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C/2010 X1

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  • LonnieFisher
    Eloquent Member
    • Jan 19, 2008
    • 10878

    Originally posted by Werewolf
    NASA Jet Propulsion Lab official website:
    JPL Small-Body Database Browser
    Once again I'll post this link to the official small body browser. Just click the "orbit diagram" button and see for yourself NASA still has it as a valid comet. The orbit diagram still shows it the same.


    • johnmiic
      • Sep 6, 2002
      • 8427

      I understand your concern in one respect. I recall The Great Comet Crash in 1989,(?) when Shoemaker-Levy was torn apart by Jupiter's gravity. It became 19+ separate fragments and slammed into Jupiter like rapid-fire bullets. People were very concerned about it then but memory fades and people have forgotten how serious a situation it could have been.

      Even if c/2010 X1, Elenin, broke up that doesn't mean it vaporized. Smaller fragments could still be orbiting the solar system similar to Shoemaker-Levy. That's probably why NASA still has it on its website. They need confirmation on what remains of the comet before they take it down or re-classify it. That would be the reasonable explanation. The MSNBC article is missing some info. They said the comet is smaller than average. Smaller than what exactly? Small pieces can still pose a threat to Earth.

      In the recent past, NASA has withheld info on comets & asteroids that were going to pass close by because they could not accurately predict that they would miss the Earth. They would only announce it after they knew so people wouldn't panic. If this is just a comet I don't think we have to worry because the international community is also following it and if the US or NASA were withholding info I think another country would sound an alarm. From that article I see no mention of this object behaving unusually. What articles do you know of that make those claims? What has it done to make it seem unusual? I also have a friend who knows about these things. I'll ask him about it too.


      • thunderbolt
        Hi Ernie!!!
        • Feb 15, 2004
        • 34211

        Originally posted by LonnieFisher
        Doomsday? Again with the doomsday? Where was that in what I ever wrote? Impact? I never wrote that either. It seems like others think they know my opinion. You do not. No earth ending or comet impact, and no 2012 end. It's not my opinion or what I've ever said. I think it's funny the end of the world B.S. that most think of when the "comet" and it's effect is mentioned.
        So does anybody know anything about C/2010 X1?
        Uhh, you are the one that posted all the links about the President being ordered to the Denver bunker and all the other links that suggest the President is going to be hidden before that supposed arrival of the comet.
        You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


        • ctc
          Fear the monkeybat!
          • Aug 16, 2001
          • 11183

          >So does anybody know anything about C/2010 X1?

          Are you referring to the debate over it's trajectory, and how some folks think it's movement is akin to an artificial, controlled object? I think the Exit Mundi post mentions that sort of behaviour.

          Don C.


          • megomania
            Persistent Member
            • Jan 2, 2010
            • 2174

            Originally posted by LonnieFisher
            So I think everybody should put at least an hour into researching it. It could change some peoples lives.
            If I had an hour to spend researching something, it wouldn't be this subject.....


            • LonnieFisher
              Eloquent Member
              • Jan 19, 2008
              • 10878

              It's supposed to be the only comet to not have a trajectory to be a returner. It going to pass and never come back. All other comets are supposed to orbit and not come around once. Whenever we have celestial shows going on, the sky in Oregon is cloudy. I was hoping to see it go by, but the weather here just started getting rainy a few days ago. It went from the high 90's to the high 60's in two days. Clear skies are over until probably May. If it really broke up, I think there might be some great meteor showers.(for those without cloudy skies)
              I remember when I was in the fifth grade, there was a solar eclipse, but we were at school and they wouldn't let us watch it. They said we would go blind. We had to miss recess and they kept all the curtains closed.
              I was really excited about the comet until the clouds rolled in. I almost bought a used telescope this summer to try to see it. Now I'm glad I didn't. Anybody in non-cloudy areas have a telescope?


              • TEXASFETT
                #1 Bounty Hunter
                • Aug 29, 2008
                • 1473

                Man this is the thread of the week ! I wasn't aware but now I am thanks for the info. But if we where gonna get hit by something crazy and not live to see the next day......Well thank god for the Mego Museum!


                • LonnieFisher
                  Eloquent Member
                  • Jan 19, 2008
                  • 10878

                  Well, the comet is supposed to be between us and the sun tomorrow and the next day. I haven't heard any official anything about it breaking up or not. There's almost no information (lots of speculation, but no facts) anywhere about it. I really want to see it! Comets are sort of rare to see. Did anybody see Haley's comet in 1986?


                  • johnmiic
                    • Sep 6, 2002
                    • 8427

                    Didn't see Haley's. I did see one with binoculars in 1996(?), 1997(?), in the fall/winter in Long Island, NY. I forget the name. My friend said he had not heard any unusual buzz about C/2010 X1. It seems to be treated as an interesting curiosity. I think Huffington Post had a video of it disappearing when it encountered the Sun. Try a search on AOL or Huff Post.

