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What were your favorite boardgames?

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  • PNGwynne
    Master of Fowl Play
    • Jun 5, 2008
    • 19484

    Clue above all--I collect different editions of it. I should check out Whodunit, Werewolf.

    But we also liked Sorry!, Parcheesi, Stratego. I had Masterpiece, but no-one else enjoyed it. Also Boggle and Yatzee, but those aren't board games. I always thought risk looked cool, but I never had it.
    WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


    • Hedji
      Citizen of Gotham
      • Nov 17, 2012
      • 7246

      Superstition. This game had great, spooky artwork, and you had to choose which pin to pull, leading to either a shocking (rubber band powered) disaster, or a sigh of relief. Perfect, creepy vibe.



      • cjefferys
        Duke of Gloat
        • Apr 23, 2006
        • 10180

        "Obsession" by Mego of course! (but seriously, it was a fun game)

        I was always a sucker for Monopoly, and I always wanted that Dark Tower game but never had it.


        • Mikey
          Verbose Member
          • Aug 9, 2001
          • 47244

          Anybody else remember Town Dump ?


          • Mr.Marion
            Permanent Member
            • Sep 15, 2014
            • 2733

            Originally posted by Mikey
            Anybody else remember Town Dump ?
            That's a blast from the past


            • Hector
              el Hombre de Acero
              • May 19, 2003
              • 31852

              Originally posted by Mikey
              I love Chess, but i'm a moron at playing it.

              My 4 year old niece could beat me at it even if I try

              I’m not a great player myself...mediocre actually. In high school, I was in the chess club...and was one of the weakest players...most members were Asian, and they were all damn good, lol.

              But I still love playing chess...greatest board game in the history of mankind.


              • Klosterheim
                Persistent Member
                • Mar 23, 2013
                • 1121

                Axis & Allies
                Greyhawk Wars
                The Lord of the Rings Adventure Game (MB)
                Dungeon! (TSR)
                Star Trek III: Star Trek Combat Game
                Star Trek: The Adventure Game
                Risk (And Risk with sea invasion)
                Blue Max
                Nuclear War
                Carrier Strike
                Chopper Command
                Red Storm Rising

                Time Tripper (it has cardboard pieces, so somewhat of a boardgame)

                Card Games-

                Magic the Gathering

                Book Game - Ace of Aces


                • Mr.Marion
                  Permanent Member
                  • Sep 15, 2014
                  • 2733

                  Originally posted by Klosterheim

                  Card Games-

                  Magic the Gathering

                  Book Game - Ace of Aces
                  You played illuminati ?

                  I believe there were two different sets one around 1992 another circa 1995 . Its popular within conspiracy theorist circles because many world events and tragedies were loosely predicted.


                  • MRP
                    Persistent Member
                    • Jul 19, 2016
                    • 2084

                    Originally posted by Klosterheim
                    Axis & Allies
                    Greyhawk Wars
                    The Lord of the Rings Adventure Game (MB)
                    Dungeon! (TSR)
                    Star Trek III: Star Trek Combat Game
                    Star Trek: The Adventure Game
                    Risk (And Risk with sea invasion)
                    Blue Max
                    Nuclear War
                    Carrier Strike
                    Chopper Command
                    Red Storm Rising

                    Time Tripper (it has cardboard pieces, so somewhat of a boardgame)

                    Card Games-

                    Magic the Gathering

                    Book Game - Ace of Aces
                    My wife had a bunch of Illuminatti New World Order cards (the deck building spin-off of the original game by Steve Jackson Games) when I met here (she's a bigger gamer than I am), and I have played it several times (but not for years, though we have a couple of boxes of the cards still downstairs. Of course I had devoured a bunch of Robert Anton Wilson stuff (both his Illuminatus trilogy with Shea and a bunch of his philosophical/non-fiction stuff) when I was in my 20s and early 30s.

                    I was never into CCGs that much (I don't like games where financial resources of players affects competitiveness of the games themselves and trumps actual skill-I feel the same about some army building miniatures games as well)) but I have played a few other deck based games (like Illuminati and one based on the Cthulhu Mythos that I forget the name of but I know we have a box or two of the cards downstairs).

                    "Opinion is the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding." -Plato


                    • ProfessorArturoLived
                      New Member
                      • Sep 22, 2017
                      • 25

                      The McDonalds Game

                      Had to beg my sisters to play, but we all had a great time.


                      • rf-harris
                        New Member
                        • Jan 8, 2018
                        • 6

                        Chess and Draughts


                        • Hector
                          el Hombre de Acero
                          • May 19, 2003
                          • 31852

                          Hey, no one mentioned Ouija Board?



                          • HardyGirl
                            Mego Museum's Poster Girl
                            • Apr 3, 2007
                            • 13933

                            When I was a kid/teenager, I played:
                            Perfection (tray version)
                            Booby Trap
                            Master Mind
                            Go To The Head of the Class (didn't like this one much)
                            Monopoly (ditto)

                            I play other games now too. I have some great vintage games...some I've mentioned above as well as:
                            Billy Goat Game (my pre-schoolers love that one! They also like playing Uno Moo and Kerplunk).
                            "Do you believe, you believe in magic?
                            'Cos I believe, I believe that I do,
                            Yes, I can see I believe that it's magic
                            If your mission is magic your love will shine true."


                            • Makernaut
                              Persistent Member
                              • Jul 22, 2015
                              • 1552

                              I had several friends that liked playing Risk and that led us to start playing Axis and Allies and then the derivatives that Milton Bradley made like Conquest of the Empire, Fortress America, and Shogun.

                              I still have a great love for Risk. A couple of years ago, I picked up the Vintage Bookshelf edition when Target had them and I received Risk Europe as a Christmas present this year.


                              • Klosterheim
                                Persistent Member
                                • Mar 23, 2013
                                • 1121

                                Originally posted by Mr.Marion
                                You played illuminati ?

                                I believe there were two different sets one around 1992 another circa 1995 . Its popular within conspiracy theorist circles because many world events and tragedies were loosely predicted.
                                Yeah, a little bit and I have the Illuminati box game, a later edition with plastic counters instead of the cardboard markers.

                                I don't remember everything about it, but I do enjoy conspiracy theories and recently watched a bunch of conspiracy videos on youtube. I think some of the videos that I viewed mentioned some of the cards in the plots. I think 9/11 was predicted in them. The movie called "The Medusa Touch" also foreshadows the attacks on The World Trade Centers. I also watched and/or listened to almost every Jim Marrs had to say on JFK and everything else. I do find it odd that it seems like someone waited until Jim Marrs passed away before the October 1 Shooting in Las Vegas took place. I wonder what Jim Marrs would have said about it since it seems things are similar to the handling of the Kennedy Assassination.


                                Ah, Shogun! That reminds me that I played that too, collect revenue and hires Ronin phases. Fun.

                                I have the paper counter one too, but never played it.

                                I really did enjoy and play Fortress America. Who of those that played it didn't, at one time, shout Wolverines! (like in Red Dawn), when the Partisan Card showed up.

