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  • Hector
    el Hombre de Acero
    • May 19, 2003
    • 31852

    Originally posted by megomania
    And this is example #652 of how arrogant and ignorant some of our players are. Jeremy Lane is our freaking nickel corner (and not even that good) and he says this garbage about Gronkowski, the best TE in football. It's one thing to be's another thing to just say stupid stuff to sound confident.

    RENTON, Wash. -- Seattle Seahawks starting nickel cornerback Jeremy Lane paused for a moment Thursday when asked what makes New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski so good, because Lane disagrees.

    "I actually don't think he's that good," Lane said. "He's OK. He does have a big body. But from what I've seen on tape, he doesn't like you putting your hands on him. So if we put our hands on him and shake him up a little bit, he won't catch that many balls."
    Yeah, them Seahawks are sure keeping it humble and classy alright, lol.


    • EmergencyIan
      Museum Paramedic
      • Aug 31, 2005
      • 5470

      Originally posted by megomania
      And this is example #652 of how arrogant and ignorant some of our players are. Jeremy Lane is our freaking nickel corner (and not even that good) and he says this garbage about Gronkowski, the best TE in football. It's one thing to be's another thing to just say stupid stuff to sound confident.

      RENTON, Wash. -- Seattle Seahawks starting nickel cornerback Jeremy Lane paused for a moment Thursday when asked what makes New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski so good, because Lane disagrees.

      "I actually don't think he's that good," Lane said. "He's OK. He does have a big body. But from what I've seen on tape, he doesn't like you putting your hands on him. So if we put our hands on him and shake him up a little bit, he won't catch that many balls."
      Stephen A. Smith had fun with that yesterday morning on First Take. He basically echoed your sentiments in regard to Lane, but in a way only Stephen A. can.

      - Ian
      Rampart, this is Squad 51. How do you read?


      • EmergencyIan
        Museum Paramedic
        • Aug 31, 2005
        • 5470

        Originally posted by jwyblejr
        ^The NFL is just as much to blame. You mean to tell me those refs didn't know what was going on? They handled the footballs too.
        You may be right, but from everything I've seen this week on several shows...many people have handled NFL footballs inflated to different PSI. Almost no one but quarterbacks could tell the difference in the level of inflation since they handle footballs daily and have for most of their lives. Even the guy on the Colts who intercepted Brady's pass in last weeks game had no idea that their may be an issued with the football he caught. He gave it to a coach on the sidelines because he wanted to keep the ball as a souvenir. Apparently, the Ravens had tipped off the Colts that there may be an inflation "issue" prior to the AFC championship game. Additionally, the Colts say that they suspected this may be the case when they played the Patriots in November.

        Who knows? What I do know is that this is really bad for the league and certainly not a distraction that you want going into the biggest and most celebrated game of this or any season. On top of all of that, this particular Super Bowl stands to be a very good match-up and great game as a result of that.

        What a shame.

        - Ian
        Rampart, this is Squad 51. How do you read?


        • jwyblejr
          galactic yo-yo
          • Apr 6, 2006
          • 11146

          Then the NFL needs to start training their refs to tell if something is wrong.


          • MIB41
            Eloquent Member
            • Sep 25, 2005
            • 15631

            Joe Theismann made one of the smartness moves of any quarterback who has addressed this issue. He went out and had two footballs blown up to two specifications - One 11 psi and the other 13 psi to offer the best example of the alleged alterations in football pressure. He did this because he believes allot of QBs are talking off assumptions rather than really knowing what was done. After feeling both he said the difference was negligible. No big deal at all. In fact, he said he couldn't really tell any difference. Here's the story...

            So here we have a seasoned quarterback who actually took the Pepsi challenge, instead of talking off the top of his head (or ego). His point of view came from testing it for himself, because I'm big believer that a week ago, you couldn't have found two quarterbacks who could have told you the proper inflation rate let alone tell you the difference if you gave them two balls with the difference sited here. For several days we were led to believe by the media that the Colts defender who intercepted Brady noticed the difference. That was false. He came out yesterday and said he never noticed anything.

            So we've had the media on this witch-hunt trying to persuade the public that the Patriots deflated 11 of their 12 footballs so badly that not only did the Colts notice it, but the football grip was akin to holding a Nerf football. All completely false. So the picture becomes pretty clear to me... We have footballs that were not noticeable to anyone. So who had the forethought and the incentive to even look this direction to begin with? One person - John Harbaugh. The man who was made to look pretty foolish against the Patriots when he claimed they were "cheating" by making substitutions they could not identify. The NFL looked into it and said they did not. Brady jabbed back by saying publicly, "Maybe he should check the rule book." How convenient. A man on a mission for revenge. A article released yesterday quietly looked this direction.

            So now we have a guy who was so p*ssed off and humiliated, he went looking for dirt. He makes a claim secretly to the Colts, NOT the NFL. Why is that? Why didn't he notify the NFL? And if the Colts were notified, is that the truth behind how these balls came to be evaluated? And how did 11 out of 12 go bad? Why not all 12? And what were the air pressure in those eleven? Were they all deflated to the same weight or vary greatly? And how is it only one would meet the passing grade if someone on the team intended for Brady to have an advantage? It stinks of a set up.

            I fully believe someone with this thought in mind saw the opening to gain access to those footballs while they were unattended and set the Patriots up. It makes no sense for the Patriots to purposely deflate 11 of 12 balls and perform worse than when they had properly inflated balls. Brady's stats were measurably better in the second half when he had the properly inflated ball versus the first half when he was throwing with doctored balls. In the first half Brady was 11-21 with 1 touchdown and 1 interception. The second half he was 12-14 with 2 touchdowns and no interceptions. Stats don't lie.

            The NFL has already interviewed 40 people and is reviewing security film and doing tests to see who was close to the footballs after inspection. I fully expect the investigation will exonerate Brady, the coaches, and most likely examine people on the staff to see if anyone was pulled into a scheme to set them up. The Patriots have many an enemy with a axe to grind (Harbaugh the latest). I think someone saw an opening and took advantage. And I think the media is culpable for not examining the common sense facts of the case before rendering judgments. Because it was the Patriots, everyone leaped. What a great setup...almost.


            • EmergencyIan
              Museum Paramedic
              • Aug 31, 2005
              • 5470

              ^ Tom, I'm not sure about your theory or what happened last Sunday.

              What I am sure of it the Patriots would have won the game regardless of how much air was in their footballs or if they were using old basketballs. They were a much better team that day and are a better team than the Colts, this season, generally speaking. (Speaking as a native Hoosier and fan of the Colts)

              Of course, that's not really the point when a team is accused of "cheating." Whether or not that happened, I don't know and we may never know what really happened.

              Honestly, I wish the whole issue was in the rear-view mirror. I want to get on with talking about the upcoming game and the playing of it next Sunday. It should be a great one, if it doesn't get ruined in this whole inflation/deflation mess.

              - Ian
              Rampart, this is Squad 51. How do you read?


              • MIB41
                Eloquent Member
                • Sep 25, 2005
                • 15631

                ^^^ I agree! The Patriots are the better team and that's the end of it. People who hate the Patriots will embrace ANY claim of negativity to try and knock them down a peg. After the press conference this afternoon, I think allot of what happened is beginning to come to light and ultimately it sounds like the majority of the media remain culpable for spreading a ton of misinformation that essentially started with John Harbaugh. And I remain fully on the my belief that this whole matter was originated from sour grapes that took on a life of it's own because the media chased after headlines, instead of doing the due diligence to understand what was happening. And the quarterback/personalities that had the nerve to actually call Brady a liar should apologize because clearly...CLEARLY...they spoke from a position of assumption and ignorance on the facts. That's unacceptable. It was the Patriots; John Harbaugh started the suggestion; and the media ran with it because it was the Patriots. Now their all wearing mud for it.


                • The Bat
                  Batman Fanatic
                  • Jul 14, 2002
                  • 13412

                  Originally posted by MIB41
                  Joe Theismann made one of the smartness moves of any quarterback who has addressed this issue. He went out and had two footballs blown up to two specifications - One 11 psi and the other 13 psi to offer the best example of the alleged alterations in football pressure. He did this because he believes allot of QBs are talking off assumptions rather than really knowing what was done. After feeling both he said the difference was negligible. No big deal at all. In fact, he said he couldn't really tell any difference. Here's the story...

                  So here we have a seasoned quarterback who actually took the Pepsi challenge, instead of talking off the top of his head (or ego). His point of view came from testing it for himself, because I'm big believer that a week ago, you couldn't have found two quarterbacks who could have told you the proper inflation rate let alone tell you the difference if you gave them two balls with the difference sited here. For several days we were led to believe by the media that the Colts defender who intercepted Brady noticed the difference. That was false. He came out yesterday and said he never noticed anything.

                  So we've had the media on this witch-hunt trying to persuade the public that the Patriots deflated 11 of their 12 footballs so badly that not only did the Colts notice it, but the football grip was akin to holding a Nerf football. All completely false. So the picture becomes pretty clear to me... We have footballs that were not noticeable to anyone. So who had the forethought and the incentive to even look this direction to begin with? One person - John Harbaugh. The man who was made to look pretty foolish against the Patriots when he claimed they were "cheating" by making substitutions they could not identify. The NFL looked into it and said they did not. Brady jabbed back by saying publicly, "Maybe he should check the rule book." How convenient. A man on a mission for revenge. A article released yesterday quietly looked this direction.

                  So now we have a guy who was so p*ssed off and humiliated, he went looking for dirt. He makes a claim secretly to the Colts, NOT the NFL. Why is that? Why didn't he notify the NFL? And if the Colts were notified, is that the truth behind how these balls came to be evaluated? And how did 11 out of 12 go bad? Why not all 12? And what were the air pressure in those eleven? Were they all deflated to the same weight or vary greatly? And how is it only one would meet the passing grade if someone on the team intended for Brady to have an advantage? It stinks of a set up.

                  I fully believe someone with this thought in mind saw the opening to gain access to those footballs while they were unattended and set the Patriots up. It makes no sense for the Patriots to purposely deflate 11 of 12 balls and perform worse than when they had properly inflated balls. Brady's stats were measurably better in the second half when he had the properly inflated ball versus the first half when he was throwing with doctored balls. In the first half Brady was 11-21 with 1 touchdown and 1 interception. The second half he was 12-14 with 2 touchdowns and no interceptions. Stats don't lie.

                  The NFL has already interviewed 40 people and is reviewing security film and doing tests to see who was close to the footballs after inspection. I fully expect the investigation will exonerate Brady, the coaches, and most likely examine people on the staff to see if anyone was pulled into a scheme to set them up. The Patriots have many an enemy with a axe to grind (Harbaugh the latest). I think someone saw an opening and took advantage. And I think the media is culpable for not examining the common sense facts of the case before rendering judgments. Because it was the Patriots, everyone leaped. What a great setup...almost.
                  That was a well thought out post. And I believe it comes from a non-biased person(you're not a Pats fan correct?). I have also heard(as you mentioned)that playing with an under inflated football isn't an hurts the Quarterbacks throwing ability.


                  • MIB41
                    Eloquent Member
                    • Sep 25, 2005
                    • 15631

                    We're all still sitting here still saying, "Wow." You have Lynch in iconic beast mode and you're a little over a yard from taking the lead and you throw a PASS? REALLY? You have Lynch and you throw a pass? Let me just say it again... YOU HAVE LYNCH AND YOU THROW A PASS? Incredible. And yep, Bat, I am a Pats fan so I am happy from that respect, but my heart ABSOLUTELY goes out to Seahawks fans. Let me just add it was one heck of a defense of their crown. They should hold their heads up with pride. I have nothing but respect for them, especially after that last game. So I salute all Seahawks fans out there. I'm confident they will be back. I did want Brady to get a fourth trophy but man... that was crazy. He broke allot of all time records tonight too, so he had a good game. Really both teams played well. This lived up to the hype.


                    • The Bat
                      Batman Fanatic
                      • Jul 14, 2002
                      • 13412

                      Dynasty!! Nuff Said!


                      • Random Axe
                        The Voice of Reason
                        • Apr 16, 2008
                        • 4518

                        They might as well have kicked a field goal at that point. The players deserved the win. The coaches and coordinators took it from them. Lynch won't speak to anyone for six months...
                        I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she dumped me before we met.

                        If anyone here believes in psychokinesis, please raise my hand.


                        • Hector
                          el Hombre de Acero
                          • May 19, 2003
                          • 31852

                          Hey, Sherman...u mad, bro?



                          • MIB41
                            Eloquent Member
                            • Sep 25, 2005
                            • 15631

                            I will add the officiating was once again substandard in this game. And that's not to suggest any team won because of it. I don't believe in blaming officials for a win or loss. Teams have their chances. This one was no different. But the refs were pretty bad on the calls, getting the players right who caused the fouls, or even getting the down right after the penalty. They were pretty bad. The NFL has allot of work to do in the offseason. Great game though.


                            • megomania
                              Persistent Member
                              • Jan 2, 2010
                              • 2174

                              Originally posted by Hector
                              Hey, Sherman...u mad, bro?
                              Karma. Can't walk around like 53 Loudmouth punks all year. Notice Klassy Bruce Irvin throwing a punch and getting kicked out. That's a Pete Carroll coached team for you.


                              • megomania
                                Persistent Member
                                • Jan 2, 2010
                                • 2174

                                Originally posted by MIB41
                                I will add the officiating was once again substandard in this game. And that's not to suggest any team won because of it. I don't believe in blaming officials for a win or loss. Teams have their chances. This one was no different. But the refs were pretty bad on the calls, getting the players right who caused the fouls, or even getting the down right after the penalty. They were pretty bad. The NFL has allot of work to do in the offseason. Great game though.
                                Seriously? This was the best officiated game of the playoffs. They missed one call - should have been roughing the kicker on the first punt. Other than that how can you say the officiating was subpar?

