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The 90's

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  • HardyGirl
    Mego Museum's Poster Girl
    • Apr 3, 2007
    • 13933

    1) The (original) Sci-Fi Channel. I swear my VCR was constantly recording! I remember the countdown when it first came on. I love the classic shows, a lot of the original movies, the theme weeks, Pilot Playhouse, the Series Collection, the Cartoon Quest, the station ident was just great. I really miss it.

    2) So much Star Trek! Reruns of TNG on weeknights, and a new ep once a week. Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and reruns of TOS every Saturday night at 11pm.

    3) The return of the 12" GIJoe! I remember when Target first released "Duke". You had to sign up to get one. Then the Hall Of Fame Joes and those cool outfits and accessories. Even JCPenney got on the bandwagon and released the RDF soldier and footlocker w/ 3 extra outfits. And soon Lanard followed suit. Toy catalogs offered generic uniforms for them. I was in Heaven! And my after school kids and I formed a GIJoe club.

    4) I started going to Star Trek conventions! My first one in San Fransisco, I saw DeForrest Kelley. I went to so many of these, that I sometimes got to help w/ the auctions and got free stuff. I also attended Highlander and Beauty & The Beast (TV series) cons too.

    5) Cool Nick At Nite Marathons! Getting all excited when Puf-a-Palooza (Krofft Marathon) or pre-TVLand Retro Rewind nights (Friday 1972 or Saturday 1976) came on. I'd get fresh VHS tapes and record an watch them all!
    "Do you believe, you believe in magic?
    'Cos I believe, I believe that I do,
    Yes, I can see I believe that it's magic
    If your mission is magic your love will shine true."


    • Starroid Raiders Dagon
      Persistent Member
      • Apr 28, 2013
      • 2162

      Oh man, some great things from the 90s. Power Rangers (kids were banned from playing them in elementary schools as they were injuring each other!), meeting Jim Starlin and Todd McFarlane at San Diego Comic Con
      Music: Danzig, TOOL, Rob Zombie, Monster Magnet, Rage Against the Machine, Slayer, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, Screaming Trees, Alice in Chains
      Video games: Crash Bandicoot, StreetFighter, Zelda, THQ Wrestling games, EA Hockey and Mario


      • Dark Shadow
        Creature Of The Night
        • May 14, 2011
        • 1030

        I turned 30 in the early 90's, my current career was really starting to take off at that point, I was still single and thoroughly enjoying a very active social life. I didn't watch much prime time TV at all, rarely made it to the movies, and didn't care too much for the music that was being played on the radio.

        It was around early '94 when I started hitting antique stores, collector shows and flea markets with friends, which is what reignited my interest in collecting.

        What I remember most about the decade was the nostalgia that was seemingly marketed directly at me: Eagles, KISS, GI Joe 12 inch merch, the return of the Star Wars trilogy to the theater, Saturday mornings with Batman/Spider-Man/Xmen, Dark Shadows on Sci-Fi, Universal Moster toy licensing (which led directly to the springboard of Sideshow Toys), Classic TV on DVD, etc.

        Fond memories for me.


        • JRT!
          Museum Super Collector
          • Sep 6, 2015
          • 153

          Not a 90's person,lol! For me there were only two movies,Rocketeer and Galaxy Quest,although I did enjoy Independence Day and ST First Contact,both out in 96. Trek on tv was great fun,and the Trek toys weere a big thing for me. But that's about it. No music that was great at the time,for me,and comics wise......hmmmm,don't remember what I read back then so I guess it wasn't all that great,lol!


          • The Re-Rooter
            Veteran Member
            • Jul 13, 2016
            • 297

            I was kinda young, but I do love a lot of things about the 90s
            BAGGY PANTS! I knew the diameter of every pair I owned and would brag about how huge they were. It helped that I had a size zero waist I that time, I think I pulled it off lol
            Buffy The Vampire Slayer- My all-time favorite show, some episodes still make me cry.
            X-Files- My first tv obsession which led to me entering a comic book store for the first time. My first comic was a poorly written X-Files comic lol
            Star Trek TNG- One of the few shows my dad would watch with us as a family. Peeked my interest in Sci-Fi even though I didn't understand the majority of the plot lol
            MST3k- My sister still has our favorite episodes that she recorded over 25 years ago and we watch them at least once a year.
            VH1's Pop! Up Video- I remember watching VH1 so much during the summers that I had memorized songs I hated.
            My first CD- Alanis Morrisette Jagged Little Pill. For the longest time I only had the one CD and just played it over and over. I didn't know much about music then but I loved most genres.
            Toys- I was exclusively collecting Barbie at the time, but mostly went for vintage. I loved the Bob Mackie dolls but I could never afford them. I still have the one in my collection that my mom tracked down for my 14th birthday (even though she is worth maybe 1/10 of her original retail now).
            BEANIE BABIES- My sister collected them and we were always feverishly trying to hunt them down. I lost one of her rare beanies at a convention (at that time worth $75ish) and always felt bad. I replaced it about 2 years ago since it cost me like $2. I think she FINALLY forgave me.
            BTAS- Will Always be my favorite Bat-verse, with the exception of Selina being a blonde.
            Batman Beyond and most cartoons from that era (FREAKAZOID!)
            Monopoly at Mcdonald's- we were SO SURE we would win that million dollars. We got a lot of free small french fries coupons.

            And most important to my future, I taught myself how to re-root from a 1994 Barbie Bazaar Magazine. <3
            The 90's were pretty good to me. Not being an adult was my favorite part.


            • Hector
              el Hombre de Acero
              • May 19, 2003
              • 31852

              Quentin Tarantino and Martin Scorsese are the first two filmmakers who come to mind every time a 90s list is mentioned.

              Tarantino...Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, True Romance (didn't direct, but wrote it).

              Scorsese...Goodfellas and Casino.

              Sharry already mentioned the following, truly the golden age for Star Trek TV shows, TNG, Deep Space 9, and Voyager.

              Brian already mentioned Seinfeld as well, arguably the best 90s era show.

              Also already mentioned, Galaxy Quest and the Fifth Element.

              Not that crazy about 90s music, nothing really that memorable to me.


              • CrimsonGhost
                Often invisible
                • Jul 18, 2002
                • 3574

                I graduated high school in 1990, so the 90's were pretty least the first part.

                The music: The early 90's were great for music. GN'R Appetite, Nirvana Nevermind, Hole, Marilyn Manson, Green Day, Rancid, Soul Asylum, NIN and nearly anything that was on MTV 120 minutes... Breeders, Liz Phair, Belly, Veruca Salt, Pixies, Aquabats, Juliana Hatfield, and my favorite band in the world at the time The Chainsaw Kittens!!

                The movies: I was a big fan of Film Threat magazine and found out all about Tarantino, Miyazaki, Aronofsky, PT Anderson, Wes Anderson, the Coens, Rodriguez, Fincher, Linklater, and Big Kev Smith. It was comparable to the late 70's with so many great movies coming out.

                The TV: Batman:TAS has yet to be surpassed in my opinion. Twin Peaks, Ren & Stimpy, Beavis & Butthead, Tiny Toons, Animaniacs, Brisco County, MST3K...just to name a few..

                The 90's was when my love of comics started crapping out. I was coloring for Valiant at the time and would often get a stack of comics from Marvel and frankly, they weren't holding my attention...even for free.

                Originally posted by The Re-Rooter
                And most important to my future, I taught myself how to re-root from a 1994 Barbie Bazaar Magazine. <3
                The 90's were pretty good to me. Not being an adult was my favorite part.
                HAHA!! ME TOO! Barbie Bazaar was my secret weapon. It was full of patterns, hair styling and face painting tips, custom figures, etc. and it was great!
                Expectation is the death of discovery.


                • Allie Fox
                  Veteran Member
                  • Jun 1, 2009
                  • 297

                  The early 90s were a bit of a blur. Marriage. Baby. Job. Not much to be nostalgic about.

                  As the decade progressed however there are a few things that stand out.

                  Batman: TAS - Way ahead of its time and the best Batman ever
                  The Jerry Springer Show - A few friends and I drive to Chicago to catch a Cubs game and as a side "mission" went to a taping of the show.
                  Seinfeld - Although this never left so there has not been much to miss. It has been on the air since it went on the air.

                  The Return of Star Wars! Timothy Zahn's Heir to the Empire series began in 1991 and really set up the release of the Hasbro line, the Special Editions and finally TPM. I think if that book series flopped, Star Wars would be relegated to niche nerdism. Albeit a big niche.

                  The Atlanta Braves and New York Yankees. Living in the Peach State, the Braves were HUGE in the early 90s. But after losing the Series in 91 and 92, the level of fandom dropped to almost nothing. Even though they won in 95, their run of division championships through the decade was trumped by the mighty Yankees. The Yankees put together one of the greatest runs in baseball history, ending the 90s with three championships. The 98 season was a joy to watch.
                  The New York Rangers win the Cup in 94! Huge. Even for an Islander fan like me.
                  The Atlanta Olympics. I spent the Olympics walking around Atlanta, having one of the best times of my life. I was about 50 yards away from the bomb when it went off, was cleared out of downtown within minutes but was right back in the park the next morning.

                  If I had only spent a tenth of the time studying Physics that I spent learning Star Wars and Baseball trivia, I would have won the Nobel Prize.


                  • Makernaut
                    Persistent Member
                    • Jul 22, 2015
                    • 1552

                    Originally posted by Allie Fox
                    The Atlanta Braves and New York Yankees. Living in the Peach State, the Braves were HUGE in the early 90s. But after losing the Series in 91 and 92, the level of fandom dropped to almost nothing. Even though they won in 95, their run of division championships through the decade was trumped by the mighty Yankees. The Yankees put together one of the greatest runs in baseball history, ending the 90s with three championships. The 98 season was a joy to watch.
                    The 1992 NL Championship Series Game 7 was one of the most exciting games ever! The 1994 Strike killed a lot of the joy I once had when it came to MLB. I still watch and follow, but not with the same feeling.


                    • 4NDR01D
                      Alpha Centauri....OR DIE!
                      • Jan 22, 2008
                      • 3266

                      -ECW wrestling, tape trading (meeting my contact Oliver at the Rideau Centre to buy vhs copies of japanese wrestling felt like I was thee to do some sort of sketchy drug deal).
                      -Buying vinyl without any sort of "nostalgia" attached to it.
                      -roommates (never thought id say that) but it kept things interesting (think i had over 20 between the age of 20-27)
                      -living in the same city as my friends
                      -early days of the internet and chat groups (obviously still like it but now i just take it for granted)
                      -being skinny AF
                      -not being super finicky about beer and being able to drink old milwakee.
                      -concerts, probably saw every 90's band at least once (except Nirvana, Mudhoney and the Pixies which still bugs me to this day)


                      • LadyZod
                        Superman's Gal Pal
                        • Jan 27, 2007
                        • 1803

                        I started High School in the early 90's and finished college in the late 90's and started working at a comic book store until my "big break" came.

                        I was young, and dumb, and it was wonderful.

                        I remember being in first period my freshmen year in high school watching the missiles launch into Iraq on TV, and writing to soldiers overseas during the Gulf War, my friends and I making them mix tapes.

                        Grunge was where it was at. The music was raw and garage band quality (loved the riot girl movement) and the fashion was comfortable. (Can't beat the old Doc Martins, jeans, band shirt, and flannel wrapped around my waist.) Went to my share of Tori Amos and Alanis concerts during that time.

                        Comics and toy wise: I was a diehard Post Crisis Superman fan, but found love in the 90's for Bone, Strangers in Paradise, and of course Alex Ross's Marvels. Preacher opened my eyes as to how good a violent story could be. Spawn disappointed me, but to this day I still collect Savage Dragon.

                        However my best memories of the 90's involve stopping at 2 am at Taco Bell, eating in the parking lot with my friends, as we discussed whatever movie we just finished, whether it was how Jurassic Park made no sense since they should have used Crocodile DNA instead of frog DNA to complete the strand, or how much we enjoyed the humor in Tank Girl, or how Toy Story blew us away in terms of 3d animation.

                        One thing about the 90's I could have done without: Pogs.
                        My life through toys: Tales from the Toybox!
                        Check out my art:
                        Art Portfolio@Redbubble
                        Art Portfolio@Tumblr


                        • Apositive
                          Career Member
                          • Apr 3, 2011
                          • 609

                          Comics weren't that great, to the point when I actually quit collecting and reading for a bit. It just seemed like everything was getting over the top and violent. And comic shops were flooded with young fans who seemed to worship Rob Liefeld and didn't appreciate the classics........

                          Music....The Melvins, Mudhoney and other bands take me back to that time.

                          Movies--- The Shadow, The Phantom....underrated films for sure. Batman Forever is a bit of a guilty pleasure.....But my favorite film from that decade is The Crow....Brandon Lee, that was a very sad day in 1993 when he was killed, such a loss.


                          • HardyGirl
                            Mego Museum's Poster Girl
                            • Apr 3, 2007
                            • 13933

                            Originally posted by LadyZod
                            One thing about the 90's I could have done without: Pogs.
                            I actually liked Pogs. Not the obsession, mind you, but I did like playing the game w/ my after school group and got pretty good at it. We never played for keeps, though. The only ones I collected were the Planet Of the Apes and Star Trek TNG ones. I didn't own a playing board or a case though.
                            "Do you believe, you believe in magic?
                            'Cos I believe, I believe that I do,
                            Yes, I can see I believe that it's magic
                            If your mission is magic your love will shine true."


                            • Hedji
                              Citizen of Gotham
                              • Nov 17, 2012
                              • 7246

                              Fun thread. So many things (like pogs) that I'd forgotten about.


                              • The Re-Rooter
                                Veteran Member
                                • Jul 13, 2016
                                • 297

                                Originally posted by HardyGirl
                                I actually liked Pogs. Not the obsession, mind you, but I did like playing the game w/ my after school group and got pretty good at it. We never played for keeps, though. The only ones I collected were the Planet Of the Apes and Star Trek TNG ones. I didn't own a playing board or a case though.
                                I had a bunch and "played" with kids in my class but I honestly didn't understand the rules. But you know when you are the super shy kid and some one is willing to talk to you and you are in such shock and afraid of doing something stupid that you just say nothing? So who knows if they actually had the right to take my pogs or not, I was just super happy to be included. ROFL
                                Good ol cliques to teach us that we were not all equal and all had our place in the grade school caste system.

