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Your top fav SCROOGE movies

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  • Mikey
    Verbose Member
    • Aug 9, 2001
    • 47246

    Your top fav SCROOGE movies

    Mine would be--- in order

    1. Scrooge (Finney---- Thank you very much)

    2. Scrooge (with Alastair Sim)

    3. A Christmas Carol (with Gene Lockhart as Bob Cratchit)

    4. Mr MaGoo's Christmas Carol

    5. Scrooged (Bill Murray)
  • Dave Mc
    • Oct 20, 2002
    • 17827

    Scrooged is probably my favorite interpretation. Probably because I'm in the TV biz.


    • mitchedwards
      Mego Preservation Society
      • May 2, 2003
      • 11781

      The one with George G Scott as scrooge is my favorite
      The one with Patrick Stewart as scrooge is my second

      Think B.A. Where did you hide the Megos?


      • huedell
        Museum Ball Eater
        • Dec 31, 2003
        • 11069

        I like the IDEA in theory---ya know---the ghosts and whatever---

        But the only one I can watch straight through is SCROOGED (Bill Murray)

        Roger Ebert and others big in the movie/critic biz have derided SCROOGED for
        having a protagonist who is rotten much of the movie and then makes an awkward,
        rushed (i.e. unrealistic) change at the very end...altho' I can kinda see where
        they are coming from, I still don't buy it---from almost the very START of the ghosts'
        presence, Murray's character is having pangs of regret (at his childhood home in
        the "past" segment).

        "C'mon, let's be honest, Lew. You PAID for the women!"
        - Frank Cross

        Great movie Love it.

        If I watch it with my family this Christmas I will certainly get choked up---
        haven't seen it for a while.
        "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


        • raider5gt
          Museum Tree Cutter
          • Nov 25, 2007
          • 1911

          My favourite Scrooge is Scrooged with Bill Murray also,the Scrooge Patrick Stewart is in,is not bad either.

          Never stand behind a cow when it sneezes.


          • Earth 2 Chris
            Verbose Member
            • Mar 7, 2004
            • 32591

            Alastair Sim is tops for me.

            Followed by Finney, Scott, Stewart, Magoo and Mickey.

            Scrooged is a lot of fun, but I don't consider it a real adaptation of the material.



            • The Toyroom
              The Packaging King
              • Dec 31, 2004
              • 16653

              Hands down it's Alastair Sim...accept no substitutes! And it's gotta be the black and white version, not the re-colored one!
              Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!


              • jwyblejr
                galactic yo-yo
                • Apr 6, 2006
                • 11147

                The one with Scrooge McDuck. Who better to play Scrooge than Scrooge?


                • Mikey
                  Verbose Member
                  • Aug 9, 2001
                  • 47246

                  One I haven't seen since forever was the Rich Little one.

                  Anybody remember that ?

                  All I can remember--- I think

                  W.C. Fields was Scrooge
                  Richard Nixon was Jacob Marley
                  Johnny Carson was the nephew.

                  all played by Little--of course


                  • toys2cool
                    Ultimate Mego Warrior
                    • Nov 27, 2006
                    • 28605

                    I like the Scrooged with Bill Murray & A Diva's Christmas Carol with Vanessa Williams,Just saw that one the other day on Lifetime with my wife and it was pretty good
                    Last edited by toys2cool; Dec 20, '07, 6:59 PM.
                    "Time to nut up or shut up" -Tallahassee

                    My stuff on facebook Incompatible Browser | Facebook


                    • kingdom warrior
                      OH JES!!
                      • Jul 21, 2005
                      • 12478

                      Alastair Sim
                      Albert Finney
                      Bill Murray
                      Muppet Christmas Carol
                      George C Scott


                      • The Bat
                        Batman Fanatic
                        • Jul 14, 2002
                        • 13412

                        The Patrick Stewart one, is the ONLY one I watch now! He's just such a great Actor!


                        • The Toyroom
                          The Packaging King
                          • Dec 31, 2004
                          • 16653

                          Originally posted by type1kirk
                          One I haven't seen since forever was the Rich Little one.

                          Anybody remember that ?

                          All I can remember--- I think

                          W.C. Fields was Scrooge
                          Richard Nixon was Jacob Marley
                          Johnny Carson was the nephew.

                          all played by Little--of course

                          An HBO staple for years! The VHS was very pricey (out of print) the last couple of years but I thought it was being released to DVD this year.???
                          Anyway I forgot about tracking down a copy (again!)...maybe next year.
                          Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!


                          • Zemo
                            Still Smokin'
                            • Feb 14, 2006
                            • 3888

                            Originally posted by The Toyroom
                            Hands down it's Alastair Sim...accept no substitutes! And it's gotta be the black and white version, not the re-colored one!
                            Yes Yes and Yes! Scared me as a little kid. Love it!


                            • ramsey37
                              • Jun 18, 2001
                              • 0

                              I've always loved the musical "Scrooge" with Albert Finney. This time of year, the "I Hate People" song pops into my head alot at work

