a 5 hour podcast about Exorcist 2: The Heretic and it's way more interesting than the actual movie.
                                Do you have a link? I’ve just started listening to yours and am enjoying it.

                                Edit: oops I should have read the above posts. So it’s Projection Booth.

