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  • apes3978
    Permanent Member
    • Nov 19, 2005
    • 4938

    Currently reading "Infinite Tuesday" by Michael Nesmith


    • apes3978
      Permanent Member
      • Nov 19, 2005
      • 4938

      Duplicate post
      Last edited by apes3978; Nov 5, '18, 4:05 AM. Reason: duplicate post


      • Mr.Marion
        Permanent Member
        • Sep 15, 2014
        • 2733

        Originally posted by J.B.
        I do most of my reading at work during breaks and lunch. Finished Hunter Thompson's stint with the Hell's Angels and am halfway done with his shenanigans in Vegas. Gonna' finish it up with some Buk.

        When I first saw Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas on the big screen, I had never heard of Hunter and was completely lost in the movie, but did have a big laugh, and still do to this day when I see it on YouTube, at the "Too Much Adrenochrome" scene.

        I used to have that F&L poster in my dorm room. I think it bombed at the box office even has a sub-50% rotten tomatoes score if you can imagine that. Either way it's an imaginative film and definitely a passion project for Johnny Depp, he still talks about it.


        • J.B.
          Guild Navigator
          • Jun 23, 2010
          • 2895

          Just picked these up. I've read/loved Camus' The Stranger and The Plague, so I'm looking forward to starting The Fall. Gonna' follow him up with a writer I'd never heard about before: Raymond Carver. A buddy of mine at work, who is also into Bukowski, recommended that I check out Carver's Cathedral, so I found this collection which includes it.

          You are transparent; I see many things... I see plans within plans.


          • Donkey Hoatie
            Supporter of Silliness
            • Jun 20, 2007
            • 783

            Originally posted by J.B.
            Just picked these up. I've read/loved Camus' The Stranger and The Plague, so I'm looking forward to starting The Fall. Gonna' follow him up with a writer I'd never heard about before: Raymond Carver. A buddy of mine at work, who is also into Bukowski, recommended that I check out Carver's Cathedral, so I found this collection which includes it.

            As a HUGE Raymond Carver fan, I'm glad to see you giving him a go. I've read everything he ever published, multiple times. The book right there is about 90% of his life's work. Sure, there are earlier versions of stories in collections like Furious Seasons, and Near Klamath (which is pretty much impossible to find), but you'll get the meat of it all with that one book in your hands. Curious to see if any of the other stories strike your fancy, and if they are the same ones that really get to me. Enjoy the journey.


            • B-Lister
              Eccentric Weirdo
              • Mar 19, 2010
              • 2968

              Star Trek Memories by William Shatner
              Looking for Green Arrow accessories, Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver, and Japanese Popy Megos (Battle Cossack and France, Battle of the Planets, Kamen Rider, Ultraman) and World Heroes figures


              • MRP
                Persistent Member
                • Jul 19, 2016
                • 2084

                I've been keeping track of books I read this year for the most part (prose, not graphic novels-I've currently read 50 collected edition trades or OGN so far this year), and after I finished the D&D Art and Arcana book (that I mentioned in my last post in this thread) a few days after New Years, I've been reading mostly old pulp and sci-fi novels...

                -Conan of Cimmeria by Robert E. Howard, Lin Carter and L. Sprague de Camp
                -Frazetta Sketchbook Vol. 2 by J. David Spurlock & Frank Frazetta
                -Blackhawk by William Rotsler
                -Conan the Freebooter by Robert E. Howard & L. Sprague de Camp
                -Conan the Wanderer by Robert E. Howard, L. Sprague de Camp & Lin Carter
                -Tarzan #4: Son of Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs
                -Gateway by Frederik Pohl
                -The Avenger Vol. 1 Justice, Inc. by Kenneth Robeson
                -The Executioner Book One: War Against the Mafia by Don Pendleton
                -Doc Savage, Man of Bronze by Kenneth Robeson
                -The Guns of Avalon by Roger Zelazny

                currently I am making my way through the first Fu Manchu novel, The Mystery of Dr. Fu Manchu by Sax Rohmer.

                "Opinion is the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding." -Plato


                • pmwasson
                  • Sep 12, 2007
                  • 4868

                  I've been plowing through audio books this year, finishing one week or so.

                  I've recently read almost everything written by SF author Greg Egan. Even though I love his work its hard to recommend as it is a very particular taste.

                  I'm currently reading Neal Stephenson's new book: Fall; Or, Dodge in Hell: A Novel. I'm quite enjoying it, especially the religious analogies in a digital afterlife.
                  sigpic LaserMego


                  • Brazoo
                    Permanent Member
                    • Feb 14, 2009
                    • 4767

                    "China Mountain Zhang" (1992) by Maureen F. McHugh

                    I don't usually read a lot of sci-fi, but a friend gave this to me. Seems unique for sci-fi in that it's more character-driven than plot-driven. I'm enjoying it. Incredible details.


                    • Wee67
                      Museum Correspondent
                      • Apr 2, 2002
                      • 10591

                      I switch back and forth between fiction and non-fiction.

                      On the non-fiction side, I just finished Russia and the Russians, by Geoffrey Hoskins. It is a pretty good history of Russia up to about the turn of the century (2000).

                      On the fiction side, Death is Better than Madness, by Ned Beaumann. Its a pretty wild story about two separate ventures that head into the jungles of Central America looking for a newly-discovered temple and the 18-year standoff that results. This was a gift because of my interest in "Magical Realism." It was a fun read, but not a good as some of the more noted authors of this genre like Murakami, Saramago or Mitchell. The best I've read recently in this genre is Jonathan Lethem's Fortress of Solitude (no relation to Superman's pad).
                      WANTED - Solid-Boxed WGSH's, C.8 or better.


                      • cjefferys
                        Duke of Gloat
                        • Apr 23, 2006
                        • 10180

                        I'm currently reading "Snakes! Guillotines! Electric Chairs!: My Adventures in the Alice Cooper Group" by Dennis Dunaway (original bassist for the band) and am really enjoying it.

                        I usually have a fiction and non-fiction book going at the same time, so I'm currently looking for a good fiction book to read as well.


                        • megomania
                          Persistent Member
                          • Jan 2, 2010
                          • 2174

                          "Missing 411" (both Western US, Canada & Eastern US) by David Paulides - just got them over the weekend so haven't started them yet. Unexplained Disappearances of North Americans that have never been solved.



                          • Makernaut
                            Persistent Member
                            • Jul 22, 2015
                            • 1552

                            Originally posted by pmwasson
                            I'm currently reading Neal Stephenson's new book: Fall; Or, Dodge in Hell: A Novel. I'm quite enjoying it, especially the religious analogies in a digital afterlife.
                            I dig Neal Stephenson. Sometimes the stories seem wonky to me, but the ideas and themes he's building the stories around are always deep and heady stuff.

                            I've been on a long stretch where my diet has been either the Bosch or Jack Reacher series with some Elmore Leonard Westerns thrown in the mix, so I switched it up a bit last week. Currently re-reading "1984" and also working on Walter Isaacson's Biography of Steve Jobs.


                            • Duncan
                              Museum focus-groupie
                              • Jun 27, 2009
                              • 1535

                              Audiobooks. I plowed through a bunch of James Patterson earlier in the year, but they're like candy: quick and sweet but without much real value. I then started the JK Rowling (under the name Robert Galbraith) Cormoran Strike detective series. It's so refreshing to read (hear) the prose of an author with a good command of her language and adequate time to use it. I've made it through the first 3 books, but I hesitate to do #4 just yet, because after that I'll have to wait for new releases. Later in the summer I'll listen to Neon Prey by John Sandford, but I have the same problem there - I'll be caught up, and have to wait for the next release. Sandford's Prey series (along with his Virgil Flowers series) is my favorite, followed by MC Beaton's Hamish MacBeth.


                              • drquest
                                • Apr 17, 2012
                                • 3763

                                I'm currently doing the Dragonlance Chronicles series on audiobooks. I read them in the mid 80's and am enjoying them all over again!
                                Captain Action HQ
                                Retro shirts and stuff
                                More retro shirts
                                Stuff For Sale

